
Open Access Publication Options for Authors

Authors of accepted manuscripts may have their articles made freely accessible on the PDI's website immediately upon final publication by paying an open access fee.

Authors should carefully consider which license they choose and whether or not it meets their funder’s requirements.

Why Open Access?

Authors retain their copyright for all articles they opt to publish open access. Authors grant the ISPD a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.

PDI permits the following creative commons license types:

Creative Commons License Attribution-Non-commercial No Derivative 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

This license allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

Open Access Article Processing Fee = $2,750 USD

Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This license may only be selected for authors funded by agencies that require CC BY License, such
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Open Access Article Processing Fee = $3,200 USD

Upon article acceptance, authors may decide whether to publish and make article available through subscription or open access. Authors that are interested in the open access will be asked to download and complete our “License to Publish Agreement” and “Open Access Article Processing Fee Payment Form” upon article acceptance.

Authors who received funding from agencies with open access publishing requirements may meet their funding requirements by selecting the applicable open access option.

For further information, contact Heather Seunath at Multimed Inc.


Deputy Editor – Peritoneal Dialysis International

Applications will be considered for the role of Deputy Editor for PDI. The post holder will work closely with the Editor in Chief and the existing editorial team in order to gain experience of and participate in the editing processes of the journal. The DE will deputise for the EIC as appropriate, contributing to the development of strategic initiatives intended to strengthen editorial processes and international inclusiveness of PDI and will cover for the EIC during periods of leave.

The post holder should have a long-term interest in the future success of PDI and through this work is expected to develop a detailed understanding of its workings. The applicant is required to have a strong track record in publication in the field of nephrology and peritoneal dialysis in particular, and a good understanding of the workings of PDI including contribution through authorship of articles, reviewing papers and contributing through the editorial board. Editorial experience (Editorial Board or other) of nephrology journals would be particularly advantageous.

Applicants are required submit a short CV (3 pages) in addition to one page summary of the particular skills that they would bring to the role and their ideas for its development to the Editor in Chief by 1st April 2018. It would also be appropriate to include a supportive letter from a senior individual at their institution. Candidates will be invited to an informal interview at the ISPD Congress in May 2018 (travel expenses will not be covered).

Please address enquiries and applications by email to:

Martin Wilkie
Editor in Chief, Peritoneal Dialysis International

ISPD-logo Converted

Initiative to Support Translation of ISPD Guidelines

In February 2018 the ISPDexecutive have allocated $5000 USD to support the publication of translations of ISPD guidelines. This is in recognition of the impact that ISPD guidelines can have on clinical practice when translated into local languages around the world. This fund will not cover the cost of translation which should be undertaken by local teams to a high standard and checked by means of back translation. Teams that are planning to translate a guideline should contact Martin Wilkie, Editor in Chief of Peritoneal Dialysis International, so that a plan can be developed and to be sure the project fits within the allocated budget.

Under this arrangement a PDF of a finished, edited document should be sent to our publisher,Multimed Inc., by the translating team. With prior agreement, the programming and posting cost will be covered by the ISPD. The group is welcome to link to the translated article as well.

Please contact Martin.Wilkie@sth.nhs.uk with proposals for translations.


Submit your Article to PDI!


PDI welcomes original contributions dealing with all aspects of peritoneal dialysis from health care professionals and scientists working in the peritoneal dialysis field around the world. We encourage the submission of original articles that are clinical and basic science, as well as commentaries and short reports.

All clinical research is welcome, however, particular priority will be given to studies of the factors that impact on technique failure in PD, epidemiological studies that explore the causes of variation in outcome between centers, and the impact of strategies to reduce infection rates.


▪ Highest editorial standards and editing services to improve your accepted manuscript’s accuracy, reliability, and readability
▪ Rapid publication through PDI in Press
▪ Impact factor of 1.557
▪ Indexed in major databases, including PubMed, MEDLINE and Science Citation Index
▪ Broad reach, with over 300,000 visits annually to PDIconnect, from over 160 countries
▪ Open Access publication option for authors
▪ No author fees, including submission, extra page, publication or color charges
▪ Ability to post supplemental content online to enhance your article
▪ Articles are widely promoted through email notifications, newsletters, table of contents alerts and social media
Highest editorial standards and editing services to improve your accepted manuscript’s accuracy, reliability, and readability
Rapid publication through PDI in Press
Impact factor of 1.557
Indexed in major databases, including PubMed, MEDLINE and Science Citation Index
Broad reach, with over 300,000 visits annually to PDIconnect, from over 160 countries
Open Access publication option for authors
No author fees, including submission, extra page, publication or color charges
Ability to post supplemental content online to enhance your article
Articles are widely promoted through email notifications, newsletters, table of contents alerts and social media

Submit today at www.pdiconnect.com

0715EdsPicksFeature DDJuly 1

Peritoneal Dialysis International Snapshot

Welcome to “PDI Snapshot,” a collection of important studies from recent issues of Peritoneal Dialysis International, the official journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD), hand-picked by Editor-in-Chief, Martin Wilkie.

Interested in reprints or translations? Contact marketing@multi-med.com for further information.

