Hello, friends! I hope this email find you happy and well. I have an exciting (and FUN) giveaway happening on the blog (more on that below). But first

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Hello, friends! I hope this email find you happy and well. I have an exciting (and FUN) giveaway happening on the blog (more on that below). But first I wanted to share a recent post that came as a result of lots of questions I get from readers:

How do I get started using essential oils?


Thankfully you don't need years and years of expertise to use essential oils for personal or even medicinal uses. Still, the big world of EOs can get intimidating. Read my steps to get started easily and reap the benefits quickly here.


Pssst! Don't forget you have until the end of this month to "Name Your Price" on all TYB ebooks. Learn more here.


FUN giveaway! "Pick Your Door"

Ready for a chance to win one of three amazing prizes? Of course you are! Hop on over to the blog and enter here.

Have a happy and healthy week!

~ Robin


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