Our classes are designed to be practiced daily. The minimum recommended practice is 2-3 times a week. All sales are final, class packages are non-refundable and nontransferable. No extensions or credits are issued on passes. All Autopay passes require a 28 day notice to alter or cancel. We do not offer refunds, transfers, extensions or credits on any purchases.
Everyone must be booked for class prior to class. Please remember to use the studiobookins APP to book or unbook your classes. If you need to cancel you have until the start of class to remove yourself. If a student requires booking or unbooking from a class by the studio team a $5 admin fee will be charged to your account.
You are responsible for your equipment, mat, towel, etc. Any items left at the studio will require a $5 admin fee for storage.
Students are eligible for a Free Class and Intro Special a second time only after it's been a full year since practicing at our studio.
You are responsible for your pass. Not the studio team, teachers, management, or owners. Most Autopay passes bill every 4 weeks/29 days and require a 28 day notice to cancel or alter in any way. No credits, transfers, extensions will be given. All sales are final.
Teachers are transient and always come and go. Do not get attached or make friends with teachers at the studio.
Tell anyone you are recommending or bringing with you to Text: Free Class to (972) 752-2889 or go to the studios sign-up page so we can set them up properly.