Lisa Headshot Two

Fall in love with your favorite nonprofit!

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Signs of "love" abound in my neighborhood!

I celebrate Valentine's Day.

I celebrate Galentine's Day.

I avoid celebrating this made up holiday.

All of these comments I have heard from friends and acquaintances. And truth be told, I have held each of these sentiments at times throughout my life.

Nowadays, though, I encourage people to think about changing the focus of the holiday and to fall in love with their favorite nonprofit! Yes, take this holiday to find a way to dedicate time and resources to help something you care about supporting.

For me, it is about volunteering at my favorite nonprofit organization and making donations - financial, time and yes, even blood.

Spend a moment this Valentine's Day to determine what is your favorite nonprofit - and then find ways to fall in love with the work they do and make a plan to become more involved.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Lisa Dietlin Volunteering

Love volunteering at food bank organizations to help end hunger especially in my community. #gcfd

Blood personal

Donating blood...

American Red Cross Sign

and supporting the American Red Cross are important to me. #ARC


Kindness (and the Honey Do Dude)


Choose Kindness. Be a Nice Human.

Recently while walking I found this button and picked it up. Immediately, I was struck by the simple message around the rim:
* A little more kindness.
* A little less judgment.
* Be a nice human.
* Choose kindness.

Simple statements but often forgotten in the busy-ness of what we call life. It directed my thoughts to ways I could be kinder, less judgmental and a nicer human being. I am making my list and asking you what could you do to be a nice human being? To be kinder? To be less judgmental? Take a minute to think about concrete things you could do.

BONUS: As we know, life has a way of delivering stories to reinforce messages we receive. Check out this story that aired on CBS about how Danny became a nicer, kinder and less judgmental human being by using the best tool in the toolbox - his "heart!"

Vietnam Vet

How a Vietnam Vet named Danny found healing as the Honey-Do Dude!

Final Thoughts: Connections

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Sending lots of love...and appreciating my connections!

February is a month we dedicate to LOVE and most of us assume it means the romantic kind of love. However, I think love is about making connections with others.

Lately, I have been thinking about all the connections in my life that I love. There are the natural suspects including family and close friends, people who have been in my life for a long time or those with whom I have had magical, fun moments.

But there is also a long list of other connections that make my life better which I love including:
* My mail person who delivers mail daily. Truly, I love the surprises she brings to my mailbox.
* My grocery store and all the employees who work there; I love that they show up so I can shop easily.
* My clients. I love the challenges they bring to me as well as the opportunity to help solve them.
* My neighbors. They make my world better each day by lending a helping hand, a kind word, friendly smile or even a tool I don't have but need for a project.
* My city and all those who work to make it run, as if by magic at times; lights go on, police show up, firefighters put out fires, water is cleaned, etc.

Love all these daily connections which can be easily be overlooked.

What are the connections in your life that you love? Think about it - those individuals and their actions which make your life easier. Send them some love and appreciate the connection during this month of February!

Happiness and Joy!

Heart TWO
lisa sig1

NEW THING I LEARNED: Time is your greatest asset

Time is your greatest asset

Time is indeed your greatest asset!

While I can't remember what I was streaming, I remember the backdrop. The signage in the scene said "Time is your greatest asset" and it stopped me in my tracks. Literally, I hit pause and stared at the screen recognizing this truth!

Do you recognize your "time" as your greatest asset? Meaning who, what and where do you direct and give your time?

Take a moment to consider who gets your most precious asset; and yes, adjustments may have to be made.

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