quick dish

What's New

Fundraising with Feijoada
Quick Dish and HART of Folsom

HART of Folsom is partnering with the area restaurant Quick Dish providing a tasty way to support the unhoused in our community! Sunday, October 29, Quick Dish will be featuring their special Brazilian dish of Feijoada (Black bean stew), donating more than half of all proceeds to HART and our programs. They have a full menu if you choose not to try this special dish. We’ll have HART volunteers, including local High School students, on hand to talk about our programs and hand out information.

Please join us:
Sunday, October 29, 11am-8pm
Quick Dish Restaurant - 322 E Bidwell, Folsom, CA
$17 per plate of Feijoada - Quick Dish!



The HART of Folsom Board of Directors has an opening for a secretary! The duties of the secretary include recording the minutes at monthly meetings and maintaining an official record of all board meeting minutes. The board meets the third Tuesday of each month from 5pm-7pm, and the commitment to attend each meeting is essential for the secretary. If you would like to serve as an officer on the HART of Folsom Board for a term of three years, we hope to hear from you!

Please email Janie Kypta to receive an application. The board will review applications in early December and notify applicants by Friday, December 20th. Interviews will take place the first week of January, and the first day of service for the secretary will be Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Thank you for considering joining the HART of Folsom Board!


Monthly Volunteer Highlight!

Janice has been a supporter of HART of Folsom since the ending of the pandemic. She wanted to do something to help people and saw a post on NextDoor for the General Meeting. At the meeting we were asking for volunteers to man the Rodeo which the city was paying HART of Folsom to help at the gate. That year we had more volunteers than needed for the event, so Janice asked Judi Alexander, our past president, how she could help. Judi recommended that she join our fundraising committee, and she has been a perfect fit and welcomed contributor since!

Janice also volunteers for the Harris Center, the Folsom Historic District Association, with connections in the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council, which makes her an excellent liaison between all these local groups. She brings her expertise in project management, organization, and community knowledge to HART. She likes the people who volunteer to help others within HART and finds that this group works well together. She knows that giving back is keeping her life fully enriched. Janice feels it's satisfying to be a part of the community you live in as well as being the contact to help people work together. Please consider being a volunteer with HART of Folsom today!


HART Transitional Housing Update

The HART Transitional Housing Program has undergone significant changes over the past few months. We are happy to report that we have seven units, six of which are full and the seventh has several applicants seeking the service. The major change to our program is the addition of a certified case manager, who has several years of experience working with the unhoused and providing them with the tools they need to move into a successful future.

A Case Manager is responsible for helping those with chronic illness, mental health issues or life-altering conditions to gain access to rehabilitation programs and other community services. The goal of the case manager is to provide our clients with the pathway to become independent and self-sufficient. Their duties include meeting with clients and their families, connecting clients with professional services and maintaining consistent communication with clients to assess their well-being, and make changes to their treatment plan as needed. The case manager connects with our clients individually on a weekly basis and often connects several times throughout a given week. Through this professional service, our clients are now registered with the County Sacramento Steps Forward system, which provides greater opportunities for services that were not previously readily accessed in the past.

With the addition of the valuable services of a case manager, the roles of mentors in our program will be changing into a supportive unit that works in partnership with and under the direction of the case manager. Each mentor will have unique duties as assigned by the case manager that will lead to the success of the client to accomplish the directives toward a better life.

HART is developing a new quarterly social program for our Transitional Housing clients that will have the purpose of providing fun activities throughout the year. We are looking for volunteers to help develop this idea. If you have an interest, please contact Lilli Duval.


Client Success Story Updates

One of our clients successfully completed HART's interim housing program and is gainfully employed. He has relocated to an apartment complex where he will assume his responsibilities as the apartment manager, while maintaining his full time job. As a former HART client, he is looking forward to future success and has established a solid support network. Our HART Case Manager has full confidence in the former client's capabilities to deal positively should housing challenges present themselves. All our best wishes to him.

Another client determined that he required more intensive treatment support regarding his concerns about potential AOD relapse. He sought out a program that would meet his needs and requested assistance from HART to move. The transition was completed expeditiously. It was a great decision and a positive step forward!


Folsom Winter Shelter HART Volunteers!

Our Signup Genius site is up and ready for YOU! Please sign up for a shift each week serving our guests beginning January 2, 2024! We truly have a spot for everyone either at the Intake Center or the Shelter Sites. If you are at least 18 years old and want to help unhoused adults in Folsom spend evenings and overnights this winter in a safe and encouraging place, we would love to have you. Sign up for a Spot!

Choose a tab (laptop) or dropdown to get to the position you’re interested in. Information for each is on the tab. Each position is crucial to the shelter’s success. We have evening and morning shifts, most are about 90 minutes each week. If you have an evening 5:00-8:00 pm available once a week, Welcome Team at the shelter site is a great place too. We also have Supply Transport, helping pack and unpack the shelter when we move on Sundays several times during the season. Substitutes who can be called to fill in for someone are very much appreciated.

Contact Bev Siess or 530.306.6484 with any questions.


Kind regards,
Your Team at HART

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