
April 24, 2023



The following predictions are based on educated scientific studies. They are derived from public disclosures and media reports. While timetables are subject to change and alter according to forthcoming evidence, the certainty of specific speculation and conjecture is founded on present-day declassified intelligence. No future dates are presented below as absolute. Therefore, while I may believe these things will happen just as forecasted, I remain hopeful that solutions that are presently unknown in the public domain may be achieved.


From Latin: "He favors our undertakings of a new order of the ages"

big picture

So? Have I lost you yet? Are you still with me? Or have my updates so far in 2023 been just too far off the Reservation? This update is only for a relatively few of you. I say that to those that have been with me from the beginning, like the mid 90's - almost 30 years now. And there are a few of you left, thank heavens. To the rest, you may know this and that or parts here and there, but in this update, you will get the "big picture." A picture I began to concentrate on a long time ago. An image that periodically was out of focus until I began to question all I was taught and believed. That is when things became more apparent. I'm nearly at the end of this lifelong adventure down the rabbit hole today. Not that I know all there is to understand, far from it, but I've reached a point that aligns enough to draw firm and absolute conclusions- a moment such as I've mentioned in previous writings relative to the words of King Solomon, who keenly deduced that this life is vanity. Indeed, there is nothing new under the sun. Everything repeats. Humankind is now in one of these cycles—a very catastrophic, life-ending cycle.

So grab a cup and coffee and perhaps a couple of aspirin - you'll need them if you make it to the end of this update! It will be long, but stay until the end, and I promise you one thing, you'll never view human history in the same way again.


I've slowly and methodically been trying to lead the skeptics, the naysayers, and the obstinate in my circle of influence down the proverbial rabbit hole for decades, myself included, sometimes kicking and screaming. Some have made the journey, but most have not. And I understand why, fear. People are full of fear. Their physical existence defines their life. Life to such people is only about them, their family, their friends, and their well-being and possessions. It's about their employment and their retirement. It's about surviving in a hostile world. And this is exclusively a Western mindset. Most in the rest of the world think about where their next meal will come from.

But past the everyday mundane, there are realities that most people not only don't see but can't even register. These people need a real sense of philosophy, history, and science, but sadly, it never comes for them in this life. They have no sense of the metaphysical. They perish in ignorance. Ironically, most of these people also claim to be religious. Yet, when you test their beliefs and scrutinize their faith, often they cannot defend it with any intellectual prowess but repeat what they've been taught to believe. They exist as automatons, never realizing they were born into slavery, a servitude they cannot taste, touch, smell, hear, or see. And this isn't because they're bad or stupid people; they've been programmed into a matrix of functionality for the benefit of superior beings. And for modern society to function, this is a necessity. Only some have the impetus to contemplate the cosmos and the drive to increase extrasensory perception and discover new truths. Very few lead; most follow. If you're reading this, you may be among the most informed on the planet, believe it or not. The majority around us don't have a clue. Are we surprised?

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To understand our current dilemma, one must ask themselves questions that have haunted humankind since its inception. Where did we come from? What is the purpose of life? And what is reality? Most choose not to contemplate the spiritual or philosophical to any depth of understanding but take the easy way out and entrust those over them are leading them correctly, whether religious, political, or financially. These people scoff at things so quickly because it does not fit into their paradigm or personal opinion of reality. I used to be such a person. A religious man who dismissed anything which did not perfectly align with what I was taught in Church. I was instructed to adhere to proper interpretations of Scripture, in particular, and not delve into peripheral teachings. That was dangerous territory, I was told. As some of you can attest, when we delved into eschatology and realized that Preterism made the most intellectual sense of biblical prophecy, we were ostracized, scorned, and often relegated as heretics. Why? I believe it is because if our conclusions were widely understood, Western religion, especially Christianity, has been blatantly wrong for 2,000 years.

However, the voices are increasing today, exploring long-suppressed secrets and exposing the lies and controls religion and politics have placed upon most of humanity since ancient times.

Whether we want to admit it or not, much of our world in the present hour only makes logical sense if we dismiss most of what the governmental and ecclesiastical authorities have been shoving down our throats since the time of Christ.

