newsletter 2

"Leo" by Teo Olivieri (linked)

New Moon in Leo, Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

This New Moon in Leo falls one week before the Sun's entry into Virgo on Wed. 8/23. The Leo lion is roaring loud and long this Summer. Passions are potent and hearts are open. We want to give and receive love and affection! Our inner child wants to have fun, and our inner adult wants to lead the way and show off our talents!

BIG LOVE & GRATITUDE to all my new clients and students! I'm getting really busy again after the midsummer lull and it feels great. We even had 20 people show up for the Aug. 5th Reiki Circle at Moxi! That's the biggest turnout I've had in many, many years! There was no circle in July because I was out of town having fun and the June circle was not well attended. There were only 5 of us, so having that huge turnout this month restored my faith in the viability of the circle.

Many of us will be making big decisions as we navigate the last weeks of Summer and the transition into Autumn. Mercury stations retrograde on 8/23, the same day that the Sun enters Virgo. We also have Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron retrograde. It all adds up to a major transformational process of review and reset enhanced by Virgo purification, attention to detail and practical discernment about what's working and what's not.

Please let me know if you'd like to join any of these events (see more details below on the Bulletin Board) -

Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® New Moon in Leo Freedom Session - Wed. 8/16

Free Conference Call Reiki Circle Mon. 8/21, 7 - 8pm,EDT, call 917 444 9040, conference ID 818181#.

VortexHealing® Empowerment Session #4 Alienation and Loneliness, Thurs. 8/24, $20, 7:15 - 8:45pm EDT

Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 1 Class, Sat. 8/26

I've been dreaming about doing the Navaratri 9 Nights of Mother Divine sessions again this year. The dates will be Oct. 15th - Oct 24th - 9 one hour distant healing sessions beginning at 9pm, 15 min conference call and 45 min. of distant healing. I'm hoping some of my A-Team members will co-channel with me! The suggested donation is $90 but you can donate any amount. The first 3 nights are dedicated to Durga, the next 3 to Lakshmi and the last to Saraswati. This Navaratri will be especially powerful as it falls in between the Oct. 14th Libra New Moon Solar eclipse and the Oct. 28th Taurus Full Moon Lunar eclipse.


Here's a prayer you can say out loud - I am asking for the most benevolent loving and healing energies that are available for the areas and people affected by the fires in Hawaii to be all around and all about them, to arise within them and to flow freely through them.

Wait 2 minutes then say this out loud - I am asking that all the people affected by the fires in Hawaii get all the help they need from all those beings that can help them.

Here's short summation of the current situation that I've copied from one of my alternative news sources -

"Almost 100 people have lost their lives, this number is expected to rise dramatically over the next few days. In the worst natural disaster Maui has ever faced. Only a small area has been covered so far in the search for survivors. The main fire took place in the historic town of Lahaina leaving 4500 people needing shelter. Over 1000 hotel rooms have been secured and 1400 people have been housed in shelters, around 1500 people are still missing. The alert systems and early phone warnings failed. People were forced into the sea to find safety. Residents have since been advised not to drink the tap water due to the risk of chemical damage in the water supply."

"The fire that overcame Lahaina spread at a rate of one mile every minute it’s been said, propelled by wind gusts of up to 81 mph and inflicting an estimated $5.6 billion worth of damage."

Usui Sensei 1

Happy Birthday Usui Sensei!

Mikao Usui was born on August 15th, 1865 in the village of Taniai in the Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture, which is located near present -day Nagoya, Japan.

He was married and had two children. According to my Reiki Level 1 & 2 manual,

"He had an avid interest in learning and worked hard at his studies. As he grew older, he traveled to Europe and China to further his education. His curriculum included medicine, psychology, and religion as well as the art of divination, which Asians have long considered to be a worthy skill."

"Usui Sensei also became a member of the Rei Jyutsu Kai, a metaphysical group dedicated to developing psychic abilities. He had many jobs including civil servant, company employee and journalist, and he helped rehabilitate prisoners."

