Farewell to a friend, great advice for daughters and moth-proof your blankets Last Friday was a very sad day at our place as we made the decision to


Farewell to a friend, great advice for daughters and moth-proof your blankets

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Last Friday was a very sad day at our place as we made the decision to let our old dog Shirl (pictured with Pearl in 2009 at the caravan) go. For months now she has struggled to move her hind legs and in the last few weeks her front legs were going too. We've been helping her up and down to get outside to the loo but recently she had been collapsing in a heap before she got to the door. And every time it happened she looked so miserable. She also hadn't been for a walk for months and was housebound on her bed. And then the moaning started. Just lying there and moaning, a lot. Before I went to Waiheke I asked Paul if he would make the decision as I couldn't and so he took her out to see our lovely vet Brett and Paul said the end was very gentle and sweet.
As all of you know who are lucky enough to have dogs there is no better animal to share your life with and we had Shirl for 12 lovely years. She was a very big dog and she did well to make it this far. I still haven't really accepted she has gone and keep expecting to find her on her bed in our bedroom or on the front verandah in the sun which she loved. But I guess I'll have to accept it soon.
Meanwhile Rosie our seven-month-old huntaway cross puppy is a bit confused but adjusting to her new role as solo dog.


No matches? Try spaghetti

We spent the weekend in a bach on Waiheke Island and I'm pleased to say my novel is ready to go. I've got it with my daughter Hannah for a read, as she will give me the final sign-off and some good notes.
While we were there Paul went off for takeaways and I suddenly decided it would be nice to light some candles. Problem was, I had candles, but no matches. I asked my friends on twitter for advice and Wendy Lester came to the rescue suggesting I roll up a bit of paper, hold it to the stove element and use that. Worked a treat. And on Monday she sent me this link __which has a great suggestion for using spaghetti - really good for reaching into hard to light places like vases etc.

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Friend advice

One of my favourite columnists is Caitlin Moran who writes for The Times in the UK. She wrote a wonderful book called How to be a Woman which I thoroughly recommend. At the weekend she wrote a lovely column about advice for her daughter she would leave if she died. Which, as a columnist myself, I thought reeked a bit of "I've got nothing to write about this week so this will have to do." But I particularly loved her advice about friends:
"Choose your friends because you feel most like yourself around them, because the jokes are easy and you feel like you’re in your best outfit when you’re with them, even though you’re just in a T-shirt. Never love someone whom you think you need to mend – or who makes you feel like you should be mended. There are boys out there who look for shining girls; they will stand next to you and say quiet things in your ear that only you can hear and that will slowly drain the joy out of your heart. The books about vampires are true, baby. Drive a stake through their hearts and run away."
I used to do a lot of mending but as I've got older I've chosen friends who can look after themselves and leave me the mending energy I need for my five kids.

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Brazilian? No way

Speaking of columns I wrote one last week for the Herald about the godawful trend for women to wax all their pubic hair off. I think it's time we stood up for ourselves and said, "This is me, take it or leave it." Everywhere I look is a service offering to remove, inject, re-shape, change colour or modify women's bodies in some way to make them more acceptable. To whom? I'm not sure but let's tell each other we look great just as we are. You can have a read of the column here if I've got you interested!


Moth Proof Blankets

I recently found a great old recipe while researching my Green Goddess column for the NZ Women's Weekly which you can use to moth proof blankets. We'll be putting them all away soon so why not make a jar of this up and have it ready. Scroll down to Recipe of the Week for the recipe or find it here on my website.


Birthday Special

It's my birthday tomorrow and so it's time for a discount, as I do every year. This week only, I have taken 30% off all my products so that you can stock up. Please note that the 30% discount only applies to my Wendyl's Green Goddess products, not other products that we stock. The special is only live until Thursday next week so don't forget to stock up and I hope you have a great week's shopping as my birthday gift to you.

New video out

Sam has loaded another video on YouTube - this one takes you through the process of making my laundry powder. If you haven't had a go, then watching this video will show you just how easy it is. So don't be shy, have a look and see if you've got what it takes. Click on the picture below to go to the video.

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Click on picture to see my how to make a laundry powder video


Give diet drinks a miss

As you all know I'm not a fan of soft drinks, as they are empty calories giving you no nutrition whatsoever. And I'm also not keen on diet drinks which contain chemical sweeteners. Believe me, I would love nothing more than a gin and tonic or a rum and Coke, but I've just trained myself off them and when I do feel like something fizzy and sweet I reach for one of my home-made ginger beers. And when I have a vodka I pour it over ice, squeeze in a lemon or lime and add a bit of soda. Just as nice really and so much better for you.
I found this really good article on why diet drinks are not the best option. You can read it here.

Changing your email address

At last count there were more than 10,000 of you receiving this every week. It's lovely to know how many of you enjoy reading what I write. But, some of you need to change your email address and unfortunately with this new system there is no easy way to do this. But emailing me means I spend quite a lot of time changing all of your email addresses! Instead please unsubscribe clicking the link at the bottom then resubscribe on my website home page on the left. I'm sorry it's not a litte easier.

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Come in and take a look at our shop at 356 Gt North Rd, Grey Lynn (opposite Elgin St and the Caltex service station). And save those empty containers and bring them back to our shop for a refill. Daniel or Sam will be happy to fill them up for you and take $2 off the price as well. We love recycling and we love you for it. Don't forget all our online specials are also available in the shop and we have a full range of Dr Bronner's products. For shop details click the picture (above) of the shop.

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Everything you need to get started making your own cleaners in the one DIY kit. Only $83.30 this week so what's stopping you? Click on the picture to find out more.

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Always wanted to make your own cleaners but not sure how? Watch my simply how to videos to help get you started. Click on the picture to get started.


Moth Proof Blankets

We’ll soon be putting away our blankets and it is always a good idea to wash them before storing. But this goes one step further as it moth proofs them as well.

2 tbsp eucalyptus oil

1 cup methylated spirits

225g soap flakes (Lux flakes are good)

Mix together in a screw-top jar until all the ingredients are dissolved. Add 1 tbsp of the mixture to every 4 litres of water and soak the blankets for an hour then hand wash or wash on your wool cycle in your machine, but do not rinse. Wring them dry or put them through the gentle spin of your washing machine then dry outside on a windy day out of direct sunshine. Do not rinse as the eucalyptus oil needs to stay in the wool to soften it but also deter moths.


If you are new to this newsletter welcome, and thanks for signing up. I am a former magazine editor who left her highly stressed life and came home to tend a garden, some chickens and slowly discover a life free of chemicals and based on old-fashioned principles. I send this newsletter out every Thursday at 3pm (NZ time) and parts of it go onto my website blog page.I share recipes, tips, ideas and links to information about living a chemical-free life.

You can also find lots or recipes, tips, ideas and even knitting patterns on my website at www.wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz and you can also shop here for my natural laundry, cleaning and baby products or my books.

Talk to me
I love hearing from you with your ideas and feedback so that I can make this newsletter and my website even better. Please contact me:
general@wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz - for any inquiries re recipes, household hints, living a chemical-free life.
shop@wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz- for any inquiries about using the online shop page, finding our retail shop or order problems.
newsletter@wendylsgreengoddess.co.nz - for comments on this newsletter or if you would like to share something.

You can read my Agony Aunt and Nana's Pantry columns in the New Zealand Woman's Weekly and my Wendyl Wants to Know column where I analyse the ingredients in processed foods on Saturdays and The Supportive Wife column on Fridays in the New Zealand Herald. I also have regular radio slots on NewstalkZB with Mike Hosking on Fridays at 8.10am and with Jack Tame on Saturdays at 11.15am.

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