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How does humankind go from discovering Penicillin less than 100 years ago to gene-splicing, genetic engineering, and manufacturing clones today? How does humanity go from rudimentary flight to constructing a vast network of space-based technologies today capable of destroying the very planet on which we dwell? In the last century, humanity has learned the secrets of the solar system by splitting the atom and developing nuclear and cold fusion. How is this possible? What made humans so brilliant in the last 100 years? We've existed for thousands of years, but all of a sudden, in the timeframe of our grandparents, man has learned the secrets of the universe. We've gone from riding horses for thousands of years to flying supersonic and antigravity vehicles capable of speeds fast enough to ascend into the heavens in mere seconds in fewer than 100 years. How is this possible WITHOUT extra-terrestrial intervention?

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Is it a coincidence that the U.S. Government is now revealing secrets and declassified material about UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomena)? Not since the 1950s has the U.S. Government expended so much effort in public relations relative to flying anomalies that defy our understanding of modern physics. Less than one year ago, the United States Defense Department founded the AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office) to deal with unexplained aerial phenomena. Why now?

It's no secret to most that the modern-day UFO craze began with a sighting in the State of Washington, USA, over Mt. Rainier in 1947. Then we had the cover-up at Roswell, New Mexico, along with many UFO sightings, even over the White House in 1952 and ten years prior over the City of Los Angeles in 1942. Let's not discount the regular predictive programming disseminated by Hollywood movies with their end-of-the-world scenarios involving aliens. While most of the sightings over the last century can be chalked up to TOP SECRET military aircraft, it still begs the question, WHERE DID MAN GET THE TECHNOLOGY to develop such craft in the first place?


Everyone has an opinion on this subject, so rather than try and convince you of what you may not be ready to believe or understand relative to how deep the rabbit hole goes, I will highlight the contents of a book that ALL of us can agree contains information recorded thousands of years ago. I'm referring to the Holy Bible, of course. It's all right there! Only we've been taught by clever and insidious forces NOT to understand it as it is written but to apply some discombobulated mode of interpretation such that it means anything other than what it plainly states. More on this in a moment.

Time is short. Very short. How short? Within 20 years, the world as we know it will NOT exist according to more than a few sharp intellects. The United States and the rest of the globe will be under a defacto military dictatorship. The Great Reset is a tool to achieve this, not the end goal. Our parents and grandparents have been primed for a fascist regime with predictive programming through politics, media, and religion for the last 100 years. It has ALL been by deliberate design. The sooner you accept this, the quicker you'll be able to fathom what comes next.

In the last update, I hinted about who has run this planet for thousands of years. It is up to you to study the issue further, although we are far from putting the Elohim to rest. In these short writings, I barely touch on the subject, hoping to garner curiosity from those willing to pursue knowledge and truth rather than their physical prosperity. If you're younger than 40, I can assure you of one thing - you're wasting the prime of your life preparing for retirement; put bluntly, you'll be dead, along with most of humanity, according to those who analyze future scenarios. So spend the next ten years preparing those who may have a chance to survive what is soon to happen. Your children and grandchildren may be the inheritors of the new Earth, not us!

Some of you can hear what I'm saying. Most of you will not. Your minds cannot comprehend it. What a great movie The Matrix is, built upon the wisdom and godlike insight of Phillip K. Dick. From personal experience, I've seen those that understand the film and who actually "get it" and woke up in 1999. It was as though their spiritual mind was opened. Sure, most still are deaf, dumb, and blind in many ways, but they see many of the lies and understand much of the deception fostered by politics and religion since their birth into this physical realm we call "LIFE." They realize the life their grandparents and parents offered them was ONLY an illusion of actual reality. And this reality is crumbling before our eyes today. Many see the craziness, the absurdities, the escalation of perversion and evil, the corruption, and the psychotic behaviors of leaders worldwide and are unable to put the pieces together. They see global finance collapsing along with societal cohesion, and they are witnessing the decimation of wars, both kinetic and biological; but they still cannot render the "big picture."