"Eventually he became the secretary to Shinpei Goto, head of the department of health and welfare who later became mayor of Tokyo. The connections Usui Sensei made at this job also helped him to become a successful business man."

"The depth and breadth of his experiences inspired him to direct his attention to discovering the purpose of life. Ini his search he came across the description of a special state of consciousness that once achieved would not only provide an understanding of one's life purpose, but would also guide one to achieve it. This special state is called An-shin Ritsu-mei (pronounced on sheen dit sue may)."

"In this special state, one is always at peace, regardless of what's happening in the outer world. And it is from this state of peace that one comes to understand and achieve one's life purpose. One of the special features of this state is that it maintains itself without any effort on the part of the individual; the experience of peace simply wells up spontaneously from within and is a type of enlightenment."

Usui reached a point in his life when a burning desire arose within him to achieve that enlightened state. He began to practice Zen meditation rigorously. After 3 years of this he asked his teacher if there was anything more he could do to reach his goal. His teacher suggested that he go to Mount Kurama, where an 800 yr old Buddhist temple is located and undertake a traditional fasting and meditation retreat.

Usui took his teachers advice and planned his meditation retreat. His teacher told him that he must proceed with an attitude of "enlightenment or death". Usui took this to heart and resolved to meditate and fast until he either reached enlightenment or died. On the 21st day of his retreat he felt very weak and had lost hope. Just when he had resigned himself to failure and death as the sun was setting, he was struck with "a bolt of divine lightening" on the top of his head and passed out. He woke up in the morning feeling incredibly blissful and energized. He had achieved An-sheen Ritsu-mei! He felt immense peace, love and wisdom.

He ran down the mountain, excited to share the good news with his teacher. But in his haste he stubbed his toes on a rock. He sat down and placed his hands on his aching toes and was amazed when the pain subsided within seconds. He realized that his hands had become very hot with healing energy.

There was an inn near the bottom of the mountain and Usui, who was famished from the 3 weeks of fasting decided to obtain food there. He was greeted by a young woman who worked there. He noticed that her jaw was swollen with an abscess and asked if she would let him heal it. She consented and Usui began to treat the abscess with his Reiki hands. The abscess soon began to shrink as the Reiki healed the infection.

Usui was then able to eat a large meal, which normally would have been impossible for a person who had fasted for 3 weeks. If you have ever fasted for a significant length of time, you know that it hurts your mouth to begin eating again and you must have only warm broth, or a small amount of bland food at first before you can eat a full regular meal.

Usui's enlightenment had happened in March 1922. His reputation as a healer spread far and wide quickly. He created his Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Reiki healing society) and taught Reiki to 2000 students before he died in 1926.

Usui was ahead of his time. He wanted Reiki healing and training to be given to everyone regardless of social status and ability to pay. His dream did not come true until many decades after his death.

A native of Hawaii named Hawayo Takata went to Japan to get treatment for a tumor, gallstones, appendicitis and asthma. She found a Reiki clinic that was run by one of Usui's students named Chujiro Hayashi. She got Reiki from 2 practitioners several times a week for 4 months and was totally healed. She then got Reiki training from Hayashi in 1936 and apprenticed in his clinic, eventually returning in 1937 to Hawaii where she opened her own clinic and became very successful. in the 1970's she traveled to America to teach Reiki. By the time she died in 1981, she had trained 22 Reiki teachers. But Reiki was spreading very slowly because, like Takata, her students were charging thousands of dollars for the classes.

Iris Ishikuru was the first of Takata;s teachers who began to lower the class fees in 1989. I think she may have been motivated to do this by the AIDS crisis. In any case, Reiki began to spread more widely in the 90's and then after the 2001 9/11 attack, it went viral global. Usui's dream had come true!