Volume 38, Number 1

January- February 2018

(click on the article titles to view the full text)

Original Articles

Increased Inflammatory Response in Association with the Initiation of Hemodialysis Compared with Peritoneal Dialysis in a Prospective Study of End-Stage Kidney Disease Patients
Kenneth Yong, Gursharan Dogra, Neil Boudville, and Wai Lim

Safety of Peritoneal Dialysis after Nonrenal Solid-Organ Transplantation
Anne Buffet, Sonia Guillouët, Thierry Lobbedez, Maxence Ficheux, Antoine Lanot, and Clémence Béchade

Short Reports

Peritoneal Dialysis Is Feasible as a Bridge to Combined Liver-Kidney Transplant
Ruth Ellen Jones, Yun Liang, Malcolm MacConmara, Christine Hwang, and Ramesh Saxena


The future table of contents for Peritoneal Dialysis International, Volume 38, Number 2 (March- April 2018) is now available!

Look for the new issue to be published soon!


Fluid Assessment in Peritoneal Dialysis—There Is Still a Place for Clinical Acumen
M. Wilkie and S. Davies


Peritoneal Dialysis in Pregnancy—A Reflection on the Occasion of World Kidney Day
A. Ruggiero, P.K.T. Li, G. Garcia-Garcia, and G.B. Piccoli


Should We Be Rationing Dialysis in South Africa in the 21st Century?
M.R. Moosa and N. Wearne


Clusters of Practice in Peritoneal Dialysis in France: Data from the Catheter Section of the RDPLF
A. Lanot, C. Bechade, C. Verger, E. Fabre, I. Vernier, and T. Lobbedez

Practice of Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Flushing in Australia and New Zealand: Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Survey
Y. Cho, N. Boudville, S.C. Palmer, J.S.F. Chow, C.M. Hawley, M.D. Jose, R. MacGinley, L. Huang, J.-A. Moodie, T. Nguyen, L. Robison, J. Wong, and D.W. Johnson

Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Open Versus Laparoscopic Placement of a Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter and Outcomes: The CAPD I Trial
J.H.H. van Laanen, T. Cornelis, B.M. Mees, EJ. Litjens, M.M. van Loon, J.H.M. Tordoir, and A.G. Peppelenbosch

United Kingdom Catheter Study—Protocol Synopsis
V. Briggs, I. Solis-Trapala, A. Wailloo, K. McCulloch, M. Lambie, F. Caskey, J. Fotheringham, S. Davies, and M. Wilkie

Single Daily Icodextrin Exchange as Initial and Solitary Therapy
B.U. Agar and J.A. Sloand

Feasibility of Urgent-Start Peritoneal Dialysis in Older Patients with End-Stage Renal
Disease: A Single-Center Experience

H. Jin, Z. Ni, S. Mou, R. Lu, W. Fang, J. Huang, C. Hu, H. Zhang, H. Yan, Z. Li, and Z. Yu

Increased Serum Lactate in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Presenting with Intercurrent Illness
E. Trinh, N. Saiprasertkit, and J.M. Bargman

A Retrospective Analysis of Etiology and Outcomes of Refractory CAPD Peritonitis in a Tertiary Care Center From North India
V. Thammishetti, A. Kaul, D.S. Bhadauria, K. Balasubramanian, N. Prasad, A. Gupta, and R.K. Sharma

Abdominal Aortic Calcifications Predict Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
S. Mäkelä, M. Asola, H. Hadimeri, J. Heaf, M. Heiro, L. Kauppila, S. Ljungman, M. Ots-Rosenberg, J.V. Povlsen, B. Rogland, P. Roessel, J. Uhlinova, M. Vainiotalo, M.K. Svensson, H. Huhtala, and H. Saha

Does Routine Bioimpedance-Guided Fluid Management Provide Additional Benefit to Non-Anuric Peritoneal Dialysis Patients? Results from COMPASS Clinical Trial
K.-H. Oh, S.H. Baek, K.-W. Joo, D.K. Kim, Y.S. Kim, S. Kim, Y.K. Oh, B.G. Han, J.H. Chang, W. Chung, and K.Y. Na, on behalf of the Control of fluid balance guided by body composition monitoring in patients on peritoneal dialysis (COMPASS) study

Effects of Oral Paricalcitol And Calcitriol Treatment on Peritoneal Membrane Characteristics of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients—A Pilot Study
K. Farhat, A.W.D. Stavenuiter, M.G. Vervloet, P.M. ter Wee, R.H.J. Beelen, and F.J. van Ittersum

Comprehensive Approach to Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Peritonitis by Enteric Microorganisms. Comparison Between Single Organism and Polymicrobial Infections
R. Ribera-Sánchez, M. Pérez-Fontán, A. López-Iglesias, A. García-Enríquez, and A. Rodríguez-Carmona


Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Infections Related to Peritoneal Dialysis
H. Inoue, N. Washida, K. Morimoto, K. Shinozuka, T. Kasai, K. Uchiyama, H. Tokuyama, S. Wakino, and H. Itoh

Protein Carbamylation in Peritoneal Dialysis and the Effect of Low Glucose Plus Amino Acid Solutions
C. Trottier, J. Perl, M. Freeman, R. Thadhani, A. Berg, and S. Kalim


Should We Use Adenosine Deaminase Assay for the Differential Diagnosis of Tuberculous Peritonitis in CAPD Patients?
M.A. Oktan, C. Heybeli, S. Yildiz, C. Çavdar, and A. Çelik

Successful Reintroduction of Peritoneal Dialysis After Peritoneal-Pericardial Fistula in a Child: A Case Report
M.R. Derynck, S. Jones, I.V. Rachinsky, C.W. McIntyre, G. Filler, and P. Blake

Please note that the future table of contents is subject to change


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