ENGAGE: Five Questions with Talk Show Host



1) Shannon, your current project is being on-the-air with the new Florida Man Radio, weekdays 3:00 pm-7:00 pm. Reviews are very positive. Tell us what it is all about.

Florida Man Radio is a movement. It is "against the grain of political correctness". Tough times call for tough conversations and Florida Man is the place for those conversations. Frankly, we are not worried about "triggering" some group or "offending" another, as long as our conversations are based in reality and fact. Some truths are hard to swallow, we'd like to be the beverage you wash it all down with.

2) I think some people would be surprised to find out that, politically, you are a conservative kind of guy. It's hard to ignore politics nowadays. How do you balance that with other topics?

I know! Maybe I don't look the part. I'm not a "buttoned up" white collar kind of guy. I'm rough around the edges, I am covered in tattoos, I have a garage full of motorcycles and three Pitbull rescues. But I think that helps me connect to my audience. I am literally one of them...except a lot funnier! Politics is hard to ignore these days, yes, but I think that a radio show today is remiss if it doesn't at least attempt to have the conversation. So many hosts are unwilling or scared to reveal their ideology and I think that's a bad sign. Free speech lives at the edge of what we do. I know that if I am clear with my audience and fearlessly informed in my ideology, then that's the most honest I can be with them.

3) Florida and Central Florida in particular seems to be a hotbed of FM male oriented talk. Why is that?

You got me! It's always hit and miss with this format. Ultimately, it's the programmers who know their market and have a handle on the format. This format is a big investment, financially and otherwise. But, done right, it's always a winner.

4) You do a lot of work filling in for other hosts across the country. What preparation do you go through for these assignments?

I love doing fill in in other markets. I also hate it. It's always a challenge, filling the shoes of a familiar voice, but it can also be a blast. I ALWAYS spend time with the local producer, get pronunciations right, names, streets neighborhoods, etc... Once you've botched the name of the most well-known politician, street, or restaurant, you are toast.

5) What's it like broadcasting in "Covid-19" times?

Challenging. I have a Comrex home studio, so if I have to, I can lock it up here at home. The challenge is gauging the audience's level of concern and walking a line between staying safe and remaining a healthy level of skepticism. None of us wants to be told what to do.


The Shannon Burke Show is available for remote fill-in and weekends from Shannon's fully functional home studio. Call for availability.


Shannon Burke has had an illustrious career in talk radio for over 25 years. From Austin, TX to Atlanta, GA and Tampa and Orlando and places in between, Shannon Burke has gotten attention anywhere he's been. Gabe Hobbs says, "If I owned a radio station Shannon would be one of my first hires."

For more information...
Steve Gallagher
Broadcast Talent Agency
Phone: (561) 705-2604
Email: steve@creativetalentinc.com

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