Just let go..... You already are what you ve been searching for 1

Sitting With Sensei


Student - I don't know what to do Sensei.......this situation with my son.....I'm so upset!
Sensei- Ok, we've talked about this before. Are you giving yourself Reiki every day? You look like you're not taking very good care of yourself.....
Student - (angry) I came to you because I need support Sensei! You sound dismissive, and I don't need to be scolded for not giving myself Reiki. I'm a single Mom working 2 jobs with a teenage son who hates me and keeps getting in trouble! I'm overwhelmed and I......I.....(tears) I came to you because I trust you......
Sensei - I'm glad you came to me, and I will do everything I can to help. So you tell me; how can I help?
Student - He got suspended from the basketball team. The coach got tired of him losing his temper. They were winning a playoff game and he fouled an opponent so badly that the referees kicked him out of the game. His team lost......he is devastated. The team blames him. He's a very talented's what he lives for! His father was a great athlete too.......
Sensei - You told me that his father died of a drug overdose when your son was 7 yrs old. It broke his heart..... and it broke your heart too. You loved him!
Student - (tears) Yes, he was intense, so beautiful and talented, and I loved him madly. I'm so sick of all the angry men in my life though. I haven't talked to my father since the marriage. My sister just told me he has liver disease from all the alcohol.
Sensei - Is your son using drugs?
Student - No, and he doesn't drink or smoke either. He swears that he never will. He doesn't want to end up like his dad.....or my father!
Sensei - Have you ever given your son Reiki?
Student - Yes, when he was young. He loved it, but after his father died he wouldn't let me treat him.
Sensei - Ok, bring him to me. I'll talk to him and give him a treatment.
Student - Jeez.....I don't know if he'll go for that, but I'll try! He just might be desperate enough.....
Sensei - Did you know that I love basketball and practice every day at sunrise on the courts in the park near my house? I made 30 fouls shots in a row yesterday!
Student - What!?! No way!

To Be Continued

If we take something that doesn t belong to us we are afraid of getting caught. By the same token if we identify with what we are not we will live in fear.

Fear Not, Be Free

Recovery of our true transcendent nature is absolutely a matter of the heart. When the personal heart is in resonance with the one heart of all that is, the false mask of separation dissolves and our true natural identity is revealed. It was there all along; it was just playing hide and seek. It can never be lost because it is the only thing that is permanent. It was never born and will never die.

Reiki and other energy healing modalities heal with frequency, vibration and resonance. When we treat ourselves or others, we are "tuning up the orchestra" so that all aspects of our being are resonating harmonically within the body / mind / spirit complex as well as with earth and the heavens. The alignment aspect is 6D (6th dimension) Sacred Geometry and the vibration-frequency-resonance aspect is 7D Sacred Sound Current. The Heart is 5D Love & Creativity, the Psyche is 4D Archetypes, the World is 3D, Elementals (minerals, Earth, Water, Fire. Air, Ether) are 2D and the inner core (the Heart) of Earth is 1D. 8D is the stellar web of creation and 9D the Galactic Center. Awakening / Enlightenment happens when we resonate harmonically with all 9 dimensions. Then we experience full Unity Consciousness - the state in which the Self, Universe and Creator are All-One.

The activation for the 9 dimensions will be offered in the new Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 Class, which I will be offering in Autumn 2023.

BTW, the phrase Fear Not Be Free is one that I've borrowed from Lujan Matus, who I became familiar with about 18 yrs ago on his online forum. His website is worth visiting. He has a unique energy signature, and I love his eloquent descriptions of his work, which is deeply transformational. He teaches a form of Qi Gong called Lo Ban Pai. He was a positive influence on me while I was going through the post Reiki training awakening process.

Zodiac canva

Message Of The Stars

Today's new Moon chart has a very warm hearted Venus/Sun/Moon conjunction in Leo with Chiron in Aries in harmonious trine aspect to the stellium. Passions are running high and we're not afraid to dream big, act big and win big. Is there somebody you secretly admire? A project you're passionate about but have been procrastinating your ass off? Make a move!

The Grand Earth Trine of Pluto in Capricorn, Mars in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus is explosive. This will affect our resources and relationships (remember that Pluto is still squaring the Aries - Libra nodes). That Grand Trine is lusty and antsy. There could be sudden shifts in relationships and finances. Break ups, make ups , hook ups? Caution is called for now. Ill considered choices could backfire on us during the Merc retro.

