I hope you all had a great week! My kiddos only have a few days of school left and we are non-stop these days with end of year activities, but I'm ho

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I hope you all had a great week!
My kiddos only have a few days of school left and we are non-stop these days with end of year activities, but I'm hoping to have a little downtime this weekend...hopefully you can do the same!

Landscaping Tips on a Budget
Angela, 20 May 06:00 AM

Our yard is almost always well-trimmed and weed free, but the landscaping was lacking for the first few years that we lived in our home. Since hiring a professional and spending a small fortune, has never been an option…I’ve learned a few tricks over the years. You don’t have to pay a landscaper to come in and redo everything! There are so many ways to get the yard you’ve dreamed of without spending a fortune. Here are just five tips for landscaping on a budget.

Select the Right Plants for Each Area

If you find yourself planting flowers and ornamental grasses each year, and watching them die, you could be choosing the wrong plants. You want to carefully look at the tags on the plants and flowers you’re buying to make sure they will do well in the areas you’re planting them. For example, if your side yard is sunny throughout the day, choose plants that require full sun…I’ve learned this lesson the hard way!

Choose Perennials Over Annuals

This can be a bit confusing. Annuals only l...

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Patio Update
Angela, 17 May 07:00 AM

Holy cow, the weather in Indiana has not felt like spring, lately!  We have had a lot of rain and some down right COLD days.  On a positive note, my yard is green and my plants are exploding.  I couldn’t take it anymore, so regardless of the cool temps yesterday, I spent some time outside fluffing our patio…

We refinished our back decks last fall, and I loooove the new charcoal color.  (You can see how we did it HERE.)

I also gave our patio furniture a little facelift last year.  Here’s what they looked like BEFORE.  I got this furniture about 5 years, from Walmart on clearance.  Honestly, it has held up amazingly.  I think I paid $125 for all 3 pieces!  I really want new furniture but I can’t justify spending money on something that really doesn’t need replacing.

I spray painted the frames a bright white to contrast with the new deck color, then found cushions at Lowe’s.  The cushions would have costs almost as much as new furniture, but I found them at the end of last year on cl...

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