Yet, materialism is still the dominant philosophy of not just the dogmatic discipline we call mainstream science, but also of many minds within the truth and freedom network. When it’s pretty much common knowledge that medical, energy and other corporate-related science has been distorted and suppressed for the benefit of the control-system, why would it be any different when it comes to the philosophical implications of scientific exploration and its associated evidence?
After all, we know that the elite use ritual and symbolic spells to achieve their goals, so clearly they themselves believe beyond the adolescence of a matter-based reality. And when we consider how successful they’ve been, obviously they’ve tapped into the energetic dance in a productive way, at least for themselves.
The fact remains however that there is a huge network of people who are becoming conscious of the nature of consciousness itself. A term to describe this is spirituality, but in summary it’s simply about understanding the connection we have with each other and reality at large, as well as rediscovering the various layers which make up the self.
If you haven’t viewed through this lens in your quest for clarity, you’re unfortunately missing a profound piece of the philosophical puzzle.
In any case, the awakening community is doing some amazing work, even if it’s split between the system-focused and spiritual-focused mindsets. There are of course many balance-minded individuals and groups who are doing both, but for the time being this remains the exception, not the norm.
That will change though. The veterans of truth-seeking, as well as the newly initiated to the conscious society, are energetically primed to create a balance between these two areas of exploration. After all, there is always an opportunity for the magic to be at strength with the madness, just like the positive charge is equal to its negative counterpart, in accordance with natural principles.
That’s duality, in one action.