That earth element trine can set us up for a big breakthrough that launches us into higher levels of enlightenment and fulfillment.

Bold action is great as long as our aim is true. This New Moon is a great time to set big intentions, but a very dangerous time to try to force them into fruition. The Neptune in Pisces - Mars in Virgo opposition tells us that action divinely guided by clearly focused intuition and practical discernment hits the bull's eye.

If you're not sure what to do and when to do it, meditate and give yourself Reiki. Stay cool, calm and WAIT until you're so sure that you can feel it in your bones. Then just do it!

You will receive everything you need when you stop asking for what you do not need - Nisargadatta 2

New Moon Intentions & Quantum Manifestation

The New Moon is the most potent time of the month to set intentions because the subconscious mind is more receptive and your intentions (software) are more easily downloaded into the subconscious mind (hard drive). Here's how you do the New Moon Intentions 5 Elements Ritual™ -
- Write intentions list in the form of affirmations - I am always safe wherever I am and whatever I do, I am very successful in my work. My finances are always improving, etc. .....
- Ether Element - place list on altar (gesture of turning it over to the divine to be blessed, supported and made manifest)
- Fire Element - on the day of New Moon burn list and save the ashes in an envelope.
- Air Element - smoke of burning list sends intentions up into the air / heaven
- Earth Element - take ashes, bury them outside in the earth with a seed (flower seed, acorn, any kind of seed)
- Water Element - water the ashes / seed. (You can make "holy water" by saying prayer over it, charging it with Reiki)

Whether you do the 5 elements ritual or not, what's most important is that you practice the techniques of -

Conscious Intentional Creation of Reality™ -

▪ Set intentions (mental setting, like setting alarm clock, or setting rudder and sails on a sailboat)
▪ Action - Do what needs to done, show up on time. Practice rigorous self care every day.
▪ Don't worry about results. Let Go, Let God!
▪ Imagination - imagine and feel that your intentions have manifested. Imagination is creative, feelings are magnetic and they attract your dreams into reality.
▪ Be The Receptive Magnetic Empty Vessel All fears, doubts, negative beliefs and conditioning, bad habits must be dumped out of the vessel so that it's empty, clean and clear, ready be filled with fulfillment. Do not identify with your issues and karma - they are not who you are. I am the medicine not the disease, I am the solution not the problem, I am the infinite eternal divine, acting as if I am a person! "Love tells me I am everything, wisdom tells me I am nothing" - Nisargadatta
▪ Be the Hunter Gatherer - stay in the moment, be vigilant, be ready to seize opportunities when they arise and receive / achieve abundant fulfillment
▪ Proceed with the belief that things can turn out even better than you can imagine.
Set intentions (mental setting, like setting alarm clock, or setting rudder and sails on a sailboat)
Action - Do what needs to done, show up on time. Practice rigorous self care every day.
Don't worry about results. Let Go, Let God!
Imagination - imagine and feel that your intentions have manifested. Imagination is creative, feelings are magnetic and they attract your dreams into reality.
Be The Receptive Magnetic Empty Vessel All fears, doubts, negative beliefs and conditioning, bad habits must be dumped out of the vessel so that it's empty, clean and clear, ready be filled with fulfillment. Do not identify with your issues and karma - they are not who you are. I am the medicine not the disease, I am the solution not the problem, I am the infinite eternal divine, acting as if I am a person! "Love tells me I am everything, wisdom tells me I am nothing" - Nisargadatta
Be the Hunter Gatherer - stay in the moment, be vigilant, be ready to seize opportunities when they arise and receive / achieve abundant fulfillment
Proceed with the belief that things can turn out even better than you can imagine.
Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing New Moon in Leo Session Wed. 816

Bulletin Board

Upcoming Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing Freedom sessions -
Leo New Moon - Wed. 8/16
Full Moon in Pisces- Wed. 8/30
New Moon in Virgo - Thurs. 9/14
Autumn Equinox- Sat. 9/23
These sessions start with a 7:30 - 8pm EDT conference call followed by an 8 - 9pm EDT distant healing. In order to register, email me your full name as you want it written on the distant healing list, and if you have pets you'd like to add to the list, tell me their names and what type of animal they are. Mother Divine, Ascended Masters and the Angelic realm will assist us in these sessions, which will help us release blocks that prevent us from becoming free self sovereign creators of our personal realities and having abundant fulfillment in all aspects of our lives.

