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The Washington Civil War Round Table meets the 4th Monday of each month, except December, in the 2nd floor ballroom of the historic Fitzpatrick Hotel.


Financing the Civil War - Southern and Northern Banking Systems and Money



February 24, 6:00 p.m.
Fitzpatrick Hotel on The Square, Washington, GA


Mr. Phillip Whiteman of Alpharetta, GA, will present “Financing the Civil War - Southern and Northern Banking Systems and Money” to the Washington Civil War Round Table on Monday evening, February 24 at 6:00 p.m., in the second floor ballroom of the historic Fitzpatrick Hotel (1898) located on The Square in Washington, Georgia.

In order to finance the Civil War both Southern and Northern governments had only four options. They could impose more and new taxes, they could borrow or sell government securities, they could sell government assets including land or they could just print more money. Both the Union and the Confederacy printed more money, lots more money, without anything other than the governments’ pledge to back it up. The printing of an almost endless supply of unbacked money by the Confederacy, and to a somewhat lesser extent by the Union, added to the growing problems that affected their individual economies. After the Civil War, America never looked at money and banking the same way as it had prior to The War.

Mr. Whiteman’s presentation will focus on the forms of money used by then Union and the Confederacy. It was the first time since the American Revolution that the Union had issued paper money. The Confederate government issued paper money seven different times and the Southern states issued their own individual paper money. It is during the Civil War that the Union issued the first “greenbacks”, money printed on both sides. Up until the “greenbacks” were issued, paper money was only printed on one side with the back side left blank.

This the one program that will inform you as well as be very enjoyable - don’t miss it! You will learn a lot.


2020 Dues are NOW due!

The 2020 annual dues for the Washington Civil War Round Table are now due. We are able to hold the price of our dues to the same amount as they have been for the last 16 years – $25/year for an individual and $35/year for families!! If only our government could do half as well. Please bring your dues to the meeting.

If you cannot make it to the meeting this month, please make out your check to "Washington CWRT" and mail it to our Treasurer:

Butch Smith
2368 Cleveland Drive
Elberton, GA 30635

cwrt reservations header

If you are on the Permanent Reservation List, you do not need to make reservations. But PLEASE let us know when you are NOT planning to attend! We drop members from the Permanent Reservations List who do not let us know that they are not coming. As Gov. Zell Miller said, "Two Strikes and you are out."


If you are NOT on the Permanent Reservations List, we DO NEED your reservations. Please do so, as soon as possible, by e-mailing or by calling (404)210-5811 and leaving a message.

After 12:00 p.m. Friday, make reservations ONLY by calling (404)210-5811 and leaving a message.


Bring a Friend!

FLAG-Third National

And as always, we will be displaying the third national flag of the Confederacy and doing so proudly and with the honor and the respect that it deserves.

Membership in the Washington Civil War Round Table is open to everyone interested in the War Between the States and new members can join at the meeting.

Anita and I are hoping that you are enjoying the Washington Civil War Round Table!

Claibourne Darden

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