So, what is the big picture? Human governments worldwide have been preparing for a catastrophic geophysical event since 1958. And they have been doing it mostly in secret. The deities upon which humanity's ancient mysteries and religions are based have been preparing their progeny for thousands of years for this cyclical event that completely renovates the planet and the solar system. If we've studied astrophysics, we know Mars once had oceans and a hospitable environment conducive to life. We know the Van Allen Belt is undergoing some very concerning changes presently. And we understand the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is a remnant of previous catastrophic solar events which obliterated habitable planets once in our solar system.

Global government agencies were aware of the Carrington Event in 1859, but it wasn't until 1958 that modern science realized another extinction-level event was imminent for Earth. This is WHY Man went to the moon. It wasn't to "just do it" or further man's cosmos exploration; they needed proof that their hypothesis was factual. They got their evidence. This is why man HAS NOT been back to the moon for over 50 years. Why go back? We went for one reason. To get the evidence needed to prove our Sun Novas. EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING, has had a specific purpose over the last 75 years. There are NO isolated events. The fact that this 'secret' has remained virtually unknown to the general populace of our planet for decades is a testament to how this knowledge remains almost entirely hidden behind closed doors. Doors that only the elite kingmakers of this world get to open.

But it is NOT a secret anymore. The truth is filtering out. Slowly, methodically, strategically. The hope is that global society will NOT panic. That societal collapse can be postponed for another decade before it becomes evident to even a moron that things are NOT AT ALL AS THEY APPEAR. That's one side. The other side is doing all possible to stir up chaos and collapse. It wants destruction. It wants nuclear war. It wants biological warfare with billions of casualties. And the side that wants this today poses as your politicians, your religious leaders, and your financial experts. They pose as your protective military and intelligence agencies. The evil in this world presents itself as good, and the good is accused of evil. Sound familiar? Only now, the actual depth of the rabbit hole begins to come into focus. And we'll dig into the Scriptures to demonstrate that the God you think you've been dutifully serving through praise and song, communion, and worship IS NOT THE GOD YOU'VE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE IN.


What am I saying? Let me be blunt. I knew over 25 years ago there was an operation planned to take down the Twin Towers in New York, and I told very FEW people - however, I DID tell specific individuals; I've shared that story before. Once September 11, 2001, happened, I spent years proving, as many others faithfully did, how it was a purposely planned covert operation involving intelligence agencies worldwide. Today you can turn on your television and see the truth revealed through science and physics presented on public broadcasting networks like PBS.

I then told more individuals that what was planned next was going to be a biological weapon release on a global scale; I didn't know precisely when, however. I wasn't alone, but back then, very few public voices shared such information. Because yours truly does not have a Ph.D. behind his name or a Dr. in front of it, he was ignored, ridiculed, and dismissed as just a blue-collar worker with delusions of grandeur. So be it; I KNEW I WAS RIGHT. Was I? 9/11 happened. The towers were destroyed. COVID-19 happened; it was global, and it was a biological weapon. I also warned anyone who would listen of a severe financial crash that would destroy the whole house of cards. I'd been beating that dead horse for a couple of decades. Again, I wasn't alone. I was just the low man on the totem pole trying to magnify what others were shouting from the top, but very few listened.

Now, people will retort that anyone could have said such things and eventually been proven right. Really? I specifically stated the Twin Towers would be leveled; I said that years before 9/11. I have witnesses who heard me say that. And without knowing who Dr. Death (Anthony Fauci) was at the time; I said after 9/11, a global bioweapon release was coming. I am not a prophet, not even close; I research what the majority do not. My life is driven in such a way, or should I say programmed? I gravitate toward the eccentric, philosophically and scientifically speaking. Why? The "whistleblowers" always seem correct in their presumptive speculations in the end.

So please listen. Call me eccentric. Label me cuckoo, but it is going to get bad, very bad, very soon. More so than most do not understand right now. How soon? Just reread my old updates (click the archive link below). I've told you what's coming, but now I will give you the big picture. A picture that, while not wholly in focus, is distilled enough to render it quite clear. I'll still delve into the religious implications in future updates as people must prepare themselves for the decimation of faith structures worldwide, which have steered humanity for thousands of years. More on that later. There is a reason as technological knowledge increases, interest in religion fades, and it's NOT why you may think.


