* * * News & Quick-bits: 21 April 2017 * * * Homeopathy - Better than Antibiotics In four controlled clinical trials, homeopathic remedies reliev

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News & Quick-bits: 21 April 2017


Homeopathy - Better than Antibiotics

In four controlled clinical trials, homeopathic remedies relieved earaches and infections, worked faster than antibiotics – often within hours – and the infection was less likely to return in children treated with homeopathy. Read more | Comment


Remedies for Chloasma

Chloasma mostly appears as brown or grey patches around the forehead, temples and mouth. It's commonly associated with hormonal changes and pregnancy in women, and occasionally tuberculosis or malaria in men. Read about key homeopathic remedies for its treatment.Read more | Comment


Musculoskeletal Research

Chronic musculoskeletal and rheumatic disorders create pain and immobility. Sufferers turn to alternative treatments, one of those being homeopathy, as a way to avoid adverse drug reactions and side-effects. But what does the research show? Read more | Comment


Homeopathy for Impetigo

Antibiotics underpin the conventional treatment of impetigo (school sores) but calls for their restriction in the face of increasing bacterial resistance means their future is less certain. Homeopathy doesn't create resistance and is routinely used for impetigo. Read how it helps.Read more | Comment


Hyland's Teething Update

Hylands homeopathic pharmacy says it has recalled its two Teething Tablets products at the request of the FDA even though both products met the Company's safety limit tests and fell within an established safety threshold.
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Bootle and Leaves - Cropped

This Week's 3 Specials

Offer 1: Ipecacuanha (Ip.) 30C Pills – 70% Off! Start building your homeopathy kit with a different AU$5.00 remedy each week. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Colic Relief Complex
Each bottle contains a mix of homeopathic remedies traditionally used foe the symptoms of pain or distension associated with infant colic. Just AU$21.45 while on special (normally AU$26.95) - save AU$5.50. More info | Buy now

Offer 3: Coccinella (Cocc-s) - Safely Deter Aphids and Other Soft-bodied Insects
Cocc-s. safely protects your plants from aphids and other sucking, munching soft-bodied pests. Normally AU$18.00 - pay just AU$12.00. More info | Buy Now

Specials end midnight on Monday, 24th April, 2017 (UTC/GMT -8 hours).
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Previous Stories...


Natural Immunization, Homeoprophylaxis & Choice

We were thrilled to see the Truth About Vaccine series cover homeopathy's ability to stimulate immunity against infectious disease. We were also pleased to see it drew from info we've distributed worldwide over the past 12 years. What we had always hoped is coming to pass - that communities know about safe protection with homeopathy so that the risks and limitations of vaccines can be avoided. Read more | Comment


Governments Stop Epidemics With Homeopathy. Yes they do!

We regularly run this story to counter the misinformation that homeopathy doesn't work and can't prevent epidemic disease. It can, and it does. Read which countries use it for protection, and against what infections. Read more | Comment


Know Your Remedies - Ipecacuanha (Ip.)

Ipecacuanha treats types of nausea and vomiting, especially when accompanied by complaints such as pain, bleeding (haemorrhage), asthma or bronchitis. The person who needs Ipecac may be thirstless and ... Read more | Comment


Homeopathic Help for Pneumonia

The symptoms of pneumonia - a dry cough, or one that produces a thick yellowish, greenish phlegm, wheezing, coughing up of blood, difficult breathing, and more - are helped by homeopathy. Read which remedies, and when.
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Small Remedies

A Doctor's Experience

Read aboutf Dr Rastogi's experiences of treating patients with homeopathy. He tells how remedies have helped cancer patients (alongside conventional medicines), treated shoulder and heel pain, softened scar tissue, improved vision, and more.
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From the Archives...


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The information in our publications is from the homeopathic perspective. It may not be endorsed or recommeneded by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page may not reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Please see a trusted healthcare provider for advice on health problems not suitable for home management. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website: www.homeopathyplus.com.au

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