LAY FW2017 Call to Action FINAL


Join Falling Walls Venture - the global forum for the next generation of outstanding entrepreneurs in science. Nominated by renowned universities and influential venture capitalists, the most promising science start-ups pitch their innovative business model in front of a high-calibre jury in Berlin. The winner, "Falling Walls Science Start-up of the Year 2017," will present once more on the grand stage of the Falling Walls Conference amongst Nobel prize laureates and to an audience of 700 institution leaders, decision makers and international media representatives. A worldwide audience will follow via livestream. All participating start-ups enjoy the entire Falling Walls programme free of charge.

Get a glimpse of last year's event and make sure to nominate your start-up until 31 August!

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What’s in it for your start-up?

▪ Strong connections to top entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, company builders and corporate innovation leaders from around the world
▪ Free entrance to the Falling Walls Conference on 9 November (worth 1500€)
▪ Attractive expanded programme: Falling Walls Networking events like the Welcome Reception, the Festive Dinner and an exclusive kick off event for all Falling Walls Venture participants
▪ Personal advice from the renowned jury
▪ 1:1 coaching session and an intense preparation before the presentation
▪ Access to the Falling Walls network of brilliant people from all academic disciplines, industry and politics
▪ Visibility and media coverage - locally and internationally
Strong connections to top entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, company builders and corporate innovation leaders from around the world
Free entrance to the Falling Walls Conference on 9 November (worth 1500€)
Attractive expanded programme: Falling Walls Networking events like the Welcome Reception, the Festive Dinner and an exclusive kick off event for all Falling Walls Venture participants
Personal advice from the renowned jury
1:1 coaching session and an intense preparation before the presentation
Access to the Falling Walls network of brilliant people from all academic disciplines, industry and politics
Visibility and media coverage - locally and internationally

Who can apply?

Companies eligible to participate in Falling Walls Venture are founded by researchers who discovered a breakthrough in their field and have a business concept based on new research insights. Falling Walls Venture is open to all scientific disciplines. Start-ups must be nominated by either a university respectively a research institute or venture capital company. Among all applicants the best finalists will be elected. There is no registration fee. Find out about last year's participants here.

Application deadline: 31 August 2017

How does it work?

1. Go to
2. Choose “Berlin” as your venue
3. Fill out the registration form
1. Go to
2. Choose “Berlin” as your venue
3. Fill out the registration form

Among all applications, the best start-ups will be selected.

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When and where?

Falling Walls Venture will take place on 8 November 2017 at the British Embassy in Berlin. Don't miss the chance to join Falling Walls as a guest and get your ticket to Falling Walls 2017 today. Our reduced Early Bird Rate will be available until 31 August 2017.

Falling Walls Venture is part of the International Berlin Science Week and generously supported by

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