IMG 0047

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Package Price

▪ For a shared room at Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort
Two nights JD350 all-inclusive
Three nights JD400 all-inclusive
▪ For a single room
Two nights JD400 all-inclusive
Three nights JD530 all-inclusive
For a shared room at Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort
Two nights JD350 all-inclusive
Three nights JD400 all-inclusive
For a single room
Two nights JD400 all-inclusive
Three nights JD530 all-inclusive

Package is transferable but non-refundable
Early Bird Deadline 2 March, 2022
Deadline for Late Registration 10 March, 2022
Limited spaces to safeguard social distancing


For Bookings

Please call
Al Marji’ Publications +962-796551718
Or One With Nature Center Tel: +962-796223099



Thursday (17 March, 2022)

8:30am Departure from Amman to Aqaba (VIP JETT Bus)
1:30-2:00p Welcome by Mr Jean-Francois Durand GM Hyatt Regency Aqaba Ayla Resort
2:30-4:00pm Lunch at Hyatt Olive Tree Restaurant
4:00-5:30pm Relax & Refresh Optional: Aqua Spa or Ayla Residence Tour
5:30-6:45pm Sunset Yoga with Tamara Kasim (Golf Grounds, Ayla)
7:00-7:30pm Nourish Your Feminine Energy with Zoraya Bernal (Silica)
7:30-9:00pm Dinner at Silica (Golf Club, Ayla)
9:30-10:00pm Marina Village Walk


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Friday (18 March, 2022)

7:15-8:30am Sunrise Yoga with Tamara Kasim (The Promenade - Marina Village)
8:45-9:30am Pilates with Zina Shami (Sunset Plaza - Marina Village)
9:30-10:30am Breakfast at Hyatt Olive Tree Restaurant


10:30am Departure by bus to Beach 12 (Beach Club Ayla)
10:45-11:30am Financial Wellness & Smart Spending with Nashwa Beheiry
11:30-1:30pm Relax & Refresh
2:00-3:30pm Lunch at Beach 12
3:30-4:10pm BootyBarre Strength & Toning with Tijan Khalaf
4:10-6:00pm Swimming & Volleyball
6:00- 7:00pm One With Nature Cardio Fit with Gretty Al Ayed / Sunset Party
9:00pm Dinner at Hattouteh / Sandwich Boutique (Marina Village)


Saturday (19March, 2022)

7:00-8:15am Spring Yin Yoga with Rula Wardeh
8:30-9:30am Pilates with Maha Hourani & Nadia Al Ahmad (The Promenade - Marina Village)
9:30-9:45am Women's Health with MedLabs
10:00-11:00am Breakfast at Hyatt Olive Tree Restaurant
11:00-11:30am Aromatherapy & Wellness with Zenab Ishtay
11:30-11:45am Evaluation by participants leaving on Saturday
11:45-1:30pm Relax & Refresh
2:00pm Check Out
2:30pm Departure from Aqaba to Amman (VIP JETT Bus)

Double the Dose! Double the Fun!


Saturday Afternoon (19 March, 2022)

For participants staying until Sunday
2:00-3:30pm Lunch at Mirchi Indian Restaurant
5:30-6:30pm Golf 101 Session (Ayla Golf Club)
6:30-7:00pm Sunset Breathing Space with Rula Wardeh (Golf Grounds)
7:15pm Departure by bus to Hyatt Regency
9:00pm Dinner at Pachi Italian Restaurant


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Sunday (20 March, 2022)

7:50am Departure by bus to Lake 7, Ayla
8:00-9:00am Feather Trail with Dr Feras Rahahleh, (Aqaba Bird Observatory)
- Individual Photographs in Nature with Anastasia Casey
9:00am Departure by bus from Lake 7, Ayla to Hyatt Regency
9:15 -10:00am Cycling (Ayla Grounds) Or Flow & Balance Yoga with Rula Wardeh
10:00-11:00am Breakfast at the Regency Lounge
11:00-11:30am Photography & Self-Reflection with Anastasia Casey
11:30 -1:00pm Treasure Hunt Gifts
1:00 - 1:15pm Coffee at Melange - Raffle Prize Draw
1:30 pm Check Out (Hyatt Regency)
2:00pm Departure from Aqaba to Amman (VIP JETT Bus)



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