Happy holidays to you and blessings for a wonderful 2015! I wanted to thank all of you for your support this year, as it has been the most AMAZING yea

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Happy holidays to you and blessings for a wonderful 2015! I wanted to thank all of you for your support this year, as it has been the most AMAZING year for Pink Fortitude, LLC.

Because of your support in Pink Fortitude, LLC's first full year of operation, this is what we were able to accomplish:


From the generosity of everyone who supported the Peace, Love, and Chocolate for the Cure fundraiser, along with additional donations from Pink Fortitude, LLC, over $6,000 was donated to the Tigerlily Foundation, Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, and several other smaller non-profit and individual causes to help those with cancer.


Books by Holly Bertone  breastcancer

I published two books this year, Drops of Fortitude - Find Your Inner Strength During Cancer Treatment, and a children's book, My Mommy Has Cancer, which brings the grand total to three books authored, and gives me the title of BrEaST selling author! More than fifty books, valued at over $600 were donated to local hospitals, cancer centers, and cancer patients.

In addition to being sold via traditional online outlets, Happy Chemo is now offering my books to their readers.

Social Media Campaigns

I finally joined the world of social media. If you aren't already following me, here is where you can find me. Stop by and say hello!

Blog - The Coconut Head's Survival Guide

Facebook Personal Page

Facebook Page for Home and Family

Facebook Page for Cancer Resources





Five Public Service Announcements (PSA's) for breast cancer awareness were promoted via social media, and awareness cards were donated to two women's imaging centers, and given out at all of my promotional events.

If you would like to purchase awareness cards for your imaging center, medical office, or awareness event, please contact me. The first 25 cards will be donated to you, and bulk discounts given for orders over 200.

Intercept Breast Cancer PSA

Extra thanks to Scott Conover, professional football player and husband to Courtney Conover of The Brown Girl with Long Hair, for being such a good sport and partnering with me to create a football-related "Intercept Breast Cancer" PSA. His PSA cards were promoted on social media and 200 cards were given out at West Potomac's Homecoming football game.


rookie titled

I was nominated for the WEGO Health Award Rookie of the Year. The nomination process is still open. If you haven't had a chance to vote for me (you can only vote once), I would be honored to have your endorsement. Vote (endorse) HERE.

The Coconut Head's Survival Guide was named to the 150 Best Breast Cancer Blogs. Ok... so it was #149 but who's counting, right?

And last but certainly not least, I was honored to be awarded one of the 2014 Woman of the Year from the National Association of Professional Women.

Save the Date - Peace, Love, Chocolate 2015

Save the date for Saturday, February 21, 2015 for the annual Peace, Love, and Chocolate for the Cure fundraiser. This fundraiser is hosted in our home, and is a day full of homemade chocolate confections, bubblies to drink, ladies in pink, and a fun afternoon to come together to support breast cancer.

If you are local to me, you will receive an invitation to attend. Expect more social media and virtual outreach, so that everyone can participate, whether you are there in person or not.

Looking for Sponsors

If you own a business or want to donate to the fundraiser out of the goodness of your heart, please contact me to discuss sponsorship details.

Many thanks to Athena Water for being the first sponsor confirmed for the event!

Blog Stuff

The focus of this report is on breast cancer outreach and advocacy, but the engagement wouldn't happen without my blog, The Coconut Head's Survival Guide. I'm looking forward to some minor updates this year, and will continue to provide inspiration for your home and family.

Mark your calendars for February, as I will be launching an ebook on how to grow your social media. I never planned for this to happen, but it started to come together, so I went with it. There is never a dull moment at my laptop!

What's New for 2015

**I feel that 2014 was a growing and learning year, with a lot of self-discovery as to what Pink Fortitude, LLC is really about. I'm looking forward to building on this foundation and solidifying the mission in 2015. Here's a sample of what you can expect:

Writing two more eBooks as part of the Drops series, and a book on recovery.
Creating additional seasonal PSA's, to reach more women with awareness campaigns.
Revamping the cancer resources section on the website in order to make the information easier to navigate and find.
Minor branding updates to the Coconut Head.
Continuing outreach, awareness, and volunteering campaigns.

Your Action - How Can I Help?

Pink Fortitude, LLC would have never been able to accomplish all of this without your help and support, and I cannot thank you enough.

The more you help me, the more I can help others. Follow my blog, follow me on social media, and like and share whenever something interests you. It doesn't cost you anything, other than a few seconds of your time to get the word out.

Most importantly, if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, please reach out to me. This is what I'm here for.


Wishing all of you a happy, healthy, and wonderful 2015.

Love and hugs,


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