Weekly Memos New Logo - white background

This Week at St. Mark February 20-27, 2022


Sunday, February 20

9:00 A.M. Worship with Live-Stream & Installation of Council
10:00 A.M. Fellowship Hour with coffee and donuts
10:10 A.M. Sunday School
10:10 A.M. Adult Forum
11:00 A.M. Worship
6:30 P.M. Youth Group

Monday, February 21

10:30 A.M. Classic Chorale Rehearsing

Tuesday, February 22

10:00 A.M. Staff Meeting
11:30 A.M. St. Mark Duplicate Bridge
7:00 P.M. Council Meeting

Wednesday, February 23

9:00 A.M. Women's Bible Study
9:00 A.M. Men's Bible Study
9:30 A.M. St. Mark Ringers
5:30 P.M. Good News Bearers
6:30 P.M. Confirmation
7:00 P.M. Voices of St. Mark

Thursday, February 24

9:00 A.M. Cherry Valley Bridge Group
12:30 P.M. Sew and Sews
6:30 P.M. Emotions Anonymous

Friday, February 25

7:30 A.M. St. Mark Breakfast Group

Saturday, February 26

3:00 P.M. Train Group

Sunday, February 27 Bold Women Sunday

9:00 A.M. Worship with Live-Stream
10:00 A.M. Fellowship Hour with coffee and donuts
10:10 A.M. Sunday School
10:10 A.M. Adult Forum
11:00 A.M. Worship
6:30 P.M. Youth Group


News and Events


Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
9:00 am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary (Prelude will begin at 8:55)
10:00 am - Fellowship hour
10:10 am - Sunday School
10:10 am - Adult Forum in the Adult Ministry Room
11:00 am - Praise Service in Fellowship Hall

Our weekly live-stream will occur during the 9:00 am Sanctuary service, with the prelude starting at 8:55.

Follow this link for the live-stream service Sunday.

Annual Meeting clipart

St Mark’s Annual Meeting Was a Success
Last Sunday we voted on Executive Council, Council, Committee Members, Delegates and passed the 2022 budget with 107 votes.

Congratulations to the following Council members and Committee members that got elected for the 2022 year. Executive Council members: Vickie Cesna-President, Jessica Stanek-Vice President, Justin Egler -Secretary, Ryan Moore-Treasurer, Council members: Jodi Bjerke, Jimmy Ivacic, Kraig Reichwald, and Barry Tillis.

Vickie DePorter was voted for the Audit Committee, Steve Carter for the Endowment Committee, Pat Coffman for the Nominating Commiteee and Bob and Karen Osolin are the 2022 Synod Delegates.

Thank you to Kraig Reichwald, our council president for the past two years. He did a fantastic job of leading the council and the congregation in uncertain times.

Pastor Chad presented a recap of the Senior Pastor’s Report. Highlights included the following:
• All of the different ways and places St Mark has worshipped in the past year
• The new Sunday schedule of services which allows for families to worship together in church and then children can attend Sunday School while adults attend the Adult Forums.
• The calling of Pastor Katrina
• Highlights of what he would like to accomplish this summer during his Sabbatical, including the birth of the McKenna’s 2nd child.

Pastor expressed his gratitude for the staff, Pastor Katrina and Pastor Chuck and asked them to stand and be recognized by the Voters. Pastor added that one of his goals was to eventually be at a point in our budget where we are giving 10% back to our community. He stated he was pleased to announce that we are currently giving back 9 ½% to our own community.

summer intern

Looking for a summer internship?
Attention College-aged members of St. Mark, the Summer Intern application for 2022 is live. Please click here at this link to fill out the application if you are interested in being the Summer Intern. If you have any questions please email Pastor Katrina at prkatrina@stmarklc.com.


Celebrate The Bold Women In Your Life!
Sunday, February 27th, 2022 is Bold Women’s Day. Who are the Bold Women in your life? She could be a family member, friend, professor, or any woman who you feel acted or is acting boldly. How have these women boldly lived out their faith? On February 20th, look for the table in the narthex with slips of paper where you can write down the names of the Bold Women in your life, both past and present. We will display the names on a bulletin board in the hallway. If you are unable to get to church on the 20th and would like to lift up a Bold Woman, please email her name to prkatrina@stmarklc.com and Pastor Katrina will make sure her name gets added to the bulletin board.

