
Round Tuit

In this issue

1. Round Tuit
2. Why a Closing Date?
3. Colin's Success.
4. Be Quick! Better get Round Tuit!
1. Round Tuit
2. Why a Closing Date?
3. Colin's Success.
4. Be Quick! Better get Round Tuit!
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Round Tuit

We are all busy people and say to ourselves that we must get around to doing ..... whatever....only to find that we never do.

You may find that you'll regret not getting "Round Tuit".

If you are one of those people who would really, really like to learn how a dog thinks, what it's going to do next, what to teach it (and in which order), what to feed your dog, what NOT to feed your dog, how to select the right dog...and I could go on and on. Then you better get "Round Tuit" and enrol in the upcoming Working Dog Training Schools -- because the entries are due to close very soon.

The following courses have a limited number of positions left. If you want to come. You better get "Round Tuit".

1. 23/24/25 August 2019 - Fundamentals Working Dog Training School - near Donnybrook.
2. 30/31 August & 1st September 2019 - Fundamentals Working Dog Training School - near Donnybrook.
3. 7/8/9 September 2019 - Fundamentals Working Dog Training School - near Hyden
4. 16/17/18 September 2019 - Intermediate Working Dog Training School - near Donnybrook.
1. 23/24/25 August 2019 - Fundamentals Working Dog Training School - near Donnybrook.
2. 30/31 August & 1st September 2019 - Fundamentals Working Dog Training School - near Donnybrook.
3. 7/8/9 September 2019 - Fundamentals Working Dog Training School - near Hyden
4. 16/17/18 September 2019 - Intermediate Working Dog Training School - near Donnybrook.

Why a Closing Date?l

Every Fundamentals Working Dog Training School requires a great deal of preparation. Here are just a few:
Classroom facilities
Student Course Notes
Student Handouts
Catering requirements
Training Yard Setup
Training Aids
Video Facilities
Sound Facilities
White Boards
Teaching Aids
etc. etc.

You can't run the most professional Working Dog Training School in Australia unless we have the time to prepare.
Hence we have a closing date. After that more enrolments.


Sometimes we don't ever get to the closing date, because that particular course is booked out with the maximum student intake.

Get "Round Tuit". Click on the following button:

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Colin and his Dogs. Pages Rowdy and Charlie

Colin to host the Hyden School

Colin and Jacinta, like all hard working farmers, have a million things to do and only a day to do them in. Those of us on the land know full well how that feels.

In between all the things he has to do, he has taken the time to invest in the discipline required to train his dogs with Ben Pages Natural Method. He and Jacinta did their Fundamentals in July 2017.

The time he has taken, has paid him a million times over. He now does all his stock work without stress on himself, his wife, or his sheep.

Both Colin and Jacinta were part of the "distance learning" system of the Working Dog Centre.

They have enrolled in the next stage - called the "Intermediate Working Dog Training School" - and will learn a lot of the tricks of the trade to make stock work even easier! No noise. No hurry. No shouting. Happy wife. (The happy wife bit is very important).

He and Jacinta will now graciously host the upcoming Fundamentals near Hyden, and the attending students are going to be using one of the best Round Yards I have ever seen...thanks to Colin.


Colin's dog Charlie. You can't teach a dog to back "scientifically" unless you've got the Fundamentals right.

Last chance to get "Round Tuit"

By the time this Newsletter appears in your inbox or on Facebook, you will have 8 days to get your enrolment in.

Don't be one of the many who will say that one day you'll get "Round Tuit". Best do it now!

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Australia 08 8667 5484

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