
Love & Feathers & Shells & Me

Dec 2020


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Oh happy day.

2021 is nearly here at last.

But will things be different?

On the inside, that is totally up to us.

On the outside, we really don't know yet.

This coronavirus is a tricky one. And it isn't just our puzzle to solve. It is all of our puzzle to solve....together.

It is true we as a planet don't exactly have a strong history of successful global group problem solving. At least not yet.

But with a whole big bright shiny new year ahead, we still have lots of time to do better. 365 days' worth of time, to be precise.

Thank goodness.

Are you in?

We are in.

Pearl says he will bring the fierceness. And the ferociousness.

And the rest of us - you, me, all of us who are in - we must each bring our best and most beautiful brave.

(Pearl wants to say he will also bring the cuteness. And the featheriness. And plenty of spontaneous romantic serenades. And if anyone wants to bring their ladybirds, he will volunteer to head up the official Ladybird Welcoming Committee.)

In other flock-wide news, Bruce is snooooorrrrriiiiiinnnnnnggggg right now.

It is cold here - cold enough to tuck in and power down until warmer temps return. Until then (which will most likely be around mid-March) our precious boy is snoozing away under his hay, where he is safe and dry and frequently checked on and much missed.

Malti, meanwhile, has her indoor days and she has her outdoor days.

We live in the sub-tropical south, after all, and winter here is more of a passing mood than a bonafide season. Either way, her overprotective mama's got her pampered and spoiled and heated and humidified and - of course - well fed.

As for me, I am on "full steam ahead" mode as we prepare to give 2021 a big warm welcoming hug.

And may I just take this opportunity to say, from our little flock to yours.....

May the New Year bring you your heart's desires.

May you be healthy, happy, abundantly provided for, filled with gratitude and joy.

May you feel so loved and appreciated for your unique spirit and all the wonderful gifts you share with us, your loved ones and this small round blue and green planet we all call home.

Happy, happy, happy brand New Year!


Pearl, Malti, Bruce & Shannon

Flash Gordon, the Tall Tree & the Small Chef


Starting in January! Our Patreon Patrons Get a NEW EXCLUSIVE Weekly Blog Feature!

"Interspecies Flock Life With Shannon"

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NEW Short Film Just Released!

(can you spot some familiar faces?)


All ladybirds welcome!


Winter? What winter?


Click to read Malti's blog!


Hay is for hibernating


Click to read Bruce's blog!


Keep in touch


Me. Pearl. Bruce. Malti.

Hi! It is so good to meet you here each month! Pearl, Malti, Bruce and their mommy love having you in our extended flock!

We are super excited about our newest book, "Waffles & More: A Love & Feathers Recipe Book.

This book features 70 of Pearl's favorite "people food" recipes, courtesy of his personal Small Chef (aka his doting large featherless Grandma).

Have you treated yourself yet to a copy of "Love & Feathers: what a palm-sized parrot has taught me about life, love, and healthy self-esteem?"

If not, it's time! Get ready to smile, laugh, and fall in love with your own pets all over again.

==> To connect with me:

==> To connect with Pearl, Malti & Bruce:


Guess what I do for a living?

If you need fast and fantastic freelance content to support the work you do, or if your company is on the hunt for a copywriter, let's chat!

Just hit "reply" to this e-newsletter (or click here) to let me know you'd like to set up a time to talk.

BONUS: Free meet-and-greet with a certain set of enthusiastic feathers is automatically included with every new client Zoom, Skype or call (just try and stop him).

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