Interview with Larch – the fairy nursemaid who helped raise Princess Aislin
By: Oakley Treekin
What was Princess Aislin like as a little girl?
Even as an infant she was interested in everything that was going on around her and had the most wonderful laugh. The tiny fairies loved to tickle her feet just to see her smile. Princess Aislin did have a temper though, which showed itself when she was but a few months old. Why, one time she got so angry that the entire castle shook. Her grandmothers finally got together and did what they could to help. Her pedrasi grandmother, Queen Amethyst, found the perfect stone and her fairy grandmother, Queen Surinen, turned it into a mood stone that would change colors according to Aislin's moods. Of course, that didn't change the little princess's temper, so the two queens turned a lovely crystal bowl into a calming bowl. Washing her face with water from the bowl calmed Aislin down every time. They made Twinket for her, too. Twinket is a living doll who became one of the princess's closest friends. For the most part, though, Aislin is sweet and kind. She's always had more friends than I can count.
It is said that Princess Aislin's grandparents weren't happy when her parents married. How did they react to the news that the princess had been born?
'Weren't happy' is an understatement! They were furious when they heard about Maylin and Carrigan. Even a common pedrasi and an ordinary fairy would have been punished for such a match. But the crown prince of the fairies and the crown princess of the pedrasi… I was there when Queen Surinen found out. I thought she was going to rip the palace down, she was that mad. The king and queen wanted to force their son, Prince Carrigan, to leave Princess Maylin, but he refused to let his parents intimidate him. They were about to banish him when they learned that Princess Maylin was with child. You can't imagine how fast they forgot about being angry and started to celebrate! Fairy children are so rare that even one that's half pedrasi is considered truly wonderful. Nothing was too good for Maylin and Carrigan after that.
When did Princess Aislin discover her abilities?
Like I said, Aislin was a baby when we found out that she was attune with stone and could shake the palace when she was mad. I think she was three or four when she showed that she had other pedrasi attributes. It was the day she received a bag of marbles as a gift and identified what kinds of stones they were without looking. Most pedrasi children can't do that until they're eleven or twelve.
What kind of education did the princess receive?
I was her nanny when she was little, and I taught her about her fairy side, of course. And then Nurlue came to Eliasind to teach her about being a pedrasi. We both taught her history and languages and everything else her parents wanted her to learn. But she was with us only a third of the year. She lived with the pedrasi in Deephold for another third and in the fairy palace, Fairengar, for the last third. I dare say she learned as much with her teachers there as she did with us in Eliasind.
Where did she prefer to live?
All three places are special in their own way. Deephold is a mountain and has extraordinary caverns and hidden tunnels. Fairengar is the most beautiful palace in all the world and is rife with fairy magic. And Eliasind is home to all kinds of fey who bring their own tastes and cultures, making the castle unique in the Land Between the Mountains. As to which one Aislin likes best? I can't really say. You'll have to ask her.
How does Princess Aislin treat the other types of fey?
Like she treats everyone. Fairies, pedrasi, sprites, spriggans, nymphs, orcs, satyrs and minotaurs are the same in her eyes. She treats them all with kindness and can't abide anyone who doesn't.
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