"People are looking for a result that is superficial just to look good. They don't really consider that could be done from the inside out!" Dr. Aleja

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"People are looking for a result that is superficial just to look good. They don't really consider that could be done from the inside out!"

Dr. Alejandro Junger

Hungry for Change Movie

Soul Food

comfort tea

The holidays are right around the corner and with them bring a hodgepodge of emotions. Some may be very excited, full of energy and others may be dreading them or even feeling more depressed. Learning to tackle the holidays with an attitude of gratitude and an inkling of positivity can go a long way to planting the seed for an improved holiday season. With that being said, it is also very important during this season of give, give, give that we don't forget to give to ourselves. The smallest of things can help you maneuver the holiday obligations with greater ease than years past.

Here are my top 5 recommendations for an easier and more joyful holiday season:
1. Focus on vegetables. Always make sure you have plenty of fresh raw/steamed/roasted/boiled vegetables on hand. By making sure you eat a rainbow each day, you will also be crowding out the crap.
2. Drink water until you feel like you're floating! Seriously. Water in = water out. Nobody feels good when they are retaining water from foods not in your normal diet.

3. Get plenty of rest. That means going to bed ON TIME or early. It does NOT mean staying up for hours baking or wrapping gifts.

4. Hire someone else to do your dirty work. That's right. Pick your favorite things to do for the holidays. The things you really LOVE to do and do them. Hire someone else to do the rest, such as clean your house, bake your favorite cookies for you, shop from your list, have the store or a high school girl wrap gifts for you (genius, right?), cater a party, book a bartender so you aren't spending the night refilling and shaking martinis while your guests have a blast. This is not about spending more, but making more of what you do during the holidays enjoyable and meaningful.

5. Say NO to something. You really don't have to go to every event you are invited to. Especially if it's not something that you are truly excited about and it makes you giddy like a teenager. Just say NO. You have my permission. It's ok.

The biggest thing I can recommend, but that would have then been my top 6 and who does THAT, is to honor YOU. Pamper YOU! Take time out each and every day to do something nice for YOU. If you aren't filling your pitcher, you can't fill everyone else's. Besides, who wants to spend the holidays with someone who is ragged, haggard, and spent? Tackle this holiday season with joy, abundance, and a youthful glow because you took care of yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a massage while someone cleans your house for you.

Let's Eat....or DRINK!

simple smoothie

Smoothies are a great, fast, simple meal any time of year. During the holidays, they could just be a life saver! Start your day off on the right foot with a super smoothie. No time for lunch? No worries! Make a smoothie. Too tired for a full dinner? Make a smoothie.


1 cup unsweetened
almond/coconut/hemp or rice milk
1 cup of mixed berries
1⁄4 cup unsweetened cranberry juice
1⁄4 avocado
1 Tablespoon flax meal or chia seeds
1 Teaspoon ginger
1 Teaspoon cinnamon
Ice (optional)


1 cup unsweetened
almond/coconut/hemp or rice milk
1 ripe banana
2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
2 Tablespoons honey or stevia
Ice (optional)

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About Me

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I provide whole food eating programs that help women lose weight without giving up things like chocolate and wine. Do you know anyone who would benefit from a program like this?

I'm a fun loving wellness warrior on a mission to help women feel good about their bodies again. I am passionate about teaching you ways to improve your health one bite at a time and one healthy habit at a time while also learning to put yourself first with empowering daily self care tips. I especially love working with women who are in transition and need to find balance and grounding when the world as they know it has gotten rocked off base. Have you recently gone through a life change that has you feeling lost? Do you know someone who has? Do you just want to find peace and joy in your life? Rekindle the excitement for your life that you had in your younger years? What about reconnecting with a body you don't really know anymore? If this sounds like you or someone you know, I would love to hear your story! Let's talk. In 30 minutes we can uncover your blocks to bliss and decide if transformational health coaching is right for you. Pssst....it's complimentary! What are you waiting for? Your life is NOW. Schedule your complimentary session here!

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What is my 28 day program? It's a whole food, clean eating program created just for you! This program is fully customizable from vegan to Paleo and any style in between. In this phenomenal program you will gain insight as to what causes you to make choices that don't take you closer to your goal. Which foods cause you to feel like crap and which ones create energy in your body. We'll get you moving that beautiful body you have and remove some of your limiting beliefs that keep you down. How does it sound to have 28 days of suggested meals plans WITH recipes? What about effortless weight loss because you are feeding your body good, clean, whole food? What if I told you you can also have 30 minute weekly coaching sessions to keep you on track with laser focus? Nobody and nothing is going to stop you with support like that! Schedule your 30 minute complimentary Blocks to Bliss session today! You deserve to THRIVE!

eating salad THRIVE

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In gratitude,


“I felt listened to and affirmed by your visit, even though I rattled on and on about my history. I never get to talk about myself so much.” Linda – Columbia, MO

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