2015 Digital Curriculum StrategySchool Assessment Tool & Survey • Find out how well you’re doing. • Gain insight to make immediate improvements in y

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• Find out how well you’re doing.

• Gain insight to make immediate improvements in your own work.

• Help your school or district.


The Learning Counsel is surveying U.S K-12 and equivalent international primary educators about digital curriculum strategies. In addition to providing data, our survey instrument is a valuable tool for self-assessment and will help you know where you stand. Just by virtue of the questions being asked, you will find out more of what others are doing, and what you are already engaged in, that puts you well on the way to a great strategy.

Gathering & National Awards Event

We will be selecting the Top 10 survey entrees to join us at our Gathering & National Awards Event in Albuquerque, NM, on October 26th and 27th where they will be honored for their achievements. Small, medium and large districts will be considered by groups so that anyone can win. The Learning Counsel will be ranking the composition of an institution’s:


• Strategy elements.
• Curriculum tactics.
• Coverage models.
• Policies.
• Organizational practices and systems.
• Successful pedagogical shift.
• Educator and student technology provisions, training, and use of digital curriculum.

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The data resulting from this study will be used to produce a key findings report editorialized by the Learning Counsel and promoted to national media outlets. No study like this has been undertaken before with as much attention to the artful detail districts are using.

Your individual response is confidential.

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24-page Special Report on Digital Curriculum Strategy

The Learning Counsel visits 22 cities this year. But to share the in-depth review of strategy for digital curriculum transition we’ve published a 24-page special report for education leaders and curriculum and technology directors.
