Archetypal Dreamwork Evening Presentation When: June 24th, 2015 6 - 8 p.m. Where: Studio One Art Center, Oakland, CA Cost: $10 Inside each of us i


Archetypal Dreamwork Evening Presentation

When: June 24th, 2015 6 - 8 p.m.
Where: Studio One Art Center, Oakland, CA
Cost: $10

Inside each of us is a seeker, a healer, a wise one. The ancients understood our basic connection to nature and to our hearts through the power of our dreams. Many of us have lost that connection to daily living. The dreams offer a doorway to the deep inner sanctum of the eternal wisdom that is our birthright. Come explore the possibilities of the support that dreams have to offer to bring us home to our inner wisdom and to harmony with our inner and outer conditions.

Led by Laura Smith and Kezia Kamenetz, two passionate dreamwork practitioners, this presentation will provide a basic introduction to Archetypal Dreamwork and an opportunity to discuss some participant's dreams. Bring a dream to share if you like.

For more information, contact Laura Smith at 802-734-0180 or Kezia Kamenetz at 917-673-5807. Or email

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