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crucial conversations

_I invite CBS members to join in a session to learn about Crucial Conversations. To join, click on the link below at “Joining info_

Introduction to Crucial Conversations

Sun Aug 9, 2020 from 6pm – 7pm Eastern Time - New York

Join with Google Meet
Joining Info:

As a CBS member, you are invited to attend an introductory session on learning about crucial conversations. This video session is an introduction to familiarize you with crucial conversations as a tool for conflict resolution and improved relationships.

In the session I will:

▪ Describe the definition of a crucial conversation
▪ Explain the silence to violence continuum
▪ Explain what happens in the brain
▪ Discuss the skill of getting unstuck
▪ Discuss the skill of unbundling with Concept, Pattern, and Relationship (CPR)
▪ Explain the skill to Start with the Heart
▪ Explain what Master my Stories means
▪ Run an exercise where everyone participates to understand the concept of shared meaning
▪ Session review and interest to continue is crucial conversation sessions

Please have handy 6 blank sheets of paper, a sharpee, or magic marker.

Feel free to email me or call me with questions about the session at

Gabriel Lifschitz

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