Howton Grove Priory — November Newsletter 2015 News Round-Up Advent will soon be here, so it is time we sent out a newsletter although those of you


Howton Grove Priory — November Newsletter 2015


D. Lucy's novel headdress: a Harris Hawk

News Round-Up

Advent will soon be here, so it is time we sent out a newsletter although those of you who keep an eye on our blog, iBenedictines, or our Facebook page, are probably up to date with our news.

It has been a good year, despite the amount of time we seem to have spent on the A40, travelling to and from hospital appointments for D. Catherine. In between treatment sessions, we have been able to welcome a record number of people for private retreats and group days of recollection. It just takes more meticulous planning than usual to ensure that visitors don't co-incide with zero immunity times, and we apologize to all those we've had to disappoint.

As you can see from the photo, it hasn't been all work and no play. Thanks to the generosity of a friend, we enjoyed a day of falconry on the Shropshire hills but didn't quite master the art of recall. No wonder Bro Duncan PBGV has problems with that, too!


Bro Duncan PBGV's welcome

We have almost completed the redecoration of the inside of the house — just the main guest bedroom and stairwells/corridors to do now. Outside, the garden has been made much more private by the erection of a new fence; and we are hoping to plant our mini-orchard in due course. The library now fills every available space in house and garage and it is rumoured we may have to take some books to Oxfam soon. That could lead to a 'monastic'!

Bro Duncan PBGV continues to be our chief 'welcomer', always on duty when anyone calls. He recovered well from acute pancreatitis earlier in the year and copes admirably with Cushing's and arthritis. He is still our favourite blogger — and yours, too, we think.

Of course, our chief work is, and always will be, prayer. In the light of the distressing events in Paris, Mali, Lebanon, Nigeria and, above all, Syria, that work becomes ever more important. How can we expect the world to be kinder or more compassionate if we do not ask our merciful God to show us how?

Preparing for Advent

Throughout Advent we'll be posting short meditations on the blog, as well as daily prayer intentions on Facebook and Twitter. There's an overview of the history and liturgy of the season in the Resources section of our main website, as well as some detailed treatment of the O antiphons (with recordings).

Are We Getting Things Right?

We appreciate feedback and would love to know whether you think we are keeping you well enough informed about the community and what we do. We don't want to overload our newsletters, so we haven't said anything in this one about our Oblates or our Veilaudio service. When our new website is up and running, there will be an opportunity for you to read our annual reports to the Charity Commissioners so you can see how we meet our duty of public service.

Christmas is Coming

We try to maintain an atmosphere of joyful preparation throughout the time of Advent. Everything is kept very plain and simple. The Christmas decorations won't go up until the afternoon of Christmas Eve, and not a single mince-pie will cross our lips until the feast has begun. You can be quite sure you will be in our prayers throughout this season, as, indeed, you always are.

As a community we shall be making a special effort to suppot Caritas International in its work for refugees and asylum seekers. However, we know that kind friends often like to make a gift to the community here, so we have drawn up a Christmas List of suggestions using the Amazon Wish List facility. You will find the list on our Facebook page. If you wish to give us something on the list but don't wish to do so via Amazon, please indicate on the list that you are doing so or your gift may be duplicated.

This comes to you with love and prayer from the Benedictines of Howton Grove and companionable snufflings from Bro Duncan PBGV.

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