And as I've stated before, honestly, I've got nothing to lose. If people think me nuts, so be it. I'm forecasting accurately based on available evidence. Now it's up to you to remember this when future events unfold just as forewarned. And this isn't to instill fear. The news media, your religious leaders, and politicians are doing plenty of that (on purpose, mind you.) I'm telling you this just as sure others are- so you will GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT.

Most of these things you've already heard, whether via predictive programming in films or through intelligence agents posing as concerned media. Two of my favorite American patsies to pick on were the late Rush Limbaugh and the current Tucker Carlson. Both of these men were BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY THE CIA. How many know Carlson makes over $25,000 an hour while you watch him on FOXNEWS? How many know Carlson applied to the CIA but was supposedly rejected? Was he? How many knew Rush Limbaugh made over $200,000 an hour while spitting out his drivel from behind the golden EIB microphone? Are you getting the HIDDEN TRUTH and not well-scripted propaganda? And you know how I feel about TRUMP. He is an actor. He is a liar. You're going to be diverted from the truth in every way possible with useless information in an ever-increasing amount in the months and years to come. Do you want the truth? Here you go . . .


In 2010 I learned of the Anglo-Saxon Mission (ASM), built upon ancient mysteries revealed by men such as John Robison in his American Classic, Proofs of a Conspiracy, published in 1798. The ASM said that Ukraine, COVID-19, "mRNA vaccines," Chinese Air balloons, and financial melt-downs are NOT isolated. They are ALL leading us to a soon-coming nuclear exchange in Europe and the Middle East, followed by a SECOND biological release that will affect ANYONE who has received the mRNA "vaccines." This is WHEN the 5G military weapon will be deployed if you pay attention to past updates. You're going to start hearing a lot about Israel and Iran. AGAIN, this is ON PURPOSE. You'll listen to the war drums with CHINA becoming DEFEANING. The financial crisis/banking sector malfunction IS ALL BY DESIGN. And it will DECIMATE everyone's financial "nest eggs" IN THE NEXT 18 MONTHS. This is ALL to prepare the West for WAR WITH CHINA in 2025. The United States of America will then move into a totalitarian fascist police-state dictatorship with Donald J. Trump or another CIA-sponsored puppet at the helm from the right. And this is JUST the beginning. Our political structure in the United States is a carefully crafted joke. Biden, who'll be 81 and running for re-election (appointment), is one of the most heavily controlled puppets ever to occupy the White House.

By 2030 (less than seven years from now) - America will have lost much of its civilian population due to civil unrest, "vaccine-related" illness, and biological warfare. By 2030, the States of Israel and Iran WILL NOT exist as they do in the present hour. World Government, and a new financial system will have been implemented. And if you believe statesmen such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., have a snowballs chance in Hades of becoming U.S. President in 2024 and steering America away from the abyss, perhaps you need a refresher course on what happened to his Uncle John in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.


As a quick aside, here are some supporting items of interest. In January 2020, the Earth's population was estimated at almost 8 billion people. In March 2023, it is estimated to be around 6.8 billion people. Wait! What? Where did almost a billion people disappear in the last two years? Yes, whether you wish to believe it or not, the mRNA "vaccines" are doing their job effectively and efficiently. Don't believe this? Why have countries all over the world BANNED further "vaccines" from being implemented by American multinational corporations like Moderna and Pfizer? Why have the FDA, CDC, and National Institutes of Health nearly completely reversed their stance from 2020 on "vaccinations?" I've mentioned it before, CYA, nothing more.

And this is NOT the bad news. Within the next 15 years, the world's population will have been brought down to "manageable levels." Billions will be dead. According to THEIR timetable, this is ALL in preparation for the next extinction-level event by 2046. This is 23 years away! Don't believe it? Why did the CIA classify as TOP SECRET Chan Tomas' book, The Adam and Eve Story, written in 1965, shortly after the 1958 solar event which resulted in men on the moon in 1969? Today, the CIA still classifies portions of this book by Thomas as RESTRICTED FOR PUBLIC VIEWING. Why was the CIA in contact with a man I mentioned recently in a previous update, Doug Vogt of the Diehold Foundation, relative to his book Reality Revealed? And these are just two men who can still be found publicly. What about the over 100 scientists, including astrophysicists and microbiologists, that have ALL met with mysterious and sudden deaths since 2010? Are we to believe they were all enemies of the state? Why?

