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Jack Lloyd

Rippaverse Update on Isom 2

I go over what is known about Isom 2 and the Rippaverse developments coming up at the end of 2022.

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360 View

Climate Change & Farming Protests

As countries are joining global accords to take government action to prevent climate change and global warming, we are seeing massive heat waves and farmers protesting all over the world. What does the global community think about climate change and the policies being implemented to counteract global warming? Is it even real? Or inflated to start a government buyback of farm land? In this episode, Scottie Nell Hughes speaks with a Dutch dairy farmer, Jeroen Van Maanen and Wim Van Der Putten who is the Head of the Department of Terrestrial Ecology at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology to get your 360 view.

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Jason Bassler

Cop Fired But Never Charged for Feeding Homeless Man a Literal 'Sh*t Sandwich' — Is a Cop Again

Because the system is terrible at holding bad cops accountable, the cop who fed a homeless man feces on bread is a cop again.

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Thank you all for being part of this Digital Revolution. Together we are working on taking down the technocracy!

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It is key that we all support these censored and banned creators so the truth can be heard. Once again, thank you all for being part of Sovren! A platform for the people, by the people. Click here to buy your Sovren Tokens.


Children's Health Defense

Opposition to Childhood Vaccine Mandates on the Rise, More Parents Say They Want the Right to Choose

A growing number of parents oppose vaccine mandates as a precondition for public school attendance, and interest among adults in receiving COVID-19 booster shots is waning, according to a national poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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Tenth Amendment Center

Richard Henry Lee - on the reason for a bill of rights, which is why his fellow Virginian Thomas Jefferson later referred to the 10th Amendment as "the foundation of the Constitution"

Lee attempted to include a bill of rights with the Constitution before the Confederation Congress sent it to the states for ratification:

"A bill of rights not necessary in the Confederation because it is expressly declared that no power should be exercised, but such as is expressly given, and therefore no constructive power can be exercised. To prevent this is the great use of a bill of rights."

-Richard Henry Lee, Confederation Congress (27 Sept 1787)

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PLUS: More from our content creators:

Ben Swann:
Elon Musk Removes Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council - Click here to watch.

Owen Shroyer
When Did America Turn Into A South Park Episode? - Click here to watch.

Reed Cooley
Why We Should Never Silence "Conspiracy Theorists" - Click here to watch.

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