Workshop Spotlight: Nuno Felting with Carin Engen Have you discovered nuno felting yet? Carin Engen is coming to the CGFF to share with you all the m


Workshop Spotlight: Nuno Felting with Carin Engen

Have you discovered nuno felting yet? Carin Engen is coming to the CGFF to share with you all the magic of turning fiber into fabric. Her Introduction class will introduce you to the tools, materials and methods used to literally paint with fiber. Or try your hand at designing your own felted purse - a work of art by any measure! And if you have previous experience with nuno felting, the Advanced class will take your skills to the next level, introducing you to new fibers and techniques.


Carin Engen

Carin is an award winning fiber artist and workshop instructor who has been using her experimental, playful nature to explore felting and color seriously since 1992. She maintains a studio in Garberville, California where she produces a line of hand dyed wool fabric and fiber as well as her felt art. She is an enthusiastic teacher who encourages innovation in her students work.

To register for Carin's classes or any other 2015 CGFF workshops, visit our website.

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