TEDxStockholm: Generation WHY? Speakers Announcement TEDStockholm: Generation WHY? is fast approaching. The event, happening on November 12th will fo

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TEDxStockholm: Generation WHY? Speakers Announcement

TEDStockholm: Generation WHY? is fast approaching. The event, happening on November 12th will focus on Millennials, a generation that has explored new situations that no generation before has experienced, from mass migration to mass consumption in an online world. This has culminated in new paradigms that shape how we communicate across the globe and how we interact across generations.
Tickets for the event are available, so make sure to grab yours! The event starts at 5PM. Registration begins at 4PM at Aula Medica at Karolinska Institutet.
We are now proud to announce the speakers for this special night.

The Speakers

ted Herman

Herman Geijer

The first speaker is Herman Geijer, an expert in surviving a zombie apocalypse.
In 2014, Herman wrote the book "Zombie Survival - Your Guide to the Apocalypse", covering everything from zombie culture to guides on how to survive disasters and articles on Sweden’s preparedness to respond to incidents.

patrik alterado

Patrik Wincent

The second in the line-up is Patrik Wincent, the founder of ”Internetakuten”, a company with the main focus to offer counseling to people who are dealing with digital stress. Patrik Wincent is an authorized psychotherapist, a coach, a writer, a lecturer and spoken word artist.

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Christa Awuor

Christa Awuor, our third speaker, is at the front and centre of the mass migration and refugee crisis by working for the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Born and raised in Kenya, Christa has been residing in Sweden since 2011. She believes the best way to get ahead in life is to put yourself out there, and meet someone new. Often the best ideas and opportunities come from diversity.

jack alterado

Jack Werner

The final speaker is Jack Werner, who has been called "probably the most important journalist in Sweden right now", with the accolade of being awarded in 2014 The Swedish Grand Journalism Prize for his work with the fact checking effort “Viralgranskaren”.
Jack is a journalist, writer and podcaster covering social media, web culture and modern folklore.

You can read more about all our speakers on our Facebook page.

So SAVE THE DATE: November 12th, 5PM. Karolinska Institutet will be the place to be for what promises to be a very inspiring night.
Stay tuned! #generationWHY?

Share Your Time

time village

For TEDxStockholm: Generation WHY? we are announcing a new form of not only sharing ideas, but sharing one's time. We encourage everyone attending this event, to open up to new social interactions, and share a great experience with someone new. So, how can you share and trade your own time with others? Our partner "Time Village" has come up with a new platform. Each person will receive a coupon. With these coupons, you can visit our Time Village TEDx webpage, and exchange your time with others.
You can also offer your time to anyone from our community even if you aren't able to attend the event. Start time sharing!

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