Fresh From Our Kitchen Tiramisu Yule Log Cake There’s nothing more impressive than bringing a log to Christmas dinner; a tiramisu yule log cake that

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Fresh From Our Kitchen

Tiramisu Yule Log Cake

There’s nothing more impressive than bringing a log to Christmas dinner; a tiramisu yule log cake that is! I don’t believe I’ve ever intrigued my family more with a dessert than when I brought this over to my parents’. Beautiful and delicious. (Click for recipe)
Click here to: PIN it on Pinterest

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Meringue Mushrooms Recipe

These meringue mushrooms are highly prized on Christmas cookie platters and are darling for decorating holiday cakes. (Click for recipe)
Click here to: PIN it on Pinterest

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Active Giveaways

WUSTHOF Santoku Knife Giveaway (3 Winners!!)

Because it’s nearly Christmas and I adore you guys more than you know, we are giving away (3) WÜSTHOF 7-inch Santoku knives. Thank you to our friends at WÜSTHOF for sponsoring this giveaway. (Click here to enter).

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Cuisinart Food Processor Giveaway (2 Winners!!)

Because Christmas is just around the corner and because we appreciate you all, we’re giving away (2) shiny new Cuisinart food processors. Big thank you to Cuisinart for sponsoring this giveaway! (Click here to enter).

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For Email Subscribers Only!

One of you will win my very favorite LeCreuset spatula ⬇️⬇️⬇️
This giveaway is sponsored by us just because we appreciate you :).

If you're subscribed to this newsletter, you're already entered to win - you don't have to do anything else you V.I.P. you. (Ends 12/31/15, Continental US only)

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Bacon Baby

It seems we have a bacon lover on our hands (girl after my own heart) :). Baby D got a taste of bacon this week and she she wasn't happy with me at all when I took it away. Don't worry, no bacon was swallowed in the taking of these photos and it was nitrite free (p.s. Costco has a really good nitrite free thick cut bacon).


My son's class Christmas party was yesterday and I made these "Happy Birthday Jesus" cupcakes. I printed the labels at Staples that I found free via Pinterest, cut them out with a 2" hole punch from hobby lobby, used lolly pop sticks and hot glue gunned the labels on.

I used my Perfect Vanilla Cupcakes recipe and my Cupcake Frosting recipe. The kids absolutely loved the cupcakes :). They sang happy birthday to Jesus before they started their party - it was the sweetest thing!


Stay tuned! I know Many of you are planning your holiday menus. I'll be sharing a wonderful recipe for prime rib and a Christmas cookie video soon!


Be sure to sing Christmas carols at every opportunity and have a joyful week. Thanks for subscribing to our madmimi insider newsletter, you insider you!

Loads of Love, Natasha

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