We are in an accelerated phase of activation, transformation, rectification and awakening now, and the Divine Mother Love and Angelic healing energies of the Angelic Liquid Light Healing® modality will help us feel deeply loved, loving, safe and supported in the midst of the unprecedented challenges that we face as we create "heaven on Earth".

These sessions are free to all but if you like them and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to, Cash App to 646 505 9798 or if you can't use them, use Paypal via the Buy Now button on my contact page - (and if you can't use PayPal snail mail me a check!!)

My next in-person Deer Spirit Reiki Circle will be held on Sat., Sept. 2nd at Moxi Wellness, 598 Broadway NYC, 12th Fl., 5pm - 7:15pm, $20. Door locks at 5:30pm when the meditation begins. It is open to Reiki students all levels and lineages as well as a limited number of non - Reiki students who want to receive treatment and learn more about Reiki. Please do not come if you are contagiously ill or have tested positive for covid. This event is held on the 1st Saturday of every month.

The VortexHealing® Empowerment Series began on May 25th. All sessions are on Thursdays, 7:15pm EDT conference call, 7:45 - 8:45pm distant healing. Next session -
4) Loneliness & Alienation - 8/24, $20
5) Super Session (physical / mental / emotional health) - 9/28, $27
These sessions are channeled by me and my amazing friend / colleague Carol Ribner who lives in Toronto and has been my partner in these sessions since 2009. She is trained up to the highest levels of the
VortexHealing® lineage. I use mostly Angelic Liquid Light in the sessions.

I am teaching Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 on Sat. Aug. 26th, 10am - 5:30pm ET, $252 with a $90 deposit to register. Your manual will be emailed to you and you will receive a graduation certificate via email. For more info about the modality and details of curriculum see my website.

Deer doe

Deer Medicine - Love, Gentleness, Grace & Silence

Services, Classes & Special Programs

Healing Sessions in Person -
$150 for 60min., 3 sessions - $425, 5 sessions $700
Distant Healing Sessions via Phone or Video Call - $144 for 90 min.,$405 for 3 sessions
$108 for 60 min. session,
$90 for 45 min. session
House Call or Hospital Healing Sessions - $150 for 60 min., 3 sessions $405 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)
Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot - $175 for 90min. in person or $126 over the phone, Skype, Zoom., $150 for 60 min. in person, $108 for 60 min. phone or Skype,
60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot + 60 min. Healing Session Combo - $324 in person or $225 via phone / video call
90 min Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot & 90 min. Healing Session - $405 in person or $324 phone or video call

2023 Class Schedule
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 7/22 & 7/23
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 8/26
Reiki Level 3 - 9/16
Reiki Master Teacher - 10/21 & 10/22
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 11/18 & 11/19
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 12/16
see the classes page of my site for details of curriculum and fees

Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program - My Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program began in February 2017. After a candidate is chosen, they assist in teaching all 4 levels of training (Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3, and Master Teacher). They also have weekly coaching sessions which may be over the phone or in person, and homework assignments. Another aspect of the program is providing Reiki in a volunteer capacity at the free clinics I supervise. The program is tailored to the needs of the individual candidate. If there are issues blocking the candidate's general fulfillment in life and success as a Reiki healer and teacher, these will be addressed through counseling and healing sessions. I am accepting applications for an apprentice who would start working with me as soon as they are ready.

Karuna Reiki® is taught by private appt. online or at your residence only.

Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT, Craniosacral Therapist or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $405.

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
NYC Reiki & Spiritual Healing Meetup
Deer Spirit Healing, Awakening & Ascension Meetup
Global Healthworks Foundation
646 505 9798 **

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