www.creativecockades.com Cockades for General Lee 209 years ago tomorrow, Robert Edward Lee was born in Virginia. He was to become one of the most f

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Cockades for General Lee

209 years ago tomorrow, Robert Edward Lee was born in Virginia. He was to become one of the most famous generals of all time, often ranked by historians beside such luminaries as Alexander the Great, Hannibal and Napoleon.

One man observed of Lee: "He was a foe without hate; a friend without treachery; a soldier without cruelty; a victor without oppression, and a victim without murmuring. He was a public officer without vices; a private citizen without wrong; a neighbour without reproach; a Christian without hypocrisy, and a man without guile. He was a Caesar, without his ambition; Frederick, without his tyranny; Napoleon, without his selfishness, and Washington, without his reward."

After his death in 1870, people across the former Confederacy began to talk about raising a monument in his honor. In 1890, their dream was fulfilled and the Lee Monument in Richmond, VA was unveiled.

lee monument

A Monument for Lee

The Lee Monument was a statue of the general on his horse, mounted on a high pedestal. (Though many mistakenly think the horse is Traveler, it isn't, because Traveler wasn't consider grand enough for the statue.)

The bronze statue was created in Europe and when it arrived in town, thousands of people turned out to greet it. In fact, the people were so excited they personally dragged the wagons carrying the crates from the train to the monument site. Ropes that were used were later cut up as souvenirs that families saved for generations.

The monument was dedicated and unveiled on May 29, 1890. The audience was estimated to be 100,000-150,000 people. A parade that included 50 Confederate generals, 15,000 Confederate veterans and 10,000 citizens preceded the unveiling.

To Generations Yet Unborn


A souvenir created for the dedication. Seen on VeteransAttic.com

There is a large section of the May 30 New York Times edition devoted to the dedication. The final paragraph of the dedication speech is included:

"Let this monument teach to generations yet unborn these lessons of his life. Let it stand, not as a record of civil strife but as a perpetual protest against whatever is low and sordid in our private and public objects. Let it stand as a memorial of personal honor that never brooked a stain; of knightly valor without thought of self; of far-reaching military genius, unsoiled by ambition; of heroic constancy, from which no cloud of misfortune could ever hide the path of duty. Let it stand as a great public act of thanksgiving and praise for that it pleased Almighty God to bestow upon these Southern States a man so formed to reflect his attributes of power, majesty, and goodness."

Interestingly, the same day the monument was dedicated in Richmond, the city of Charleston, SC also celebrated. St. Michael's Church, whose bells were cast into cannon during the war, and recast into bells afterwards, played Confederate music such as "Dixie" and "The Bonnie Blue Flag" on the bells all day.

Hampton cockade

American Civil War Museum

Souvenirs and Cockades

A Google search turns up quite a number of souvenirs from the dedication of the monument. Ribbons and medals galore were apparently seen in the crowd. And so were cockades!

General Wade Hampton wore this Palmetto Secession Badge at dedication. It was preserved and now belongs to the American Civil War Museum. This was a popular style of palmetto cockade during the war. Many museums in the South have these lovely southern emblems of the Confederacy.

Lee Jackson

Lee and Jackson cockades are available in my shops!

Honor Lee and Jackson

Many groups across the country will be honoring Lee and Jackson this month. I have created a special cockade option just for this occasion! You can order from my Etsy shop or my Ecwid shop.

I'm always happy to work with you if you need a custom order or a group discount. Just send me an email or message me on Facebook!

Heather Sheen

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Thanks for reading... see you next week!

~Heather Sheen
Owner, Creative Cockades

Every Cockade Has A Story To Tell!

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