Weekly Memos New Logo - white background

This Week at St. Mark January 2 - 9, 2022


Sunday, January 2

9:00 A.M. Worship with Live-Stream
10:00 A.M. Fellowship with donuts and coffee
No Sunday School or Adult Forum
11:00 Worship in Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, January 4

10:00 A.M. Staff Meeting
11:30 A.M. St. Mark Duplicate Bridge
1:00 P.M. First Tuesday Book Club

Wednesday, January 5 - Epiphany Service

9:00 A.M. Women's Bible Study
9:00 A.M. Men's Bible Stud
5:45 P.M. Confirmation
6:45 P.M. Epiphany Worship Service

Thursday, January 6

9:00 A.M. Cherry Valley Bridge Group
6:30 P.M. Emotions Anonymous
6:30 P.M. Blue Lights

Friday, January 7

7:30 A.M. St. Mark Breakfast Group

Sunday, January 9

9:00 A.M. Worship with Live-Stream
10:00 A.M. Fellowship with Donuts and Coffee
10:10 A.M. Sunday School
10:10 A.M. Adult Forum
11:00 A.M. Worship

Happy New Year 2022

News and Events


Second Sunday of Christmas
9:00 am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary (Prelude will begin at 8:55)
10:00 am - Fellowship hour with donuts and coffee
No Adult Form or Sunday School
11:00 am - Praise Service in Fellowship Hll

Our weekly live-stream will occur during the 9:00 am Sanctuary service, with the prelude starting at 8:55.

Follow this link for the live-stream service Sunday.

Epiphany for memos

Epiphany Worship Service
On January 5, 2022 at 6:45 pm the Confirmation class will lead an Epiphany Worship Service in the Fellowship Hall. They decided the setting will be like a coffee house; there will be coffee and treats. Please join the Confirmation class as we celebrate God’s glory revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions about this service, please ask Pastor Katrina.

Epiphany Service

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their pledge for 2022!
Thanks to the response so far, we are on our way to meeting our goal. In order to plan for our 2022 ministries with confidence, though, we need everyone to respond. If you have not done so, please submit your plan for giving right now by following this link: 2022 Form, or by filling out a physical pledge card, available on Sunday mornings and in the church office. Thank you for being part of the mission we share, by sharing your time, your gifts, and yourself with our wonderful community at St. Mark!

2022 Mitten Tree

St. Mark 60 Collection for December
December collection for Carpenter’s Place and Mosaic is almost over. Please get all items on the needs list or monetary donations in by Wednesday, January 5th. Items especially still needed are men's long underwear, white socks for both men and women, women’s briefs size 6,7,8,9. Donations may be placed in the red truck in Fellowship Hall and monetary donations on the St. Mark app or by check.

Festival of Lights

2021 Festival of Lights
You have one more opportunity to see the lights… New Years' Eve 12/31 5 P.M.-12 A.M. Come see the beautiful lights at Sinnissippi Park and the Nicholas Conservatory.

Altar Flowers

2022 Altar Flower Chart is Up

Each Sunday we have two beautiful bouquets of flowers on the altar. The 2022 flower chart is up in the narthex on the bulletin board. You may sign up on the chart, call the church office or click on this link. We will continue to purchase them from Cherry Blossom. The price per arrangement will be $40, a slight increase from the past few years due to higher fresh flower costs. If you sign up online, put your memory or honor of in the comment line and pay here or write a check to St. Mark. If you have the mobile app you can do all of it on there. You may take your flowers home after the service or stop by the office during the week to pick them up.


First Tuesday Book Club
Book Club will meet on Tuesday, January 4 at 1 PM in the Conference room. The book “Thursday Morning Murder Club” will be reviewed by Jane Lundstrom. We welcome anyone to join the discussion. Hostess: Betty Sparks 815 636-1122.

summer intern

Looking for a summer internship?
Attention College-aged members of St. Mark, the Summer Intern application for 2022 is live. Please click here at this link to fill out the application if you are interested in being the Summer Intern. If you have any questions please email Pastor Katrina at prkatrina@stmarklc.com.

power of prayer

St. Mark Prayer Chain
Would you like to be a part of the St. Mark prayer chain? Prayer requests come into the church office weekly. As we receive prayer requests we would send out an e-mail and ask that you pray daily for the persons mentioned in the requests. All requests are to remain confidential. Please e-mail melinda@stmarklc.com if you would like to participate in the prayer chain. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Colossians 4:2.


Youth Ministry

2nd sunday logo

Second Sunday Save the date!

Second Sunday is January 9th, 6:30-8:00 P.M. Join us at Our Saviors for Open Gym and game night. Friends are welcome! If you would like a ride from St. Mark, please message Melinda Alekna at 815-871-0390.


Outreach Ministry

Mitten Tree

The Mitten Tree is ready.....Want to help?
All mittens, hats, and gloves placed on the MITTEN TREE in Fellowship Hall before Epiphany are guaranteed to find good homes. The children’s items will be divided among Ellis, McIntosh, and Lewis Lemon Elementary schools. The adult sizes will go to Mosaic and Carpenter’s Place. Let’s help warm up people here in Rockford. You can take an ornament off the tree as a reminder when you are shopping. The need is great! The recipients are grateful! Please be generous.


Primetimers Ministry

Primetimers annual potluck

We will start the New Year by meeting in the
Common Grounds Cafe for a Pot-Luck Luncheon at noon. Remember previous years, we jump-started the year with our annual meeting - planning events, greeting and enjoying good home cooking. The sign-up sheet will be available on Sunday, January 2nd. Everyone is always invited to attend the Primetimer's events. Any questions call Mary Ann at 815-397-5882.

holiday office hours
Merry Christmas from the staff

Remember In Our Prayers

Our St. Mark members:

Les Horowitz, Karen Ganschow, John Johnson, Russ Oellig, Tim Vivian, John Lund, Jack Sowl, Lorine Kortus, Jan Cotter, Diane Swanson, Sherri Lindquist, Bette Patterson, Keith Haggestad.

Our condolences to:

Kathrine Clark and her family upon the death of her husband Dennis Clark.

Family and friends of St. Mark members:

Julie Everett, Jenny Hobby, Bill King, Jeanne Menzies, Katelynn Audette, Mike Glynn, Shirley Brown, Ron Ganschow, Clyde Webster, Conrad Semmelroth, Nici King, Debbie Adams, Linda Johnson, Eva Love Sherbondy, Norma Comstock, Carolyn King.

Those serving in the military and their families:

Hunter Haggestad, Tristan Davenport, Scot Hornick,
Bailey Panjkovich, Jim Tammen, Brandon Ballenger, Taylor Eversole, Dean Barron.

Strengthen and encourage those in public health services and in the medical profession: care-givers, nurses, attendants, doctors, all who commit themselves to care for the sick and their families.


Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Telephone: 815-398-3557

St. Mark Memos, the weekly e-newsletter, is distributed each Thursday. The deadline for submission is Monday by 3:00 P.M.
Please click to send submissions.

Worship Services
Miss a Sunday at St. Mark? Please visit our website and watch the service online.
Please click to watch.

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