The Results are in

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Street Skills is a free hour-long class for adults and mature teens who want improve their confidence and safety when biking. This online version of our popular class will cover important street riding information in a quick, off-bike/scooter presentation. Class participants will also receive a free bike helmet and bike light set following the class.

The next class will be held online on tonight, Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 6 p.m. Participants will need to schedule a time to pick up their helmet and light set from the MPO office.


We are updating our database of bicycle infrastructure around the Alamo Area. Our GIS team developed an easy to use online map so that you can help us track current bicycle-accommodating infrastructure.

Check out our crowdsourcing app and let us know if we are missing any bicycle facilities!

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AAMPO is updating our bike data and invites you to contribute. Participate through February.


The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) spoke with Wired on the year of driving less, but more dangerously. TTI Center for Safety Director Robert Wunderlich identifies road design solutions to address speeding on roads during the pandemic. Read more.


The Texas A&M Transportation Institute shared a recent Wired article.


If you've been worried about unexpected circumstances derailing your commute, our Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program can allay those fears. If you've taken a smart commute to work and you have an emergency, the Alamo Commutes ERH will pay for your trip home - up to $50 per trip, up to four times per year. Our latest Alamo Commutes blog answers some frequently asked ERH questions.

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Redeem your Emergency Ride Home voucher on the app or website. Source: Getty Images

North St Marys Public Meeting

Construction on the North St. Mary's Street corridor in San Antonio is about to begin. Find out more.

Construction will be starting soon for improvements on North St. Mary's Street (from East Mistletoe Avenue to West Josephine Street). The improvements will include new sidewalks and bike lanes, as appropriate and within available funding. A virtual public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 6 p.m.

Find out more.


The WTS San Antonio Region chapter brings you a conversation with TxDOT San Antonio District Engineer Gina Gallegos on February 25, 2021 at noon. Registration is free and ends February 24.


Gina Gallegos began her role as San Antonio District Engineer on January 1, 2021.

ART Fast Track

AACOG's Alamo Regional Transit is providing free rides to COVID-19 vaccine appointments for residents age 60+ and/or veterans. Please call (866) 889-7433 and say vaccination when calling.

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A woman boards a VIAtrans vehicle. Photo source: VIA Metropolitan Transit

VIA is seeking bus and van riders, and those who work with organizations supporting the disability community, to serve on the VIA Accessible Transit Advisory Committee (ATAC). The ATAC was created by the VIA Board of Trustees to study and review issues concerning the accessibility of VIA programs and services.

The ATAC, which includes five VIA trustees and seven community Liaisons, meets three to four times a year, where staff and Liaison members participate in discussions and respond to questions from VIA trustees.

Community Liaisons are comprised of members who serve in religious or educational activities, neighborhood associations and civic, volunteer or advocacy groups. Three of the Community Liaison positions are designated for transit riders.

Currently, there are four vacant Community Liaisons seats. To learn more and apply to serve on the VIA Accessible Transit Advisory Committee, visit


TxDOT posts upcoming construction closures.

TxDOT announced the traffic switch last week affecting a portion of the southbound US 281 frontage road.

Find details on this specific project, and check out other upcoming highway construction closures happening this month.

Neighborhood Associations

We'd like to present AAMPO updates at your next NA meeting.

We would love to present to your organization or neighborhood association. Connect with Ambar Perez, AAMPO's Bilingual Public Involvement Specialist, by email or phone (210-227-8651).

Get Connected 2

The Alamo Area MPO has four regular meetings that occur each month. All our meetings are open to the public. Agendas for our meetings are posted on our website,

Until further notice, MPO meetings will be online to follow physical distancing recommendations. Access information will be posted on our online meeting page.

The next Technical Advisory Committee will be held online on March 5, 2021, at 1:30 PM.

The next Bicycle Mobility Advisory Committee and Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee will be a Walk & Bike Night, held online on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 6: p.m.

The Transportation Policy Board will not meet in February. The next TPB meeting will be held online on Monday, March 22, 2021, at 1:30 PM.

Audio recordings of all committee meetings are available under meeting archives of each committee's page.

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