Image for Bold Women Sunday
Random Acts of Kindness day

RAK Random Acts of Kindness is happening! Did you do something? Did someone do something for you? There is still time! Pick up the phone and call someone! Write a note! Wave to a neighbor! Hold the door! Return a favor! Thank someone! It doesn’t have to cost anything.

giving statements

Giving Statements
St. Mark has emailed the 2021 Giving Statements. We have also mailed out a few to those who do not have an email address. Please contact Wendy Iversen, Finance Manager, if you have not received your statement at fiance@stmarklc.com or 815-398-3557.

st marks got talent

St. Mark’s Got Talent
Sign-up this Sunday and say you’ll be sharing your talent. We have room for several more “acts.” It could be you!

All are invited to attend on Sunday, March 6, 3:00 P.M. Have questions? Please e-mail melinda@stmarklc.com or call 815-871-0390.


Lenten Devotional Booklets
This year’s Lenten devotional booklets, The Road Back to God, are available now in the Narthex or from the church office. We hope you find insight and inspiration in these daily reflections, scripture, and prayer as we journey through Lent together.


Sunday school students will also receive a copy of Abundant Mercy, a book of daily devotions and activities for school-age children and their families.

Altar Flowers

2022 Altar Flower Chart is Up

Each Sunday we have two beautiful bouquets of flowers on the altar. The 2022 flower chart is up in the narthex on the bulletin board. You may sign up on the chart, call the church office or click on this link. We will continue to purchase them from Cherry Blossom. The price per arrangement will be $40, a slight increase from the past few years due to higher fresh flower costs. If you sign up online, put your memory or honor of in the comment line and pay here or write a check to St. Mark. If you have the mobile app you can do all of it on there. You may take your flowers home after the service or stop by the office during the week to pick them up.

We are back

Good News Bearers Is Back!
Our drama group for kids 2nd through 6th grade meets every Wednesday from 5:30- 6:15 and is led by Pastor Chad. If you are interested please email him for more information, prmckenna@stmarklc.com.


First Tuesday Book Club
The next meeting is Tuesday, March 1 at 1:00. We will meet at church that day. The book is titled “Unsheltered” by Barbara Kingsolver. Gretchen Thornbloom is the hostess and will provide coffee and refreshments. Please let Gretchen know you will be attending, at gretsown@comcast.net.


Quilt and Blanket Blessing
This Sunday, February 20 at both services Pastor Katrina will be blessing 78 quilts and blankets that will be given to Rock House Kids and Habitat for Humanity this coming year. Thank you to the Sew and Sews for putting in many hours to supply the need to these families and children.

Quilts for Habitiat and Rock house in FH 2022
Quilts for Habitat and Rock House 2022
power of prayer

St. Mark Prayer Chain
Would you like to be a part of the St. Mark prayer chain? Prayer requests come into the church office weekly. As we receive prayer requests we would send out an e-mail and ask that you pray daily for the persons mentioned in the requests. All requests are to remain confidential. Please e-mail melinda@stmarklc.com if you would like to participate in the prayer chain. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Colossians 4:2.


Youth Ministry

Youth group

Watch Party!
High School youth are encouraged to attend this Sunday NBA All Star Watch Party. Rockford’s own Fred VanVleet is playing! There will be games, pizza, and treats! We will be celebrating a birthday! Join us Sunday 6:30 P.M.

youth watch party
Ash Wednesday 2 services

Remember In Our Prayers

Our St. Mark members:

Fritzi Panjkovich, Betty Lundvall, Bev Johnson, John and Beth Johnson, Russ Oellig, Tim Vivian, John Lund, Jack Sowl, Lorine Kortus, Jan Cotter, Diane Swanson, Sherri Lindquist, Bette Patterson, Keith Haggestad.

Family and friends of St. Mark members:

Sue Flott, Bob Pollack, Cindy Waddick, Jenny Hobby, Bill King, Jeanne Menzies, Katelynn Audette, Ron Ganschow, Clyde Webster, Conrad Semmelroth, Nici King, Debbie Adams, Linda Johnson, Eva Love Sherbondy, Norma Comstock, Carolyn King.

Those serving in the military and their families:

Hunter Haggestad, Tristan Davenport, Scot Hornick,
Bailey Panjkovich, Jim Tammen, Brandon Ballenger, Taylor Eversole, Dean Barron.

Strengthen and encourage those in public health services and in the medical profession: care-givers, nurses, attendants, doctors, all who commit themselves to care for the sick and their families.


Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Friday - 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.

Telephone: 815-398-3557

St. Mark Memos, the weekly e-newsletter, is distributed each Thursday. The deadline for submission is Monday by 3:00 P.M.
Please click to send submissions.

Worship Services
Miss a Sunday at St. Mark? Please visit our website and watch the service online.
Please click to watch.

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