Shaar Banat 2018

Mashael Alsaie, "Shaar Banat," 2018. Film Photography. Pigmented Archival Inkjet Print. Courtesy of the artist.

Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2020
RU Talk Podcast Episode: Mashael Alsaie and Julia Hartmann

Dear RU Community,

We hope this email finds you well!

As we continue to modify our rapidly changing lives and maintain social distancing, RU is moving more content and programming online and we will continue to share opportunities, news, recommendations and resources. Please stay tuned!

While we may not be able to physically welcome you to Residency Unlimited this evening for our previously scheduled talk between resident artist Mashael Alsaie and resident curator Julia Hartmann, we’re thrilled to share the RU Talk Podcast Episode with you HERE!

Mashael Alsaie, a Bahrain/NY-based photographer and filmmaker, and Julia Hartmann, a curator based in Vienna, Austria, discuss how they are coping with working in isolation while in NYC, and reflect on their interests, geographic trajectories and individual experiences as women art practitioners with different backgrounds.

For more information about Mashael and Julia, and to listen to the Podcast, click HERE.

Thank you, and be safe!

The RU Team

Art Select

This program is made possible with support from Art Select, a Bahrain-based art advisory dealing in consulting and creating artist platforms, art events, and investor art portfolios.

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