
Tap into your Superpowers to Live Your Dreams!

Join us in a FUN monthly discovery series to open and reveal Your Divine Gifts. Then, you'll have the keys to live the life you've been dreaming about and you'll be able to use them effortlessly.

Our March 11th discovery session focuses on JOY. How much joy do you feel on a daily basis? Did you know that our Higher Self or Spirit vibrates in joy, no matter what's going on outside of us? Yes, when you register for our Sunday afternoon gathering, you register your intention to the Universe that you are ready to live your dreams through tapping into the JOY of Your True Nature!

The Universe is always orchestrating miraculous experiences for us.

And, remember we get to be the miracle for one another because miracles happen through us! Yes, they happen when we freely share our Superpowers, which feels so amazing because then we're living our Divine Purpose.

What do you imagine it would feel like to expand your community, to have people who believe in you, and who are happy to support you in living your dreams? You deserve to have that support in your life. And it is my intention to create a circle of unconditional love in our Discovery Series, making it easy to discover our Divine Gifts and shine our Light brightly!

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ~ Paulo Coelho

What would it feel like to live in the joy and certainty that you can manifest your heart's desires, with the power of the whole universe at your back? How amazing would that be?

The thing is, we've been conditioned to think that many of the things we want the most - more love, abundance, friends, time to really enjoy what we have, work that feeds our soul etc - are often out of our reach.

Powerful breaking news! Did you know you're already loaded and coded to love your life and live your dreams? A cool, fun way to strengthen your "manifestation muscle" is to recognize the wealth of inner resources, you already have within yourself. In the Chinese tradition of Feng Shui, our Superpowers are expressed as the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. These Superpowers are designed to assist us to launch our dreams. And it's my joy to show you how to tap into them to turn your wishes into your new reality.

Monthly sessions: In these gatherings of kindred spirits we'll turn up the power within each of us. This will create the perfect conditions for unlimited possibilities to unfold. Through joining together and connecting with the 5 elements, you will experience how fun and easy it is to be in the magical flow of life. As you raise your vibration into peace, love and joy, your True Nature, you add to the peace, love and joy in the world exponentially!! As some of our wisest teachers say, 1 person living in these higher vibrations has more power available to them than 1,000,000 who are not.

Dates and Descriptions of the Elements and our Superpowers
1. Sunday February 11, 2-3:30 pm - Wood Element - Creativity
Tap into this Superpower to charge up your life with a fabulous vision that you're excited about! Learn what slows down your vision from manifesting and what you can do, instead, to accelerate the manifestation.

2. Sunday March 11, 2-3:30 pm - Fire Element - Joy
Tap into your natural joy to ignite your passion to live your truth and attract way more love into your life! Discover the most important key to attract that love and what you must release to create something new.

3. Sunday April 8, 2-3:30 pm - Earth Element - Abundance
Open up to receive the abundance that is here for you and claim your happiness independent of external circumstances! Get clear about the ideal state of mind that attracts good fortune into your life.

4. Sunday May 13, 2-3:30 pm - Metal Element - Alchemy
Discover how awesome life is when you live as an allstar alchemist, one who knows how to spin "straw" into GOLD". Experience the shift that shifts everything and why it's essential to the creation of magic and miracles.

5. Sunday June 10, 2-3:30 pm - Water Element - Purpose
This element encourages us to be still and know. As you go within, you become clear about your life purpose, your true value and self-worth. We'll talk about how TOXIC SHAME has been rampant in our culture, essentially the main obstacle to cultivating healthy self-esteem, self-love and self-confidence. Our focus will be how to turn that obstacle into incredible opportunities!


Jill Lebeau is a spiritual psychotherapist and co-author of the ground-breaking book, Feng Shui Your Mind. www.fengshuiyourmind.com An Allstar Alchemist, Jill loves teaching others how to create maximum success through minimal effort. In her practice, she masterfully guides her clients to tap into their Divine Gifts (based on the five elements of our True Nature). Inspired by Jill's passion and enthusiasm, they learn fun, simple ways to leverage their Superpowers and create the life of their dreams. That's where they attract the love, joy, health and wealth they most want to experience. That's where doors open, opportunities arise and life feels truly magical. Jill's office is in Berkeley, CA and she also offers phone sessions coast to coast.

Special rate of $35 for those who register up until 48 hours before the session, $45 thereafter.
3 or more Discovery Sessions bought together:15% off total.
Only 23 spots available, so reserve your spot now!

Buy your tickets at: https://www.paypal.me/thewisdomoftheheart

For any questions or to pay with cash or check please contact:
The Wisdom of the Heart
2521 San Pablo Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 990-6167

or you can also call Jill directly for specific questions at
(510) 849-1010

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