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Toni Silber-Delerive's Fall Highlights

"There is a harmony in autumn, and a lustre in its sky." -Percy Bysshe Shelley


Manhattan Rooftops, acrylic on canvas, 48" x 48"

Manhattan Rooftops won Best in Show at Gallery Ring's City competition.

A network of seemingly endless geometric shapes, right angles and sharp edges create a glimpse into a modern lifestyle. The painting captures the moment and lets the viewer interpret the story.

Alex Evan30x40

Alex & Evan, oil on canvas, 30" x 40"

Alex & Evan, Playing Dress Up, Molly & Frances, Fiji Family, and Girl in Swimming Pool, have all been accepted into A Singular Creation Gallery's Figurative Category.

My figurative paintings, some based on family photographs, others from the present, offer a stylized impression of the people. The paintings hint at stories about their subjects.

My figurative work can be seen at tonisart.com

Playing Dress-up
Francis Ruth
Fiji Family copy
Girl in swimming pool
Czech Republic

Czech Republic Rooftops, acrylic on canvas, 24”x30”

Czech Republic Rooftops, received top honors in Contemporary Art Gallery Online All Colors competition.

The homes are vibrant in color, typical of this part of the Czech Republic. Using graphic shapes and eliminating the details, the style is abstract and representational. The bright orange color pulls the composition together.

NYC Summer Terraces

NYC Summer Terraces, acrylic on canvas, 30” x 30”

NYC Summer Terraces, Hampstead Backyards, Fribourg, Switzerland and Running River are in the Colors of Humanity Art Gallery's Wet Paint show,

The aerial perspective of my paintings reduces the traditional landscape to a graphic image by flattening the picture plane.

mini golf

Mini Golf, acrylic on canvas, 24” x 24”

Mini Golf, received Honorable Mention in Light Space Time Gallery’s Patterns competition.

Mini Golf has vivid colors and polymorphic shapes to reflect the energy and joy associated with this youthful activity. The aerial perspective reduces the details to a strong graphic images.

London Terraced Buildings

London Terraced Buildings, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24"

London Terraced Buildings received a Noteworthy distinction.
Tokyo Suburb, Amusement Park and City Viaduct Bridge Roads were also chosen to be in the Colors of Humanity Art Gallery’s Landscape show.


Til' next time.

Best wishes, Toni

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