diplomat Magazine Printed Edition June 2020

Diplomat Magazine

Dear Ambassadors, dear members of the diplomatic corps, dear readers,

Thank you very much, for your exceptional commitment, and support to Diplomat Magazine. Your fresh articles and positive energies, helped us to go ahead in these time of uncertainties. We are glad to introduce to you the new paper edition of the magazine.
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Diplomat Magazine head lines

Second option we published in 2018 LadislavHamran 1 Photography by Eurojust 2018.

Ladislav Hamran, President of Eurojust

At Eurojust’s premises in The Hague, you will find prosecutors from 27 EU Member States and 8 third countries working together under one roof. In many of our cases, they join forces with Eurojust Contact Points located in 52 countries all over the world.

Each of these legal professionals comes from a different national jurisdiction, with its own legal system, customs, traditions and practices. So how do we manage to bridge the gap between so many different jurisdictions? How do we make judicial cooperation work in this highly complex playing field?

Photography by Catherine Dailey IMG 1108

The Hague’s Ambassadors gather at the Peace Palace

Her Majesty Queen Noor

Her Majesty Queen Noor, Dowager Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

[Diplomat Magazine, the first diplomatic magazine in the Netherlands, is inspiring diplomats, civil servants and academics to contribute to a free flow of ideas through an extremely rich diplomatic life, full of exclusive events and cultural exchanges, as well as by exposing profound ideas and political debates in our printed and online editions.]

Credits EC - Audiovisual Service.

Europa Nostra: Forging a New European Deal for Cultural Heritage

Europe and its citizens are confronted with many pressing issues: an unprecedented health emergency, a deep environmental crisis, a dangerous rise of extremism and populism and increasing threats to fundamental values such as the rule of law, to name a few.

Women in International Law. Photography by Roy Strik. high resolution DSC03848A

Bridging the Gender Gap in International Law: meet the Women in International Law Network

The field of Law is still, be it on a national or international level, a predominantly male dominated territory. How can that be changed? How do women gain traction, tipping the scales towards a more balanced environment, fostering a culture of support and awareness for the potential and the achievements of women, bringing about positive social change?

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