Here is an excerpt from Gori's Journal - Enjoy! In this excerpt ... Gori describes how much he enjoys dancing. Yeman took me onto the ballroom floor

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Here is an excerpt from Gori's Journal - Enjoy!

In this excerpt ... Gori describes how much he enjoys dancing.

Yeman took me onto the ballroom floor and began to teach me some steps that reminded me of the Sem'ang tribal dances. I caught on quickly and was able to start leading in less than ten minutes of instruction. I spent the rest of the party dancing with the wives of various dignitaries after Attuk or Yeman had introduced me to them. By the end of the evening, I was the life of the party. I had not had so much fun in quite a long time! Part of my fun had involved teaching the band various Cern-Lam songs, and playing dance instructor to the honored guests. It was nearly morning before the party ended.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here

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Expanding Our Transformative Powers

Source: Kenneth Schmitt


As humans we have the opportunity to realize our eternal, infinite awareness and unlimited creative ability. Our human persons are only a masquerade for purposes of experiencing duality as if it is real and to enjoy the physical experience. Beyond the limiting beliefs that we have imposed upon ourselves to create the reality of human life, we can awaken into a completely fulfilling awareness, encompassing the awareness of every conscious being everywhere in unconditional love, compassion and joy. We can know and experience that in our essence we are free spirits, unlimited in whatever we wish to make real with our realization.

In our full awareness, we are multidimensional and can express ourselves as any being we wish to experience, and we can identify with the awareness of anyone. We are all the same essential conscious life, sharing our eternal awareness with everyone. The world of relativity, as Einstein understood it, is a synthetic creation of human consciousness that is dissolving into awareness of quantum expansion, in which the reality is a result of our personal recognition and realization, interacting with energetic expressions.

Humans appear to be fragile and necessarily fearful, lest we be swept up into chaos and suffering or be terminated. This is all a trick we play on ourselves in our consciousness with our limiting beliefs about ourselves. These are all artificial constructs that we have imposed on ourselves and can resolve at will. Because of the fear-based, limiting beliefs on which our ego-consciousness is based, we have been afraid to open ourselves to the truth of our Being. We have been unwilling to believe who we truly are and have not even wondered about our expanded identity.

In the vastness of our consciousness, we are the creative masters of universes and beyond, if this is the desire of our heart. When we are open to our intuition, we can realize the guidance coming through our heart, giving us infinite creative ability in every moment. In our true Being, we are beyond fear and doubt, beyond time and space, eternal in our infinite awareness within the consciousness of the Creator, of whom we are fractals of infinite creative Awareness, constantly and forever flowing divine life force into creative expressions through our moment-to-moment recognition and realization.

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Each Time I Say This, The World Becomes a Better Place

Source: Matt Kahn


As we come together in a heart space of helpfulness and hopefulness for humanity and the planet, let us take this time to say this prayerful intention:

Each time I communicate more kindly, may the oceans be purified. Each time I love myself or another, may all sentient beings reclaim the power of their sovereignty. With each act of generosity, may selfishness have a change of heart. As I become more tolerant, may equality, opportunity, and a greater sense of belonging be provided for all. Each time I offer gratitude, may cruelty find a more humane way of healing its pain. Each time I act from a space of kindness, may humanity align as One.

If these changes and more are the world you wish to see — it always begins with you. It’s not the only solution, but it remains the most viable energetic option you always have the power to embrace along the path of inspired action.

This is the heart of unity consciousnes.

In the spirit of gratefulness, thank you for shining your light for the benefit of all. Your life force energy is an incredible contribution to humanity’s expansion, which flows through you, simply by being exactly as you are.

I am honored to celebrate the One IAM of divine perfection as it so beautifully takes shape and form as a magnificent work of art known as you. I am sending love and blessings to you with each word written, read, and received – from my heart to yours.

All for Love,



Source: Paul White Gold Eagle


Greetings Powerful Healers , Shamans and Sages of the New Earth Rising

We are raising the vibration and frequency of our individual Physical Vessels with our Joy and Bliss and in turn we raise the vibration of this Realm to meet the higher dimensions half way in the Center of all Creation, the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things which is Source Creator. This Universal Truth is Eternal and Unchanging and that which all things rotate around, or we can say expand from and compress into. This is the One Law, the Rise and Fall of all Creation, the leaving and Return to Center, the Kingdom of Heaven within.

All is coming into Divine Resonance of the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres. Once the Expansion was complete we Gently Return to the Center of the Sacred Hoop for Blessed Ceremony in the Covenant with Mother/ Father God. The Fountain of Eternal Life has been reconnected to the Crystalline Core of Pachamama and now streams free and clear to the surface , through inner earth, healing and cleansing all in her Path. The Holy Waters of Shekhinah are flowing freely both internally and externally as all are brought into Divine Union.

Nothing can stop our Great Awakening and all shall be revealed and healed in Divine Time. Our Greatest Dreams and Aspirations have come to fruition in the Quantum Field and as Conscious Co-Creators of the New Heaven and Earth we merge the future Spirit with the Eternal Now through our Rainbow Bridges of Infinite Light.

We ride this storm through the eye of the needle with the Eyes of our Spirits and our Hearts wide open and into the Pure Land of Buddha Cosnciousness. We merge the Power, the Wisdom and the Glory of our Great Divinity into the Sacred Heart Center and Transform into the Guardians of the Light of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!

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