APR HBLNewsletter2018

Volunteers make things HAPPEN!


At any given time, 70,000 of Hawai‘i’s kūpuna are facing food insecurity or are threatened by hunger (HMoW).

Meals on [BIKE] Wheels: Deliver Aloha to a Kūpuna Neighbor!

HBL & Hawai‘i Meals on Wheels (HMoW) are looking for groups of 2-3 cyclists to deliver meals on their Kaka‘ako route on Friday, March 31st. We’ll meet at Straub Medical Center (King Street side) at 10:30am where each rider will receive instructions, route suggestions (we welcome you to curate your own route), and 2 insulated delivery bags. Help bring meals to a homebound kūpuna today, by signing up in groups or individually to be matched!

For more information and rider requirements, please visit volunteersignup.org/KQX7J.


Live the [bike] life greener, make PHBP cleaner!

Celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd at the Pearl Harbor Bike Path Clean-up with HBL!

Join HBL, Department of Facilities’ Storm Water Quality Division & other community organizations in giving back to the ‘āina with a Clean-up of the Pearl Harbor Bike Path on Earth Day (Saturday, April 22nd)! HBL will be responsible for cleaning the bike path section that goes along behind Waipahu High School. We’ll have cleaning supplies and light refreshments, so all you’ll have to do is bring yourself, a reusable water bottle, and some friends! Sign up today at: volunteersignup.org/8RL9C

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Want to know what it’s like to move a 20' tall inflatable archway!? Find out at HMC!

100 Volunteer Positions Covered, 100 More Positions Left!

Thanks to HBL’s awesome community and supporters, the HMC Volunteer Sign-up Sheet had over 100 positions filled (all within 1 month!), whoohoo!

But we still need 100 more volunteer spots that need to be covered between April 27th - April 30th! If you’re interested and want to know what job would best suit you, check out our new Volunteer Descriptions page!

When you’re ready to sign-up, head on over to the HMC Volunteer Sign-up Sheet.


Education from keiki to kūpuna, for motorists & cyclists.

Free Keiki Bicycle Rodeo & Helmet Giveaway this Saturday! (4/01)

On Saturday, April 1st, BikeEd and the Department of Health will be hosting a bike rodeo and helmet giveaway for keiki in recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Month. This family-fun event will be a part of Leeward YMCA's Healthy Kids Day at their location from 9AM - 1PM. For more info about this free community event click here. Want to attend with your keiki? Register today using this link.

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Walk, Bike, & Roll to Waikīkī Elementary

Do you have a keiki who attends Waikīkī Elementary School? BikeEd and Waikīkī Elementary School are joining forces to host a Walk, Bike, & Roll to School Day on Friday, April 21st! BikeEd will be giving out prizes (like helmets & stickers!) to students who participate in this awesome activity that promotes physical activity and sustainable transportation. The requirements? Kids must attend Waikīkī Elementary and arrive at school on a bicycle or on foot by 8:00am to be eligible to win prizes. The class with the most students who walk, bike, roll to school will win a special reward! BikeEd is thrilled not only to be at the school teaching bicycle safety, but also to encourage students to ride to their bikes to school.


Hundreds of riders depart Kaiaka Bay Beach Park at the start of the Hale‘iwa Metric Century

30th HMC is 30 days away!

Less than 30 days till the 30th Hale‘iwa Metric Century! On April 30th (SUNDAY) you can be riding on O‘ahu’s beautiful North Shore with five aid stations there to support you. Pick your choice of distance, ride anywhere from 18 miles up to 62 miles. Register now!

April 8th (Sat): Kalihi Ahupuaʻa Ride

The Kalihi Ahupuaʻa Ride is a community bike ride from mauka (mountain) to makai (ocean) across the ahupuaʻa and community of Kalihi, put on by KVIBE. This eight-mile downhill ride highlights several “story stops” where riders learn about the cultural and historic significance of each place and its role in transforming the vibrant ahupuaʻa over time. The purpose of the ride is to uplift community spirit, share information on health resources, celebrate the abundance of Kalihi and instill a sense of pride in all those who call Kalihi home. Registration is required.
Find out more about the ride here.


