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David Harsanyi

The GOP's Hunter Biden Probe Is Legit

As a tactical concern, the House GOP's decision to open an investigation into Biden family corruption is questionable. It promises limited political return. It would serve Republicans, and the country, far better if the House focused on a hyper-politicized Justice Department that targets the political opposition, labels concerned parents "domestic terrorists" and ignores violence aimed at pregnancy centers, for starters.

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Ben Swann

Nina Jankowicz, author of multiple "disinformation" books and publications and most likely best known for her would-be roll as “disinformation czar” to Department of Homeland Security has recently registered as a foreign agent...

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Children's Health Defense

Twitter Ditches COVID Misinformation Policy, Plans to Reveal Internal Files on ‘Free Speech Suppression’

Effective Nov. 23, Twitter is “no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy,” the company said, adding that it will “soon” reveal internal files on the company’s “free speech suppression,” which could shed light on Twitter’s past actions in blocking content and banning accounts.

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It is key that we all support these censored and banned creators so the truth can be heard. Once again, thank you all for being part of Sovren! A platform for the people, by the people. Click here to buy your Sovren Tokens.


Children's Health Defense

3 Federal Agencies Hit With Lawsuits in Ongoing Quest to Uncover Origins of COVID

U.S. Right to Know last week filed three new Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against federal agencies as part of an ongoing effort to uncover what is known about the origins of COVID-19, leaks or mishaps at biosafety labs and the risks of gain-of-function research.

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Alex Jones

CEO of Balenciaga Parent Company Owns Auction Site That Sells Child Sex Mannequins With Genitalia For Faces

More disturbing Satanic art linked to fashion brand Balenciaga.

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Tenth Amendment Center

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving - and, as the Penman of the Revolution put it, a true love of liberty.

"As a foundation and security of all the rest, I wish you a true love of liberty"
-John Dickinson

Click Here To Follow the Tenth Amendment Center!


PLUS: More from our content creators:

Reed Cooley:
Kanye West walks out of TimCast studio after less than 15 minutes of mild questioning - Click here to watch.

“My Boy Is Dead From The Vaccine, F K YOU!” Angry Dad Tells Trudeau - Click here to watch.

The Last American Vagabond
Study Finds "Anti-Vax Fear Mongering" Responsible For COVID Jab Side Effects & Arrested For FB Post - Click here to watch.

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