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So? Am I nuts? Some of you know I AM NOT. You know I'm an entirely rational and stable person. I knew in 1993 the Twin Towers in New York City were slated to be brought down to the ground. That happened. Before they were destroyed, I learned a worldwide biological weapon would be released afterward. That happened. I've been preaching about a black swan financial collapse since 2020 in earnest - IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. It's GLOBAL. I am NOW GIVING YOU 20+ years' NOTICE that our world is approaching an abrupt and catastrophic end based on years of research studying superior intellects of both religion and science. When China/Iran/Russia set off a nuke, when the U.S. moves into a blatant fascist dictatorial police state, when another MAN-MADE biological weapon is released, will you still doubt it? What about when anomalies start occurring with our sun- more so than today? Will you believe what you hear on television? What you're SUPPOSED to think? Will you continue buying the dis and misinformation?

I proclaim - enjoy your life. Make the most of every single day. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. It's all going to change so quickly that people like many of us won't be around any longer to entertain the skeptics in the future - we'll either be locked up as enemies of the state or taken down by defending ourselves against unjust government edicts. Either way, fear IS NOT an option. Everything around us will tell us it's business as usual; it's just another "rough patch" - that the planet had endured world wars before and survived, countries have encountered default and bankruptcies and survived, plagues have come and gone, but humankind is still here. I'm here to tell you it's all a ruse. They're hiding one critical detail from the human population that most will only be aware of once it is too late. The world is ending; our sun is about to do what it's done previously. It's going to Nova. They know it. They've known it since 1958, 65 years ago. I just found out earlier this year. Now I'm telling you. You may have already heard. Either way, if you do your homework, you'll see everything happening around you has a purpose.

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Now, ready for the kicker? What would you say if I told you entities have known about this cataclysm since the days of Moses in the Old Testament? And they have been very involved with the progression of humanity in the last 100 years specifically. What if I were to say that the Yahweh of the ancient Hebrews chose them for a reason? To deny Jewish Supremism today is foolish. It cannot be denied. But if one dares point it out, it can, is, and will be prosecuted by every known public entity. Oh well. It's true. And history makes this quite clear. To deny the biblical deity, Yahweh, to deny His interaction and accommodation with the ancient Hebrews and history as recorded in the Torah is to deny OUR PRESENT REALITY. A reality that IS NOT AT ALL what we've been led to believe.


I've done my research. I'm as sure of this as I was 30 years ago that the CIA was bound and determined to bring the World Trade Center complex to the ground. They did it. We all witnessed it on live TV in 2001. We've all heard about polar shifts and solar flares. They're indeed coming, but this news is a diversion. Once you realize, just like in the Middle Ages when the Church suppressed the scientific truth about the Earth revolving around the sun in the center of the solar system, that you're being lied to and deceived again, and science is being suppressed and forbidden from publicly warning the populace, hopefully, you'll begin questioning everything you consider authentic. I can tell you almost ALL OF IT is a lie. As far back as the Garden of Eden, Religion has been a masterful deception of sorts, not the truth espoused in ancient writings but the twisted interpretations and teachings of those who sought to hide the facts behind invisible dams of deceit.


All any of us can do is live life enjoyably. When the time comes to evacuate the world's 1% of chosen politicians, scientists of varying disciplines, heads of state, and religious leaders rest assured we have yet to secure a golden ticket, and the likelihood we will is slim to none. Just like those outside the Ark - we will all be left behind. Now what?

Remember the Elohim? Stay tuned. More to come . . .

"More and more people were born, until finally they spread all over the earth. Some of their daughters were so beautiful that supernatural beings came down and married the ones they wanted. Then the LORD said, “I won't let my life-giving breath remain in anyone forever. No one will live for more than 120 years. The children of the supernatural beings who had married these women became famous heroes and warriors. They were called Nephilim and lived on the earth at that time and even later. The LORD saw how bad the people on earth were and that everything they thought and planned was evil. He was sorry that he had made them, and he said, “I'm going to destroy every person on earth! I'll even wipe out animals, birds, and reptiles. I'm sorry I ever made them.” Genesis/Bereshit 6

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