IMG 5702

Motto of the Month

“The garden has taught us to appreciate the times when things are fallow and when they’re not.”

-Jamaica Kincaid-

Season -End Members’ Meeting on ZOOM

Saturday, November 18 at 9:30am-11am

To discuss a CFCG name change, Code of Conduct,Committees and Gardens Operations for 2024, Vandalism, Re-registrations and Gardeners’ Skills Inventory

Detailed agenda and ZOOM link will be sent out by our admin Sinead to all members on Wednesday this week.

Memory Bench Gardens "Nook"

Thank you to Darek and Tony for helping to install the memory bench in Gionni’s name. The words written by his family speak for all of us.

Raptors in the Gardens

Thank you Darek for the following (amazing) observation and photos;

Walking past Shed #4 on Oct 14th, Darek was surprised by a number of squawking crows chasing a hawk around the tree behind the shed.

The perched hawk was repeatedly swooped and circled by crows, generally leading to an exit then return to the tree.

Later in the afternoon, another gardener witnessed a raptor swoop down and snatch up a rat near the Experimental Plots - this may have been the same bird!

Darek has (tentatively) identified the raptor as a pigeon hawk (merlin) based on its size, colour and tail banding.

This observation of the pigeon hawk catching the rat shows the value for gardeners of making the Community Garden "bird friendly". Small birds eat caterpillars, aphids and beetles; and the larger birds eat mice, voles, rats and rabbits.

Upcoming Dates

Sat. Nov. 18: Season-End November Member’s Meeting (zoom; 9:30-11am)
Nov./December: Early Bird Re-registrations ( format TBA)
January 2024: AGM ( date, time and place TBA)

Important Information (Calendar, Guidelines, Bylaws, Code of Conduct) is on on the Member documents tab.

We acknowledge that we garden on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem First Nation). We thank the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm who continue to live on these lands and care for them, along with the waters and all that is above and below

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