Together we're making Hawai'i more bicycle friendly everyday!

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Aloha from Washington D.C.!

Our Executive Director recently traveled to Washington, D.C. for the National Bike Summit organized by the League of American Bicyclists. This conference includes networking, workshops, and a lobbying day on Capitol Hill! Learn more here.


HBL's Maui Chapter hosts monthly rides to bring the cycling community together. Rides are free for MBL members and donation-based for visitors and non-members. Cyclists (+ e-bikers!) are invited to register for these two upcoming Maui bike events:

Central Maui Ride
April 15 (Sat) @ 8:45AM, Kihei, Maui
Intermediate and advanced cyclists are invited to join a 30 mile ride through Central Maui. Beginning in Kihei, cyclists will ride approximately 12 miles north along the Maui Veterans Highway to Kahului, continuing 3 miles to Wailuku. We'll stop for refreshments at Maui Coffee Attic before departing back to Kihei on the Honoapiilani Highway. Register here!

Other Maui Bike News:
The West Maui Community Corridor TOD Action Plan aims to help West Maui become more connected, accessible and livable. The plan's focus is the 3.6 mile stretch of the Honoapi'ilani Highway (the busiest road in West Maui) that connects Lāhainā and Kā‘anapali. To support and raise awareness for this important project, MBL recently co-hosted a free walking tour of the Keawe Street section of the corridor. Residents are now encouraged to get involved by participating in a community survey, a scavenger hunt, and an online mapping activity.

Bike Hawai‘i Happenings: Community Calendar

3/31 (Fri): Meals on (Bike!) Wheels @Kaka‘ako
4/01 (Sat): YMCA Healthy Kids Day + Free Keiki Bike Rodeo @Leeward YMCA
4/01 (Sat): Hawai'i Parkinson Association Symposium @Liliha
4/01 (Sat): 2023 Bicycle Racing Season Kickoff Picnic @Waikīkī
4/02 (Sun): Keiki Learn to Ride @McCully
4/06 (Thu): Community Resource Fair @Kalihi
4/08 (Sat): KVIBE Ahupua‘a Ride @Kalihi
4/08 (Sat): Bikes on Rice @Kaua‘i
4/09 (Sun): Tantalus Time Trial @Makiki
4/15 (Sat): Central Maui Loop group ride @Maui
4/21 (Fri): Walk, Bike & Roll to School @Waikīkī Elementary
4/22 (Sat): Pearl Harbor Bike Path Cleanup @‘Aiea
4/23 (Sun): Big Island Century @Hawai‘i
4/23 (Sun): Kualoa Team Time Trial @Kualoa
4/28-4/29 (Sat & Sun): HMC Packet Pickup @Waikīkī
4/30 (Sun): HBL's 30th Anniversary Hale‘iwa Metric Century! @Hale‘iwa

Check out HBL’s Calendar for a full list of all the free group rides, events, and other bike-related fun going on in Hawai‘i at HBL.org/calendar.

Have a bicycle event not on our calendar? Email Bicycle@HBL.org.



"What’s your favorite mid-ride drink refresher?"

Last month's poll results:
‶Would you be more likely to bike to a farmers market if bike valet was offered?‶


Yes… ⌶ 66%
No … ⌶ 33%


HBL Staff

» Travis Counsell - Executive Director
» Malia k Harunaga - Director of Adult Education
» Lauren Lee - Director of Community Engagement
» Chris Salas - Events Director
» Taylor Clark - Youth BikeEd Manager
» BikeEd Instructors: Chet Blanton, Tom Andersen, Shane McCarthy, Ed Prokopik, Andrés Posada Orjuela

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Visit the HBL website to learn more!

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