
Determining which book is ‘the best’ depends on the subjective opinion of people and also on what kind of PMP Book you are referring to. Are you looking for a full-fledged study guide or are you looking for a PMP Exam question bank. Perhaps, you might even be looking for a PMP preparation hand guide that can help organize your PMP preparation.

I believe most people are on the lookout for a full-fledged PMP Study guide. Therefore, let me elaborate on that first:

PMP Study Guides: In my opinion, these three are the best I have come across and each book has its own unique plus points.

Rita Mulcahy’s PMP Exam Prep

This is arguably the most popular PMP study guide there is, and for a good reason. - This is the best full-fledged exam preparation study guide for those with a good foundation and for those who want to prepare with questions that are well-aligned with the actual exam.

Jennifer Greene’s Head First PMP

This is arguably the best study guide in terms ease of reading. Concepts are simplified, illustrated, easy to understand and will benefit those who find it difficult to grasp technical concepts.

The Official PMBOK

The PMBOK 6 is the best guide when it comes to visual depictions of the inter-relationship between the individual processes and their various inputs, outputs and tools and techniques. However, I wouldn’t recommend using the PMBOK on its own because it is a rather laborious read (and could put you to sleep in no time).

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Head First
pmp exam prep 9th edition cover

Other essential PMP Book Resources:

PMP Question Banks: Aileen Ellis has some popular question banks on various knowledge areas t. You can easily search and find them on Amazon Stores. Another popular question bank is the one by Christopher Scordo. However, question banks can be a tad too expensive (given that you would’ve already invested in a study guide and therefore, I would recommend trying websites such as Exam Central for practice questions.

PMP Preparation Handguide: Ok, this isn’t something that’s very common and something you can do without if you have a great plan and strategy for tackling the exam. Nevertheless, you’ll find such books handy if you’re struggling to organize yourself for the PMP Exam.

Hope this helps. Success in your endeavors.

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