For many of us, our networks shrink as we age due to death and/or friends moving away. But it doesn't have to be that way. As odd as it seems, our gol

Amazing CARE Network..
Cora Headshot

Cora M Tellez, CEO & Founder of ACN

For many of us, our networks shrink as we age due to death and/or friends moving away. But it doesn't have to be that way. As odd as it seems, our golden years can, in fact, be a very interesting time of growing our network.

Let me share a story about Ivadell, my hospice patient when I worked in Hawaii. I met Ivadell when she was 91 years old. She had moved to Honolulu from Miami at age 75. She had no family or friends in Hawaii, and no connections through her old job. It was a very gutsy move on her part, as it isn't always easy to "break in" as a newcomer in a city she's never lived in. She died a year later. On my last visit, I was asked to put my name down on an excel spreadsheet maintained by a United Airline flight attendant in the apartment complex she lived in. I was allowed only 30 minutes to visit her, because her vast network of friends wanted to say good bye. What a lesson she gave me . . . no matter how old you are, you can still develop networks of friends who will be your support system as you age. If you haven't already, please consider joining ACN as a member. And join me in sharing our collective story as we age.
~ Cora

growing old

Amazing Question of the Month

Our April Question of the Month is:
What's the funniest joke you've heard about the aging process?

Please share your personal answer, first name, city and state via email at or reply to our question post on ACN's Facebook page. The best answers will be featured on our social media and in our newsletter the following month!


Amazing Answers from Last Month

We loved these answers to our March Question of the Month: What has most surprised you about aging?

It doesn't matter how old you get, there is still that child somewhere inside you.
- Theresa, Oceanside

No matter how old you get, you'll always want your mom when you're sick.
- Peter, San Francisco

I have become wiser & I no longer sweat the small stuff which is such a blessing.
- Pamela, Escondido

I don't know what it really means to be a "senior citizen," but I feel just as great at 61 as I did at 31 - and much more able to enjoy life and value how I've been able to spend my personal and professional time.
- Jan, San Diego

I find that I don't grow old - just older - and I'll never, ever truly grow up.
- George, Honolulu


Amazing Featured Members

As part of a ‪‎lifestyle‬ and ‪‎aging‬ series, we are working with renowned photographer Terry Lorant to showcase inspirational leaders in the industry. Read about them on our blog, and in our newsletter each month!


Erin Weidner
In my business life, I am a little evangelical about getting women to talk about uncomfortable subjects...So when I met Cora, I saw a lovely, compelling, smart woman trying to get us to talk openly and honestly about what we’re going to face later in life.


Amazing Events

spring tea party

We hope to see you at our thought-provoking, insightful and informative afternoon tea events in all of our member markets. Find more details on our Facebook Event Pages and on the ticket registration pages (which are live in advance of each event).

Please save our next event dates!

Inaugural Las Vegas Tea
April 6th, 3-5pm
Tickets HERE

San Francisco
May 4th, 2-4pm
Tickets HERE

San Diego
May 5th, 2-4pm
Tickets HERE

Los Angeles
May 6th, 2-4pm
Tickets HERE

May 11th, 2-4pm
Tickets HERE


Amazing News

Each month we'll share recent news and stories that we think you'll find helpful:

On eve of retirement, savings for medical costs can fall short read article

Women outlive men but suffer long years of disability read article

Doctors, lawyers and even the bank can help identify elder abuse read article

As aging population grows, so do robotic health aides read article

Long-term care insurance: Less bang, more buck read article

‘Promise you’ll never put me in a nursing home’ read article

Please send any great articles we may have missed to


Amazing Blog


Not Old, Just Older: Friendships At Any Age
For many of us, our networks shrink as we age due to death and/or friends moving away. But…it doesn’t have to be that way. As odd as it seems, our golden years can, in fact, be a very interesting time of growing our network. read blog


The One Thing You Need for a Happier, Healthier Life
In 2003, Robert Waldinger, a Harvard psychiatrist, took over the longest running study on human development in history: the Grant Study. There have been many conclusions about happiness and well-being from studying these men, but there's one overpowering message. read blog


Letters From Our Readers (II)
"Dear Cora...When you spoke about talking with your children and letting them know what your final wishes are...I realized that I have not done so with my children – and how important that is.” read blog


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