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Welcome to The Nova News

Sammy Halloween 2018

Police Officer Sammy

Halloween 2018 Oscar Lila

Spiderman Oscar & Princess Kitty Lila

Happy Halloween friend!

Holidays like Halloween are SO fun... seeing all the cute kiddos dressed up, getting together with neighbors, friends, or family, trying not to eat ALL the leftover candy. Most of us have a lot we're trying to juggle. But as anyone who owns their own business knows, we don't really get holidays off... do we?

So while we are enjoying, we're also hard at work. Here's some of what we're working on at the moment.

In this edition of The Nova News, read below to get details about Lori's first Ohio Class on 11/17, add your name to our special VIP list for an upcoming Online Mineral Makeup eClass, see a free video tutorial on Making Soap Slime, download a 100+ year old Lye Booklet, and get caught up on our most recent blog posts.

Is there something you'd like us to cover in our next newsletter? Hit reply & let us know. We're here, just like we have been for the past 15 years, educating & supporting soapmakers & handcrafters from all over the world.

Let's keep learning together,

Cassie, Lori, & all The Nova Studio teachers

Find us & stay in touch at:

Our Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Blog ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest

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Learn Eye Shadow Making from Lori, in Ohio

Makeup might be a strange thing for a soapmaker to venture into, but if you're a woman, and you wear makeup, why wouldn't you want it to be as natural as possible?

The main benefit of making your own everything is that YOU control exactly what goes into it. And with loose mineral eye shadow, you use fewer ingredients because it doesn’t need any binders, unnecessary additives, or chemical preservatives.

In this fun, very hands-on class on 11/17/18, Lori will teach you how to create mineral eye shadows in a rainbow of colors – that perform at least as good (if not better) than their high-priced counterparts. You’ll get the chance to experiment with dozens of different colors of micas – from matte to shimmery. Learn all that goes into them, including several types of natural minerals that help improve the performance of the colored micas – giving your custom eye shadows better adhesion, better sheen, & better slip.

Now is a great time to learn because these make wonderful gifts & it’s a super fun thing to do with girlfriends. You'll even get ideas for how to throw your own DIY eye shadow making party too!

Read all the details & reserve your spot on our website HERE.

If you can't make this class but are close to Dayton, OH (or like to travel), click here to be notified first about future in-person classes scheduled in OHIO.

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Interested in an ONLINE Eye Shadow Class?

TNS Bronze Mineral Eye Shadow
5 TNS Mineral Eye Shadows Lids Off
Photo Oct 05 4 58 05 PM

Do you want to learn to make your own mineral eye shadows, but can't be in the Dayton Ohio area for Lori's 11/17 class? If so, good news! We are considering making our mineral eye shadow class into a Video eClass.

If interested, click on THIS LINK to be automatically added to our VIP Online Eye Shadow Class Priority List (that will come with a special rate). You'll then be redirected to our Contact Form, in case you have any additional questions for us.

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Free Video Tutorial: Soap Slime

This is a super fun project to do with kiddos of all ages. Not only for Halloween, soap slime can be made with items you might already have at home. Great to do on a rainy weekend, or on those holiday weeks when the kids are off school.

Check out our recipe & instructions, along with a cute video from Soapylove (aka Debbie), right here. If you make it & want to share your results, please leave a comment on the blog post!

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Download: Vintage Red Seal Lye Booklet

If you follow The Nova Studio on Instagram, you might have seen our recent pic of a small vintage Red Seal Lye booklet from Lori’s personal collection. We’re not sure how old it is, but the “Century Calendar” inside gives a range of 1830 to 1930, so it’s easily 100 years old.

Many soapmakers are also (proud) soap geeks when it comes to history & lore related to soapmaking, so we thought you would enjoy this too! Click here to read more about it & get the FREE download link.

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Have You Seen our Most Recent Posts?

~ Handcrafted Honeybee: Deodorant that Save Lives - We’ve always admired our friend Stacia Guzzo of Handcrafted Honeybee. We first met her several years ago when she visited The Nova Studio for a business class. It has been amazing to watch the growth of her company since then, and we couldn’t be more impressed with how far she’s come. Stacia is always doing cool things, but during the month of October she is cooler than ever, as she is donating 100% of the proceeds of her Cherry Blossom deodorant to Breast Cancer research.

~ Nova Superstar: Ishween Anand of Nyassa - We simply love staying in touch with our students. Please welcome Ishween Anand of Nyassa; soapmaker, entrepreneur, and major inspiration! Would you believe Ishween was the impetus for Lori to create The Nova Studio’s original (multi-day) Boot Camps?

~ Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice - In the mood for a little fall shopping? If so, we’ve done the vetting for you. Grab your tall Pumpkin Spice Latte and your softest blanket, because it’s time to cuddle up with some fabulous fall scented bath & body products from just a few of our favorite students (and even one teacher).

You can see all of our blog posts &
subscribe to receive new ones in your email inbox HERE.

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