by Sandra Fisher Graphology World Signs of Genius in Handwriting Did you by any chance see the movie “The Imitation Game” about Alan Turing, the co

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by Sandra Fisher
Graphology World

Signs of Genius in Handwriting

Did you by any chance see the movie “The Imitation Game” about Alan Turing, the code breaker and computer pioneer?

Well, in my previous newsletter I had promised to write an article about Turing's handwriting.

I’m pleased to tell you that it is now ready. And in fact, there's a rather interesting sequel to the story.

I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to get permission to use a sample of handwriting. I can only tell you it’s a daunting task. Copyright rules tie you up in chains no matter how nicely you appeal to the librarians and institutes of higher learning.

In any event, when I decided to include Turing in my book on geniuses and their handwriting I had great difficulty getting permission to reproduce Turing's handwriting.

And quite recently when I attempted to write an article about the newly discovered documents of Dylan Thomas’s poems I hit a blank wall trying to get the relevant permissions. So I’m afraid that article will just have to remain unwritten. Rather sad!

Anyway my Turing project was much more successful because I managed to get in touch with Professor Andrew Hodges who wrote the book that the movie was based on. And he kindly allowed me to reproduce the handwriting on my site.

I don’t want to repeat the whole story because you can read it here.
You will also be able to see Turing’s handwriting samples as well as my description and discussion of his handwriting.

And do feel free to add anything you would like to say about his handwriting in the comments below the article. I would love to hear from you.

Check out Turning’s handwriting samples here.

Best wishes,
P.S. Incidentally the photo of Turing in the blog post was taken when he was only sixteen. A very handsome young man I'm sure you'll agree!

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