
December 4, 2022


My intent in the last update was to offer some encouragement. For those able to read between the lines, I have no doubt you were able to discern such. We live in a world that's fallen. It is chock-full of toxic people, toxic relationships, and those that only seek their selfish desires and goals. Some of us try very hard to enlighten others and prod them toward understanding with patience and tolerance, only to be ridiculed, disparaged and dismissed as abnormal or worse. So be it. It's simply part of the circle of life.

Here we are, another 'holiday' season. And without attacking that long-dead horse yet again with vicious hits, I'll say to those who don't know me that I loathe this time of year. Not because it isn't pleasant and full of facetious goodwill but because it is all based on a blatant lie. For those that may be new and wondering what lies, I'll say this - Jesus Christ wasn't born on December 25th, not even close. Parents justify lying to their kids for years, convincing them Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy are real, finally relenting when the deception becomes obvious, only to wonder why their grown children haven't a clue how to discern actual reality. But that's all I'll say about that—no use making more enemies than I already acquired.


I watched a video from one of my favorite online contacts yesterday morning. He released it as a live stream. It was just what the doctor ordered, as I have been battling some of my demons all week. Sometimes an encouraging word arrives just in time. So, if you want some honest words from a fascinating person, watch his 30-minute video. It will most certainly help you deal with toxic people going forward.

Most of you are not ostriches looking for a pile of sand. You're seeking truth. At this time of year, with all the celebratory enthusiasm, the last thing people want to hear is that the darkest era of existence in the history of the world is knocking on our door. In the words of Scripture, the entire planet is experiencing birth pangs. And no, it's not because some Savior is about to descend from the heavens and usher in the end times; that is fantasy and religious zealotry. It's because good people have done nothing to quash evil for too long, and now that they're waking up to this reality many of us have been trying to share for decades, they think there's still time to stem the tide. There is not. What is coming will come. And nothing will stop it.


I liken it to an amusement park ride. We're on a roller coaster; our train has climbed the highest portion of the track and is just starting to roll over the top and about to descend into a freefall. Some people are holding up their hands, refusing to hang on. Others are stupid and have completely unbuckled themselves from the restraints, blindly hoping for the best. But the wise have lowered their heads, grabbed the brace bar with both hands, and prepared themselves for a violent ride. Who will be left on the train when it rolls back into the station?

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Need another analogy? I like the Titanic. It was a perfect example of the blind leading the blind. Most passengers did not believe the warnings, even though they came from the highest-ranking officers aboard. The ship was afloat, the food was served, the band played, and all was deceptively well. But underneath, the hull was filling up with water causing it to reach the point of no return. The giant ship was going to sink. But people refused to believe such a massive liner on her maiden voyage would fall to such a fate, so they kept eating, dancing, and carrying on. How many lifeboats remained empty? It wasn't that there weren't enough to rescue people; people refused to believe they needed to be rescued until it was too late. So they fell into and died in the icy waters that night.

2023 will be a titanic year. The U.S.S. America and many other global vessels have taken on too much water (debt) and begun to sink. The crew (central banks) are trying to patch the holes, but there are too many to count. Meanwhile, they lead the passengers (global citizens) to believe help is on the way to rescue them (great reset), knowing it is simply a trap to get them to jump into the frigid waters themselves without a life preserver, thus sealing their fate.

Some of us were the first to see the carpet slowly saturated with water long ago. We tried warning those officers who could alter course and guide us safely to shore, but they purposely ignored us. They also threatened us and said there was NO water saturating anything. So we went to the passengers, pleading with them to grab some essentials to preserve their lives and sustain them until rescue came, but they mocked us and told us to leave them alone. We were left with no alternative but to take precautions and get out of harm's way ourselves. Few along the way have met up with us seeking the same refuge. But some have, and others will. For that, we're grateful.

For the rest, c'est la vie! Or it was, at least.

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