News & Quick-bits - 26 May 2021 Q: Are Any Homeopathic Remedies Made from Pork? A: Traditional homeopathic remedies don't contain porcine (pig) comp

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News & Quick-bits - 26 May 2021


Q: Are Any Homeopathic Remedies Made from Pork?

A: Traditional homeopathic remedies don't contain porcine (pig) components but newer potentised remedies might. Read more & Comment


Dyshidrosis – Betty’s Story

Life was difficult for Betty with painful and itchy blisters on her fingers and palms She only noticed a true improvement in her condition when she saw a homeopath. Read more & Comment


Homeopathy for Abscesses

The symptoms always show which remedy is needed for a speedy resolution with homeopathy - throbbing, prickling or burning pain, watery or thick pus, colour of pus, and so on. Read more | Comment


6 Remedies for Bladder Pain

A burning sensation while urinating is a frustrating and relatively common symptom. Sometimes there is a hidden cause, sometimes not. A doctor lists his 6 key remedies. Read more | Comment

Specials - Bottle

One Week: Three Specials

Offer 1: Anacardium orientale (Anac.) 30C Pills – 70% Off! Build your homeopathy kit with this week's $5.00 remedy and simple how-to-use info. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off 21 Different First Aid & Injury Complexes Blends of remedies for burns, sciatica, bites, and more. More info | | Buy now

Offers 3: Winter Defence – 'Super Specials' Three ways to save - Pay just $3.50 or $12.50 - Save $16.00 to $25.00! More info | Buy now

Offers end at midnight on Monday, 31st May 2021 (UTC/GMT -8 hours)
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Kaviraj on Fleas, Leaf Curl & More

Subscribers asked questions and once again, Kaviraj responded with advice on storing and using homeopathy to control fleas, pear and cherry slugs, and leaf curl. Read more & Comment


Video: Research on Treatment Outcomes

Studies show that patients treated by their doctor with homeopathic remedies do as well or better than those given conventional medicines. Read more & Comment


Childhood Depression Cases

Two cases of depression: One child was withdrawn and wanting to die, the other cried incessantly and felt forsaken. Both needed different remedies but why?
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Macula Degeneration & Homeopathy

A doctor’s list of 5 remedies for macular degeneration symptoms with the proviso that constitutional treatment is the preferred option. Read more | Comment


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