LINE drawing title

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The Sensory Alphabet

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A LINE study morphed into fabric print, soon to be quilted.

Color, shape, line? Maybe movement or rhythm? What do you notice when you walk into a room, drive through a new landscaping, or look at a painting? Each of us has sensory strengths—a cognitive bias—to draw upon for our designs, themes, and creative process in our art.

Noticing and exercising our sensory strengths are ways to develop a personal unique style in our art work.

During the next nine months I'm going to explore these elements of form (and perhaps some of their cohorts, the unifying elements) in each month's issue. I'm doing this as a way to develop some new exercises, think anew about my relationship to my strengths and, with luck and love, inspire you to explore and experiment with both the elements you love and to try out some play with elements that you don't always pay attention to.

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In a timely fashion, I'll be presenting these ideas to The Quilt Show's vast audience sometime in the next year (my taping session is at the end of the month but I don't have an "air" date yet.

If you haven't seen The Quilt Show, take a look at their free resources and then you can subscribe to see what Ricky and Alex have in store all year.

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The Road: Spring

Necessity is the mother of invention: I am currently planning for The Quilt Show and for a full day exploration of the Sensory Alphabet for the SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) conference in April, 2022. I've had fun playing around with different elements and have started some 12" by 12" pieces -- (so much for not working small!)

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Make a collection of lines, using just black media on white paper (see below for more instructions).

LINE is not one of my strong suits i.e. line is not the most important design element in my art works and the logical progression and preciseness that many LINE oriented artists achieve is not how I work. BUT, choosing an element that isn't one's go-to can be fruitful and fun. I do often include at least one strong linear element in my work (ie the road in the piece above). But I suspect in my case it's about the MOVEMENT -- which is one of my strong suits.

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More LINE drawings. The second that layers to make the art quilt below.

NOTE; To get the most out of this exercise it's a good idea to do this with others and to see how different and diverse are your perceptions, play and favorites.

To explore LINE, start with blank pieces of drawing paper or a roll of easel paper. Size is good!

Collect, beg or borrow an assortment of black mark making media: Crayons, ink, paint, watercolor, pastel, different markers, charcoal sticks, even black yarn.

For 10 minutes or longer make all kinds of linear marks: wavy, straight, narrow, wide, bold, timid, shaky, confident, happy, sad, short, long -- you get the idea.

What are your favorite lines? Cut out 4 or 5 of your favs and collage onto one piece of paper.

An all-digital version of this LINE play, use an app (like NGA Kids) with various brushes to make linear marks. Edit, combine, layer and repeat!

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Photograph your LINE collage and then run the photo image of the art through some different app filters, Photoshop effects or special effects filters on a website such as On the iPad, I like using Pixlr, Kaleidomatic and MegaPhoto.

Print your favorite results on fabric (or paper) and use them in an art quilt project or mixed media collage.

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Altered photo using MegaPhoto, combining LINE with SHAPE and RHYTHM

For more about this LINE activity, be sure to see my demos on The Quilt Show --I'll give you notice for the date via a newsletter in the future. and I plan to be posting on Instagram and FB during the shoot on Tuesday, August 31 in the afternoon.



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Finished little LINE quilt. 15" by 15"

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Other LINE activities to try.


Events and Exhibits

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Design on your iPad, big and little, bright or subtle.

[Art on the iPad starts Septermber 14!==========] All ONLINE, all at your own time and speed. Discussion posts and an optional Meet and Greet Zoom at the beginning of the course. The course ends officially on October 26, but it stays live on the site for as long as you wish to check in.

Here's the link to a special coupon for $25 off Art on the iPad. Take a look at the course syllabus here at this link. (Scroll down on page.)

EACH weekly lesson includes videos, downloadable tutorials, screen capture videos and slideshows, examples of many art works created on the iPad, links to other resources and tutorials. You can spend as much as 10 hours or as little as 2-3 hours a week on these lessons -- it's up to you how deeply you want to dive, and how much you want to practice the new tools to gain skills that will serve you for years!

If you have taken THIS course before, retake it for just $30. Email me for the coupon link!

Also posted and ready for enrollment: the next session of Art on the iPad, Sept. 14- Oct. 26. Coupon here for $25 off.


Texas SAQA Artists on Display

Medina 3K AS

Sunset on the Medina River, digital design

Kemp Art Center, Wichita Falls,Texas

Thirty great art quilts from Texas regional members of Studio Art Quilt Associates will will next be exhibited in Wichita Falls, opening October 28.

ON Air this coming year:

I'll be taping The Quilt Show in Dallas on August 20. It's a thrilling honor to be asked by Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson to be part of their colossal quilt and art TV and website. A ton of free material is on the website, as well some free shows, but you can subscribe to get tons of helpful, inspiring and amazing content. I'll be teaching a couple of segments, one on the Sensory Alphabet and one about pattern designs and the rhythm of printing with digital tools.

Line is the Sensory Alphabet element that often is operating with high logical/mathematical intelligence, one of Howard Gardener's multiple intelligence theory. This YouTube video helps explain his theories and how linear thinking is part of our measure of logical/mathematical intelligence. Gardner speaks about his work here in this longer video. What about you and LINE. Is it in your wheelhouse? Where does it show up for you?

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