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Welcome to the Year of the Dragon

Occurring every 12 years on the Chinese calendar, 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. The Dragon is considered the luckiest zodiac sign in the Chinese culture. Those born in this year are regarded as representing bravery, strength, and luck. Dragon individuals possess captivating demeanors, distinct personalities, and leadership abilities.

The Chinese Horoscope reveals that the 2024 Year of the Dragon is also the year of the Wood Dragon, which only occurs every 60 years, and it will bring authority, prosperity, and good fortune.

Children of the Zodiac Limited Edition

Caroline's Children of the Zodiac series is a limited, hand-embellished artwork with heirloom-quality images meant to give the giver and receiver decades of joy. Available in either a boy or girl image. These limited edition pieces are dwindling, so don't hesitate to grab yours. Double matted and ready for a standard 14 by 18-inch frame available at various stores.


Year of the Dragon for Boy


Year of the Dragon for Girl


Sample Idea for Framed Dragon Boy Zodiac


Imperial Dragon Original


Imperial Dragon Original

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Imperial Dragon Framed (Frame Not Included)

The yellow dragon symbolizes good fortune and power. Some also believe this dragon can control time and seasons. Since it’s the most revered dragon, ancient people often used it as a symbol of the empire and the emperor. People also generally associate this dragon with attributes like warmth, wisdom, and wealth.


Wing Chun Limited Edition


Wing Chun Limited Edition

Wing Chun Kungfu is a system of Shaolin Kungfu. Bruce Lee and IP Man were the most famous practitioners of this martial arts style. According to IP Man, the abbess Ng Mui was one of the Five Elders of the Henan Shaolin monastery. She originated numerous Kungfu techniques: the Dragon, the Snake, and the Crane styles, among others. When Manchurian forces destroyed the Shaolin monastery, Ng Mui fled to the White Crane Temple. There she met a beautiful girl, Yim Wing-Chun, who had run away from the unwanted advances of a warlord. Ng Mui taught Yim Wing-Chun how to defend herself by distilling Shaolin martial arts into a fighting system that Yim Wing-Chun could learn quickly and use without developing great strength. After completing her training under Ng Mui, Yim Wing-Chun married Leung Bok-Chao and taught the fighting techniques passed on by Ng Mui. Her husband named the technique "Wing Chun" after her.


Wing Chun with Possible Frame Design


Dragon Gate Poster


Dragon Gate Poster

This beautiful 18-inch wide by 24-inch tall poster celebrates the Chinese Year of the Dragon. It depicts the story of the rare Water Dragon, which only comes along every 60 years.
In Chinese legend, fish swimming up the Yellow River must encounter a series of rapids called the "Dragon Gate." Those who get through are transformed into immortal dragons and live in eternal happiness. The only fish said to be able to achieve this extraordinary feat is the carp or koi. Therefore, the koi fish symbolizes courage, strength, and perseverance. The dragon is a symbol of great power and good fortune.
Supply is down to a handful. First come, first served while available.


Sample of Framed Dragon Gate Poster


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