CStreet Communique Header

Next Commercial Club meeting:

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 6:00 pm

Upstairs, 299 East Commercial, at Robberson

Thank You C-Street Residents!

Our Community Improvement District sales tax passed with 75% YES vote! This slight increase will add 1/8 cent to the 3/8 cent we collected for the last 10 years. The new sales tax will go into effect January 1, 2020 and will be in place for 15 years. This 1/2 cent per dollar sales tax gives our CID an estimated $50,000 per year to pay for landscaping, trash and snow and ice removal, street banners & furniture, advertising, event support and more. We are updating our list of C-Street businesses that collect sales tax and promise to put those half-pennies to work making C-Street more special every day! Our CID holds public meetings every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am at Drury on C-Street, NW corner at Robberson. All are welcome; come weigh in on how we spend our funds!

C-Street Video Project

Brian Shipman's Drury Video students will be shooting C-Street businesses, gardens and streetscapes clear through Thanksgiving. They will be dropping in to ask permission to shoot interiors and maybe do an interview or two. We know they will be warmly welcomed cause that's what we do best! We're sure to get some great footage to use in future advertising for the district so get those front windows ready and rearrange those displays!

Projects Update; What Next?

Come weigh in on the designs for three TIF projects underway and give feedback on our next wave of projects. Eric Claussen of Springfield Public Works Department will take input on design proposed for the two pedestrian ways (Tickle Alley & alleyway across from Market Pavilion) and the public parking area at Jefferson behind Van Gogh's. The city is hoping to complete these projects, approved at public meetings the last two years, as soon as possible. Sarah Kerner, Economic Development Director, will update us on balance of funds available and take input on future projects.




New, New, New & Improved!

How exciting to have two brand new businesses opening at the same time and a newly reinvented business from long-time C-Streeters Marty & Gina of Sisters in Thyme...they've crossed the ocean and gone Italian on us! Ensley & Swann has enjoyed a steady stream of excited shoppers and C-Streeters welcoming them to the street. They will be celebrating their new digs at their Grand Opening on Saturday, September 14...put it on your calendar today!

Hannah DeVries' Lightbox Lightbox is a small event space and styled photo studio at Washington, on the C-Street roundabout. The plan is to provide a unique environment for small events, meetings, photo sessions and other creative collaborations. Watch Historic C-Street FB page for invitation to their Grand Opening later this month! In the meanwhile, check out this incredible, new C-Street space:

Lightbox 2pics 1
4 Projects 1

Under Construction

Check out just some of the improvements underway; everywhere you look, there is either a major project, enhancement or maintenance in progress. Our C-Street entrepreneurs take a lot of pride in these historic buildings!


C-Street City Market

April through October
Saturdays: 9am-2pm
Thursdays: 4-8pm

321 E. Commercial Street, in the shadow of the Jefferson Avenue Footbridge. It's the "Sweetest Little Market in Town!"

Contact Amy Truitt, our Market Manager, if you're interested in being a day vendor or a seasonal vender by going to C-Street City Market on Facebook or by clicking HERE.


Check out our Weekly, Monthly & Annual Events



C-Street Organizations & Meetings Times

Commercial Club meeting (open to public):

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 6:00 pm
Commercial Club Building | 299 E. Commercial Street (upstairs)
Open to Public

Meet your neighbors, see what's new, and help shape the future of our great district!

Commercial Club Board Meeting (members only)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 5:30 pm
Commercial Club Building | 299 E. Commercial Street (upstairs)
Current Commercial Club Members and Board Members Only

Commercial Street Community Improvement District Board Meeting (open to public):

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 10:00 am
Drury on C-Street | 233 E. Commercial Street
Open to Public

Merchant Meetings (open to public)

Wednesdays - weekly at 9 am
Big Mommas Coffee & Espresso Bar | 217 E. Commercial Street
Open to public.

Open to Merchants, Residents, friends of C-Street


Join Commercial Club Online; It's Easy to Support All the Fun that is C-Street!

Commercial Club has been representing the Commercial Street community and supporting community efforts for over a century and continues to be the heart and driving force of our sweet street!

While many of our accomplishments come from volunteer efforts and resources, many community projects require funding. The annual budget of the Commercial Club is generated by a combination of membership dues and donations and is used to fund our C-Street City Market, district advertising, assisting with community projects and supporting special events. Come to the monthly meetings to hear about news and happenings in the community and to voice your opinion and share your thoughts on current and future projects for the betterment of the district. And it's just fun to meet your neighbors too!

Help support the continued growth and bright future of C-Street! To join, go to www.historiccstreet.com.

CStreetMap 2019

Join Online Today; Get your own copy of the new 2019 updated Laminated C-Street Map!

Commercial Club is offering a laminated copy of this great C-Street map at its full size, 12" x 24" to merchants, friends and residents who pay their 2019 dues online. Dues are not prorated; any dues we receive through the last quarter of 2019 will be considered to be for 2019 memberships.

Commercial Club Board Members

Mary Collette, President
Property & Business Owner
Andy Walls, Vice President
Resident, Property & Business Owner
Anne Walls, Treasurer
Resident, Property & Business Owner
Irene Schaefer, Secretary
Property & Business Owner
Christine Schilling
Resident, Property & Business Owner
Joe Gidman
Property & Business Owner
Teresa Emerson
Property Owner

Have newsworthy items?

Just reply to this email.

We'd love to include you!

Newsletter is published early each month. Reply to this email at least two days before publishing date to send us newsworthy items.

Commercial Club of Springfield, Missouri

299 E. Commercial | Springfield, MO 65803 | www.historicCstreet.com


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“The future is not in the hands of fate, but in ours.” ~Jules Jusserand

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