IMG 0020

How a taxi accident changed my life focus!

JJK 1789

Always looking up - and forward! Good things happen daily - simply look for the good!

September 8, 2014, is an important date in my life. It's the day I got hit and run over - twice - by a taxi in the Loop of Chicago. Some of you may know the story, some may not, but the takeaway is my life changed in profound ways that I could have never imagined before being mowed down in a crosswalk by a taxi traveling 35 mph.

Being "busy" was my mantra, my badge of armor, the cloak in which I enveloped myself. I was always rushing from meeting to meeting to event. Often I would put off "fun" or "happiness" or even "joy" until some unknown distant point in the future.

But that all changed on a fateful night! While I escaped relatively unhurt, my focus and life were forever changed. My mindset became focused on happiness and joy!

And here are some lessons I learned:

1. Life can change in a minute!
2. Don't put off the things you want to do.
3. Say "I love you" to the people in your life.
4. Spend time with family and friends.
5. Learn new things.
6. Take care of your health.
7. Laugh often.
8. Be kind to yourself and others.
9. Find joy every day.
10. Be focused on happiness - every single day!
1. Life can change in a minute!
2. Don't put off the things you want to do.
3. Say "I love you" to the people in your life.
4. Spend time with family and friends.
5. Learn new things.
6. Take care of your health.
7. Laugh often.
8. Be kind to yourself and others.
9. Find joy every day.
10. Be focused on happiness - every single day!

What makes you happy? What brings you joy? What do you want to do or say? What matters to you? Who do you love?

Figure these things out today to live a life filled with happiness and joy!

In other words, you don't have to be hit by a taxi to wake up to the wonderful life awaiting you!

Nonprofit Board Service: Important things to know before saying yes


The importance of hearing from all voices and having an inclusive board of directors.


How to create a Purpose-Driven Leadership Board.


Know the difference between being the Board Chair and the organization's CEO/Executive Director.

Often people say to me they would like to serve on a nonprofit board. This always brings great delight when I hear this statement. However, it is the next few minutes of conversation which can bring me a great deal of consternation.

So, here are a few things you should know before agreeing to nonprofit board service:

Fact #1: The responsibilities of serving on a nonprofit board of directors are the same as the responsibilities of serving on a "for profit" board of directors. Both are corporations, one simply has a tax-exempt status issued from the federal government.

Fact #2: As a member of the nonprofit board of directors, you are ultimately responsible for the charity. It is not the staff or volunteers to which the fiduciary and legal responsibilities fall. It is the board members.

Fact #3: Governing, not managing, should be the focus of the board members as well as overseeing the finances, policies and legal issues. Baord members are not worker bees and should not be micromanagers in the day to day operations.

When I share these three facts with folks, most look at me incredulously having not realized before this moment the seriousness of serving as a board member. However, there are a great number of highly valuable resources to provide assistance. One that I strongly recommended is Board Source whose mission is to inspire and support nonprofit boards and executives to lead justly and with purpose. Check it out.

With 1.6+ million nonprofit organizations in the United States, there is plenty of opportunity to serve on the board of an organization which stirs your passion and makes you excited!

And remember this golden rule:

If you can only give your time, you are a VOLUNTEER.
If you can only give money, you are a DONOR.
If you can give money and your time, you are most likely a good candidate to serve on the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

Final Thoughts: Fall and making changes, trying new things

Red Green Tree One

It's fall and the leaves aren't the only things changing.

Summer is officially over.

Autumn has begun, which means we will notice things changing in nature, including cooler temperatures (at least in the northern hemisphere) and the leaves turning red, orange and gold, and then falling to the ground.

What changes will you make this fall? What is your autumn routine?

For me, here are some of the new things I will try and changes I will make as we transition into fall:

▪ Trying new fall focused recipes!
▪ Continuing fun research on my family tree.
▪ Contemplating and completing a few house projects.
▪ Planning my next year's travel which includes a trip to Egypt.
Trying new fall focused recipes!
Continuing fun research on my family tree.
Contemplating and completing a few house projects.
Planning my next year's travel which includes a trip to Egypt.
Chicken soup

Trying new recipes.


Family geneology research.


House projects.


Planning travel.

What changes are happening around your home and life this fall? What new things are you trying and learning? What will bring you happiness and joy? Figure it out and then go for it during this amazing season we call Fall.

Happiness & Joy Always!

lisa sig1
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